Automate your Workflow
 's API!
In Yoom, you can integrate with the YouCanBookMe API without any code, allowing you to perform operations on YouCanBookMe via the API. For example, you can trigger actions when a booking is made on YouCanBookMe to sync booking information with other services like Hubspot or Salesforce, or notify platforms like Slack or Google Chat when a booking is canceled on YouCanBookMe.


When a schedule is registered in YouCanBookMe, it is also added to the Notion database.
When a schedule is registered in YouCanBookMe, it is also added to the Notion database in this flow. The schedule manager no longer needs to check both YouCanBookMe and Notion, allowing for efficient sharing of the latest information.
When a schedule is registered in YouCanBookMe, notify Google Chat.
When a new appointment is registered in YouCanBookMe, this flow sends a notification to a Google Chat space. This eliminates the need for manual notifications or information sharing in Google Chat, allowing you to allocate more time to other tasks and improve work efficiency.
When a schedule is registered in YouCanBookMe, register a lead in Zoho CRM.
When a new appointment is registered in YouCanBookMe, this flow adds a lead to Zoho CRM. It reduces errors from manual input and allows accurate lead information to be registered in Zoho CRM, improving operational efficiency.
When an appointment is booked in YouCanBookMe, create a lead in Salesforce.
This is a flow to register a lead in Salesforce when a new appointment is scheduled in YouCanBookMe. It reduces errors from manual entry and allows for accurate lead information to be registered in Salesforce, improving operational efficiency.
When a schedule is registered in YouCanBookMe, register a lead in Mazrica.
When a new appointment is registered in YouCanBookMe, this flow registers a lead in Mazrica. It reduces errors from manual input and allows accurate lead information to be registered in Mazrica, improving operational efficiency.
When a schedule is registered in YouCanBookMe, register a lead in kintone.
When a new appointment is registered in YouCanBookMe, this flow registers a lead in the kintone database. It reduces errors from manual input and allows accurate lead information to be registered in kintone, thereby improving operational efficiency.
Automate the Operation via
In Yoom, you can integrate with the YouCanBookMe API without any code, allowing you to perform operations on YouCanBookMe via the API. For example, you can trigger actions when a booking is made on YouCanBookMe to sync booking information with other services like Hubspot or Salesforce, or notify platforms like Slack or Google Chat when a booking is canceled on YouCanBookMe.
API actions
—no coding required!
Automation Actions
    Automation Triggers
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      Flowbot Template
      When a schedule is registered in YouCanBookMe, it is also added to the Notion database.
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      When a schedule is registered in YouCanBookMe, notify Google Chat.
      Try it
      When a schedule is registered in YouCanBookMe, register a lead in Zoho CRM.
      Try it
      When an appointment is booked in YouCanBookMe, create a lead in Salesforce.
      Try it
      When a schedule is registered in YouCanBookMe, register a lead in Mazrica.
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      When a schedule is registered in YouCanBookMe, register a lead in kintone.
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      When a schedule is registered in YouCanBookMe, register the lead in Google Sheets.
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      When an appointment is booked on YouCanBookMe, register the lead in Mailchimp.
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      When a schedule is registered in YouCanBookMe, register a lead in Pipedrive.
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      When a schedule is registered on YouCanBookMe, notify on Slack.
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