Automate your Workflow
 's API!
Yoom allows you to utilize the Smaregi API without any coding. You can integrate Smaregi with other SaaS or notify daily closing information from Smaregi to Slack or Chatwork. Additionally, you can sync Smaregi information to Yoom's database for various purposes.


Automatically retrieve the previous day's Smaregi daily closing information and store it in the Yoom database.
Automatically retrieve the previous day's Smaregi daily closing information at a fixed time every day and store it in the Yoom database.
Update the stock quantity in Smaregi from the Yoom database.
Update the inventory count in Smaregi based on the stock information managed in the Yoom database.
When a row is added in Google Sheets, register the product information in Smaregi.
This is a flow for registering product information in Smaregi when a row is added in Google Sheets. It eliminates the need for manual transcription work, significantly reduces the risk of human error, and greatly improves operational efficiency.
Store the previous day's closing information (sales information) from Smaregi into a Google Spreadsheet.
This is a flow to store the daily closing information (sales information) from Smaregi into a Google Spreadsheet every day. By storing the daily closing information in a Google Spreadsheet, it becomes easier to centrally manage sales information.
When a row is added in Google Sheets, register the member information in Smaregi.
This is a flow for registering member information in Smaregi when a row is added in Google Sheets.
When a transaction is registered in Smaregi, add the information to Google Sheets.
When a transaction is registered in Smaregi, the information is automatically stored in Google Sheets. By having transaction information automatically stored in Google Sheets, stakeholders can check the status and progress of transactions in real-time.
Automate the Operation via  
Yoom allows you to utilize the Smaregi API without any coding. You can integrate Smaregi with other SaaS or notify daily closing information from Smaregi to Slack or Chatwork. Additionally, you can sync Smaregi information to Yoom's database for various purposes.
API actions
—no coding required!
Automation Actions
    Automation Triggers
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      Flowbot Template
      Automatically retrieve the previous day's Smaregi daily closing information and store it in the Yoom database.
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      Update the stock quantity in Smaregi from the Yoom database.
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      When a row is added in Google Sheets, register the product information in Smaregi.
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      Store the previous day's closing information (sales information) from Smaregi into a Google Spreadsheet.
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      When a row is added in Google Sheets, register the member information in Smaregi.
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      When a transaction is registered in Smaregi, add the information to Google Sheets.
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      Notify daily sales information from Smaregi on LINE every day.
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      Once product information is registered in Shopify, it will be linked to Smaregi.
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      When a record is registered in kintone, register the product information in Smaregi.
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      When the specified schedule arrives, obtain the transaction list from Smaregi for order management and request confirmation from the person in charge.
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      can be linked to various apps.
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