Automate your Workflow
 's API!
In Yoom, you can integrate with the eden LMS API without any code and automate operations of eden LMS via the API. For example, you can register employees in eden LMS triggered by their registration in systems like SmartHR or freee HR, or automatically remove employees from eden LMS upon their resignation.


When a row is updated in Google Sheets, delete the employee information in eden LMS.
When a row is updated in Google Sheets, this flow deletes the employee information in eden LMS. Automation eliminates concerns about human errors or omissions, streamlining operations. It also ensures the accuracy of shared information, facilitating smooth team workflow.
When a row is updated in Google Sheets, update the employee information in eden LMS.
This is a flow to update employee information in eden LMS when a row is updated in Google Sheets. This flow prevents human errors that occurred manually and maintains the accuracy of information registered in different tools.
When a row is added in Google Sheets, add employee information to eden LMS.
This is a flow for adding employee information to eden LMS when a row is added in Google Sheets. Automation not only significantly reduces the time and effort previously required for registration but also maintains the consistency of the registration information. Ensuring the accuracy of registration information facilitates smooth business operations.
Automate the Operation via  
In Yoom, you can integrate with the eden LMS API without any code and automate operations of eden LMS via the API. For example, you can register employees in eden LMS triggered by their registration in systems like SmartHR or freee HR, or automatically remove employees from eden LMS upon their resignation.
API actions
—no coding required!
Automation Actions
    Automation Triggers
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      EDEN LMS
      Flowbot Template
      When a row is updated in Google Sheets, delete the employee information in eden LMS.
      Try it
      When a row is updated in Google Sheets, update the employee information in eden LMS.
      Try it
      When a row is added in Google Sheets, add employee information to eden LMS.
      Try it
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      to Boost your Productivity!
      With Yoom,
      EDEN LMS
      can be linked to various apps.
      Below are some popular integrations for
      EDEN LMS
      . Explore and enhance your workflow!
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      How to request materials and apply for a demo