Automate your Workflow
Money Forward Cloud Expenses
 's API!
With Yoom, you can integrate with the Money Forward Cloud Expenses API without code and automate various tasks related to Money Forward Cloud Expenses. For example, when expense applications or various requests are made in Money Forward Cloud Expenses, you can link them to other SaaS like kintone or Google Sheets, and send notifications to Slack or Chatwork upon approval. Additionally, it is possible to automatically add or delete Money Forward Cloud Expenses accounts when employees join or leave the company.
Money Forward Cloud Expenses
Money Forward Cloud Expenses


Notify in Chatwork when an expense claim is approved in Money Forward Cloud Expense.
This is a flow bot that notifies a specified chat room in Chatwork when an expense application is approved in Money Forward Cloud Expenses. Please use it if you want to keep track of approval results in Money Forward Cloud Expenses through Chatwork.‍
When an expense application is approved in Money Forward Cloud Expense, the information is linked to a Google Spreadsheet.
This is a flow bot that links application information to a specified sheet in Google Sheets when an expense application is approved in Money Forward Cloud Expenses. It is a convenient flow bot for managing reimbursable expenses and other expenses on Google Sheets.‍
When an expense application is approved in Money Forward Cloud Expense, notify on Slack.
This is a flow bot that notifies Slack when an expense application is approved in Money Forward Cloud Expense. You can freely set the channel to be notified. Please use it when you want to keep track of approval results in Money Forward Cloud Expense on Slack.
When an expense claim is approved in Money Forward Cloud Expense, notify LINE WORKS.
This is a flow bot that notifies a specified talk room in LINE WORKS when an expense application is approved in Money Forward Cloud Expenses. The destination talk room can be set freely. Please use it when you want to keep track of approval results in Money Forward Cloud Expenses via LINE WORKS.
When an expense is applied for in Money Forward Cloud Expenses, notify in Chatwork.
This is a flow bot that notifies a specified Chatwork talk room when an expense is applied for in Money Forward Cloud Expenses. Please use it if you want to keep track of expense application information in Money Forward Cloud Expenses via Chatwork.‍
When an expense is applied for in Money Forward Cloud Expense, notify on Slack.
This is a flow bot that notifies a specified Slack channel when an expense is submitted in Money Forward Cloud Expenses. It is useful for keeping track of expense submission information in Money Forward Cloud Expenses via Slack.
Automate the Operation via  
Money Forward Cloud Expenses
With Yoom, you can integrate with the Money Forward Cloud Expenses API without code and automate various tasks related to Money Forward Cloud Expenses. For example, when expense applications or various requests are made in Money Forward Cloud Expenses, you can link them to other SaaS like kintone or Google Sheets, and send notifications to Slack or Chatwork upon approval. Additionally, it is possible to automatically add or delete Money Forward Cloud Expenses accounts when employees join or leave the company.
API actions
—no coding required!
Automation Actions
    Automation Triggers
      Try it out for free
      How to request materials and apply for a demo
      Money Forward Cloud Expenses
      Flowbot Template
      Notify in Chatwork when an expense claim is approved in Money Forward Cloud Expense.
      Try it
      When an expense application is approved in Money Forward Cloud Expense, the information is linked to a Google Spreadsheet.
      Try it
      When an expense application is approved in Money Forward Cloud Expense, notify on Slack.
      Try it
      When an expense claim is approved in Money Forward Cloud Expense, notify LINE WORKS.
      Try it
      When an expense is applied for in Money Forward Cloud Expenses, notify in Chatwork.
      Try it
      When an expense is applied for in Money Forward Cloud Expense, notify on Slack.
      Try it
      When an expense is applied for in Money Forward Cloud Expense, notify LINE WORKS.
      Try it
      When an expense is applied for in Money Forward Cloud Expenses, it is linked to Google Sheets.
      Try it
      When an expense claim is approved in Money Forward Cloud Expense, add it to Microsoft Excel.
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      When an expense application is approved in Money Forward Cloud Expenses, add it to Salesforce.
      Try it
      Connect with More Apps
      to Boost your Productivity!
      With Yoom,
      Money Forward Cloud Expenses
      can be linked to various apps.
      Below are some popular integrations for
      Money Forward Cloud Expenses
      . Explore and enhance your workflow!
      Money Forward Cloud Expenses
      Money Forward Cloud Expenses
      Work Smarter 
      with Yoom
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      30 sec!
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      Try for free now!
      How to request materials and apply for a demo