Automate your Workflow
 's API!
Yoom allows you to integrate with Sansan's API without any code, enabling the automation of various tasks. For example, you can link business card information registered in Sansan to CRMs like kintone or Salesforce, or automatically register captured business card data into Sansan, all without coding. Additionally, by using Yoom's database data connect feature, you can automatically retrieve Sansan's business card data and utilize it for various purposes.


When business card information is registered in Sansan, create a contact in Hubspot.
When business card information is registered in Sansan, a contact creation flow is triggered in HubSpot. The business card information registered in Sansan is automatically linked to HubSpot, eliminating the need for manual data entry and significantly improving operational efficiency.
When a row is added in Google Sheets, register the business card data in Sansan.
When a row is added in Google Sheets, you can register business card data in Sansan.
Register business card information registered in Sansan into Microsoft Excel.
When new business card information is registered in Sansan, it is stored in a Microsoft Excel database. The new business card information is automatically added to Microsoft Excel, eliminating the need for manual data entry and preventing any omissions or errors in information management.
Register business card information recorded in Sansan into kintone.
When new business card information is registered in Sansan, it is a flow to register it in kintone. By linking Sansan and kintone, new business card information is automatically added to kintone, eliminating the need for manual input and preventing any omissions or leaks in information management.‍
When a business card is registered in Sansan, it is also registered in JUST.DB.
When a business card is registered in Sansan, it is also registered in JUST.DB. By automating the input and transcription of business card information, human resources can be focused on more value-added tasks. This ensures the accuracy and reliability of the data.
When the business card information in Sansan is updated, the ticket in HubSpot is also updated.
When the business card information in Sansan is updated, the ticket in HubSpot is also updated in this flow. Since changes in business card information are immediately reflected in HubSpot, proactive responses become possible, leading to improved customer satisfaction.
Automate the Operation via  
Yoom allows you to integrate with Sansan's API without any code, enabling the automation of various tasks. For example, you can link business card information registered in Sansan to CRMs like kintone or Salesforce, or automatically register captured business card data into Sansan, all without coding. Additionally, by using Yoom's database data connect feature, you can automatically retrieve Sansan's business card data and utilize it for various purposes.
API actions
—no coding required!
Automation Actions
    Automation Triggers
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      How to request materials and apply for a demo
      Flowbot Template
      When a business card is registered in Sansan, add it as a registrant to the Zoom webinar.
      Try it
      When registered with Sansan, send a thank-you email via Gmail and record it in a Google Spreadsheet.
      Try it
      When a business card is registered in Sansan, store it in kintone and notify via Slack.
      Try it
      When business card information is registered in Sansan, send an email to Gmail.
      Try it
      When business card information is registered in Sansan, a record is registered in kintone.
      Try it
      When business card information is registered in Sansan, send an email to Outlook.
      Try it
      When a business card is registered in Sansan, the business card information is linked to kintone.
      Try it
      When business card information is registered in Sansan, it is registered as lead information in Salesforce.
      Try it
      Automatically create a folder in Google Drive and send a notification to Slack when a business card is registered in Sansan.
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      Automatically create a folder in Google Drive when registering a business card with Sansan
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      Connect with More Apps
      to Boost your Productivity!
      With Yoom,
      can be linked to various apps.
      Below are some popular integrations for
      . Explore and enhance your workflow!
      Microsoft Outlook
      Microsoft Outlook
      Google Sheets
      Google Sheets
      Work Smarter 
      with Yoom
      Get started in
      30 sec!
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      Try for free now!
      How to request materials and apply for a demo