Automate your Workflow
 's API!
Yoom allows you to integrate with Talknote's API without any code, automating operations in Talknote. For example, you can notify messages to a Talknote thread or automatically post to a Talknote note when an email is received or an event occurs in another service.


Notify Talknote when a record is registered in kintone.
When a record is registered in kintone, a notification is sent to Talknote. This flow allows team members to stay informed of important information promptly without constantly monitoring kintone.
Summarize the contents of the minutes registered in the Notion database and notify Talknote.
This is a flow that summarizes the contents of the minutes registered in the Notion database and notifies Talknote. Team members can quickly grasp the important points without having to check the details of the minutes.
Translate messages posted on Slack and post the translated version on Talknote.
You can translate messages posted on Slack and post the translated version on Talknote. By automating the translation process, you can reduce the burden of communication and improve work efficiency.
When a schedule is registered in Jicoo, notify in Talknote.
When a schedule is registered in Jicoo, a notification is sent to Talknote. As the schedule is posted to Talknote simultaneously with its registration in Jicoo, all team members can be aware of the schedule and make necessary preparations and adjustments.
Retrieve information from the website daily and notify Talknote.
This is a flow that retrieves information from a website daily and notifies Talknote. It allows the necessary information from the website to be automatically notified to Talknote every day, enabling prompt responses. Additionally, eliminating manual work can also improve operational efficiency.
When a lead is registered in Pipedrive, notify Talknote.
When a lead is registered in Pipedrive, this flow sends a notification to Talknote. This allows the entire team to smoothly grasp lead information, enabling prompt responses and follow-ups, thereby improving operational efficiency.
Automate the Operation via  
Yoom allows you to integrate with Talknote's API without any code, automating operations in Talknote. For example, you can notify messages to a Talknote thread or automatically post to a Talknote note when an email is received or an event occurs in another service.
API actions
—no coding required!
Automation Actions
    Automation Triggers
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      How to request materials and apply for a demo
      Flowbot Template
      Notify Talknote when a record is registered in kintone.
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      Summarize the contents of the minutes registered in the Notion database and notify Talknote.
      Try it
      Translate messages posted on Slack and post the translated version on Talknote.
      Try it
      When a schedule is registered in Jicoo, notify in Talknote.
      Try it
      Retrieve information from the website daily and notify Talknote.
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      When a lead is registered in Pipedrive, notify Talknote.
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      Notify Talknote when a leave request is created by an employee in NotionDB.
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      Extract tasks due today from the Notion database every day and notify them all at once in Talknote.
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      When deal information is created in GENIEE SFA/CRM, notify Talknote.
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      Notify Talknote when a row is added in Google Sheets.
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      to Boost your Productivity!
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      can be linked to various apps.
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      . Explore and enhance your workflow!
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      30 sec!
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      How to request materials and apply for a demo