Automate your Workflow
 's API!
Yoom allows you to integrate with B-Cart's API without any coding, enabling you to automate operations on B-Cart via the API. For example, you can link order information from B-Cart to Salesforce or Google Sheets, or register member information from sales management systems like kintone into B-Cart.


Add a contact to Mailchimp when an order is placed on B-Cart.
When an order is placed on B-Cart, this flow adds a contact to Mailchimp. It enables centralized management of customer data, ensuring consistency and reducing work time. This is useful for sending follow-up emails to customers and streamlining email marketing operations.
When a row is updated in Google Sheets, update the member information in B-Cart as well.
When a row is updated in Google Sheets, the member information in B-Cart is also updated in this flow. By using this flow, the burden of data update tasks is reduced. Automation also reduces the risk of human error, enabling accurate data management.
When a row is updated in Google Sheets, update the product information in B-Cart as well.
This is a flow that updates B-Cart product information when a row is updated in Google Sheets. By using this flow, the burden of data update tasks is reduced. Automation also reduces the risk of human error, enabling accurate data management.
When a row is added in Google Sheets, register a member in B-Cart.
When a row is added in Google Sheets, this flow registers a member in B-Cart. By using this flow, the burden of data entry work is reduced. Automation also reduces the risk of human error, enabling accurate data management.
When a row is added in Google Sheets, register the product in B-Cart.
This is a flow for registering products in B-Cart when a row is added in Google Sheets. By using this flow, the burden of data entry work is reduced. Automation also reduces the risk of human error, enabling accurate data management.
Once product information is registered in BASE, register it in B-Cart as well.
Once product information is registered in BASE, it is also registered in B-Cart. By automating the registration of product information in B-Cart, consistency with the product information in BASE can be maintained, eliminating the need for post-registration checks.
Automate the Operation via  
Yoom allows you to integrate with B-Cart's API without any coding, enabling you to automate operations on B-Cart via the API. For example, you can link order information from B-Cart to Salesforce or Google Sheets, or register member information from sales management systems like kintone into B-Cart.
API actions
—no coding required!
Automation Actions
    Automation Triggers
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      Flowbot Template
      Add to Airtable when an order is placed on B-Cart.
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      When an order occurs in B-cart, add it to kintone.
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      Add B-Cart order information to Microsoft Excel
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      Detect a specific agency ID upon member registration in B-Cart and change the price G and display G accordingly.
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      Notify on Discord when an order is placed on B-Cart.
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      Notify Google Chat when an order is placed on B-Cart.
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      Notify LINE WORKS when an order is placed on B-Cart.
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      Notify Microsoft Teams when an order is placed on B-Cart.
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      Notify Slack when an order is placed on B-Cart.
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      Notify Chatwork when an order is placed on B-Cart
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      to Boost your Productivity!
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      can be linked to various apps.
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      . Explore and enhance your workflow!
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