Automate your Workflow
 's API!
Yoom allows you to integrate with YouTube's API without any coding. For example, you can retrieve YouTube channel report information daily and transfer it to a spreadsheet.


Get the latest YouTube channel report and add it to Google Sheets.
At the specified schedule, the previous day's channel report from YouTube is automatically retrieved and added to a Google Spreadsheet. This allows for effective management of the performance and statistics of the YouTube channel.
Notify on Google Chat when a new video is published on YouTube.
This is a flow that notifies Google Chat when the latest video is published on a specified YouTube channel. By eliminating the need to manually check for new videos, you can improve work efficiency.
Notify on Discord when the latest video is published on YouTube.
This is a flow that sends a notification to Discord when the latest video is published on a specified YouTube channel. By centrally managing video information on Discord, it becomes easier to share information among team members, enabling quick responses and improving work efficiency.‍
Notify on LINE when a video is uploaded to the YouTube channel.
You can receive notifications on LINE when a video is uploaded to a YouTube channel. Automating notifications to LINE helps prevent human errors such as incorrect recipients or missed notifications.
Notify the latest YouTube channel report on LINE
At the specified schedule, the YouTube channel report will be retrieved and notified to the designated LINE talk room. The notification content and the LINE talk room destination can be customized.‍
Get the latest YouTube channel report and add it to Microsoft Excel.
This is a flow to obtain the latest YouTube channel report and add it to the Microsoft Excel database. It eliminates the need for manual downloading and transcription work, reducing the risk of input errors and data inconsistencies, thereby improving operational efficiency.
Automate the Operation via  
Yoom allows you to integrate with YouTube's API without any coding. For example, you can retrieve YouTube channel report information daily and transfer it to a spreadsheet.
API actions
—no coding required!
Automation Actions
    Automation Triggers
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      How to request materials and apply for a demo
      Flowbot Template
      Get the latest YouTube channel report and add it to Google Sheets.
      Try it
      Notify on Google Chat when a new video is published on YouTube.
      Try it
      Notify on Discord when the latest video is published on YouTube.
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      Notify on LINE when a video is uploaded to the YouTube channel.
      Try it
      Notify the latest YouTube channel report on LINE
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      Get the latest YouTube channel report and add it to Microsoft Excel.
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      When a video is published on YouTube, create a task in the Chatwork channel.
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      Notify on Slack when a new video is published on YouTube.
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      Notify the latest YouTube channel report in Google Chat
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      Notify the latest YouTube channel report on Slack
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      How to request materials and apply for a demo