Automate your Workflow
Toyokumo Safety Confirmation Service 2
 's API!
It is possible to integrate with the Toyokumo Safety Confirmation Service 2 API without any code and automate various tasks using the Toyokumo Safety Confirmation Service 2. You can automatically issue accounts when new employees join the company, and automatically update their department or region during personnel changes.
Toyokumo Safety Confirmation Service 2
Toyokumo Safety Confirmation Service 2


When employee information is updated in Google Sheets, update the Toyokumo Safety Confirmation Service 2 as well.
When employee information is updated in Google Sheets, the flow also updates the Toyokumo Safety Confirmation Service 2. The edited information is automatically reflected, enabling hassle-free and speedy information sharing. Quick information sharing can improve operational efficiency.
When employee information is added to Google Sheets, register it with the Toyokumo Safety Confirmation Service 2.
This is a flow for registering employee information in Toyokumo Safety Confirmation Service 2 when it is added to a Google Spreadsheet. By automatically entering the employee information inputted in the Google Spreadsheet into Toyokumo Safety Confirmation Service 2, it eliminates the need for manual work.
When the department or area is updated in Google Workspace, update it in the Toyokumo Safety Confirmation Service 2.
When a department or area is updated in Google Workspace, this flow updates the information in the Toyokumo Safety Confirmation Service 2. By aligning with updates in Google Workspace, it allows for the synchronization of information in the Toyokumo Safety Confirmation Service 2, thereby streamlining the update process.
When a department or area is updated in SmartHR, update it in the Toyokumo Safety Confirmation Service 2.
When departments or areas are updated in SmartHR, this flow updates the Toyokumo Safety Confirmation Service 2. This eliminates the need to manually update information in the Toyokumo Safety Confirmation Service 2, thereby improving operational efficiency.
Google Workspaceで従業員が登録されたらトヨクモ安否確認サービス2に登録する
Google Workspaceで従業員が登録されたらトヨクモ安否確認サービス2に登録するフローです。このフローを利用すると、情報転記作業が不要になるため、作業効率が向上します。余った時間で他の業務を進めることができるため、生産性向上に寄与します。
Automate the Operation via  
Toyokumo Safety Confirmation Service 2
It is possible to integrate with the Toyokumo Safety Confirmation Service 2 API without any code and automate various tasks using the Toyokumo Safety Confirmation Service 2. You can automatically issue accounts when new employees join the company, and automatically update their department or region during personnel changes.
API actions
—no coding required!
Automation Actions
    Automation Triggers
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      How to request materials and apply for a demo
      Toyokumo Safety Confirmation Service 2
      Flowbot Template
      When employee information is updated in Google Sheets, update the Toyokumo Safety Confirmation Service 2 as well.
      Try it
      When employee information is added to Google Sheets, register it with the Toyokumo Safety Confirmation Service 2.
      Try it
      When the department or area is updated in Google Workspace, update it in the Toyokumo Safety Confirmation Service 2.
      Try it
      When a department or area is updated in SmartHR, update it in the Toyokumo Safety Confirmation Service 2.
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      Google Workspaceで従業員が登録されたらトヨクモ安否確認サービス2に登録する
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      Register employee information registered in SPIRAL to the Toyokumo Safety Confirmation Service 2 as well.
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      Register employee information registered in Sasuke Works to Toyokumo Safety Confirmation Service 2.
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      Register employee information registered in @pocket with the Toyokumo Safety Confirmation Service 2 as well.
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      Connect with More Apps
      to Boost your Productivity!
      With Yoom,
      Toyokumo Safety Confirmation Service 2
      can be linked to various apps.
      Below are some popular integrations for
      Toyokumo Safety Confirmation Service 2
      . Explore and enhance your workflow!
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      How to request materials and apply for a demo