Integrate Chatwork with ChatGPT to directly ask questions from Chatwork, receive answers from ChatGPT, and get notified back in Chatwork.
How to Integrate Applications
Integrate Chatwork with ChatGPT to directly ask questions from Chatwork, receive answers from ChatGPT, and get notified back in Chatwork.
This time, we will introduce the integration of Chatwork and ChatGPT. By integrating these two tools, the process from asking questions to ChatGPT to sending the answers to Chatwork can be simplified. Reduce the back-and-forth between different tools that may feel a bit cumbersome and speed up your work! First, let's introduce the benefits of automating this flow and who it is recommended for.
Recommended for
・Companies utilizing ChatGPT in various aspects of their operations ・Teams that frequently share ChatGPT responses with members via Chatwork ・Those who want to reduce the back-and-forth between different tools by integrating Chatwork and ChatGPT
Benefits and Examples of Integrating Chatwork and ChatGPT
Benefit 1: Reduce the hassle of tasks
With this integration, you can ask questions to ChatGPT based on content posted in Chatwork. Additionally, you can automatically retrieve ChatGPT's responses and post them again to a specific room in Chatwork. This reduces the back-and-forth between different tools, allowing you to use ChatGPT more efficiently. For example, if you are using ChatGPT regularly in your work, the flow involves crafting a prompt and then accessing ChatGPT to ask questions. After that, you copy and paste the response into Chatwork. While this is not a wasteful flow, it can feel a bit cumbersome if you already have multiple tabs open, don't you think? By implementing this integration, you only need to access Chatwork, which may reduce such hassle.
Benefit 2: Easier sharing with members
This integration is also beneficial when working in a team. For example, during an online meeting when discussing an idea, you can automatically obtain responses by asking questions to ChatGPT from Chatwork, and share them in real-time with the meeting members. This eliminates the need to separately paste and send responses in Chatwork, and allows you to share responses with almost no time lag, ensuring that hints for team tasks are quickly disseminated.
Benefit 3: Aggregate responses in specific rooms
Another benefit is the ability to aggregate work-related hints in one room. For instance, when starting a new project, everything needs to begin from scratch. ChatGPT is very useful in such cases, isn't it? By creating a project-specific ChatGPT room in Chatwork, you can aggregate hints related to the project within that room. Since the logs of the ChatGPT account used in the company may display questions unrelated to the project, implementing this integration increases the likelihood of efficiently checking responses.
Now, let's introduce the flow of integrating the apps using Yoom. First, register with Yoom. Yoom offers a 2-week trial. You can actually operate it and check the usability.
[What is Yoom]
This time, we will automate the process of "automatically obtaining and notifying ChatGPT's responses to content posted in Chatwork" using the template below.
How to Create a Workflow for Integrating Chatwork and ChatGPT
The integration workflow this time is broadly divided into the following processes.
・Integrate Chatwork and ChatGPT with My Apps ・Set up Chatwork to ask questions to ChatGPT ・Retrieve ChatGPT's responses and send them to Chatwork ・Turn on the trigger button and verify the integration operation with Chatwork and ChatGPT
Step 1: Integrate Chatwork and ChatGPT with My Apps
After completing the registration with Yoom, please select "My Apps" from the menu on the left.
Next, click the new connection button in the upper right corner.
Integration of Chatwork and Yoom
1. Search
Search for Chatwork.
2. Log in to Chatwork
The login screen will appear. Log in with the account you want to integrate with ChatGPT.
3. Press Allow
Check the content and press Allow.
Return to the Yoom screen, and if the above display appears, the integration is complete.
Once you have entered the information, click the add button in the lower right corner.
If the above display appears, the integration is complete.
Step 2: Copy the Template
Next, please copy the template that will be used this time.
1. Click "See Details" on the top banner 2. Click "Try This Template" at the bottom of the transitioned screen 3. If you haven't registered with Yoom yet, please register
* If you have already completed registration, the login screen will be displayed, so please log in.
Once the Flowbot template is copied to "My Projects", the above display will appear.
You will transition to a page like the image, so let's proceed with detailed settings.
Step 3: Launch Chatwork and Set Up Branching
1. Open My Projects
Open "My Projects" from the menu on the left side of the screen.
2. Open the copied template Click "【Copy】Automatically obtain and notify ChatGPT's response to posts in Chatwork".
3. Select App Trigger
Click "When a new message is posted in the room" on the Chatwork icon. Since the title and other settings are complete, press Next.
4. Set Up Webhook
You will transition to the page in the image. First, post a question to ChatGPT in the Chatwork room, then click the test button.
If "Test Successful" is displayed, press Save.
5. Branch
* "Branching" is an app available only on some paid plans. * A two-week trial of the paid plan is available.
Click the arrow icon "Branch | Branch if it contains the string 'This is ChatGPT's response.'"
6. Confirm
Let's confirm the branching conditions.
This setting is to prevent an infinite loop of Chatwork's app trigger and Chatwork's message sending. Since you are using a template, the settings are already complete. If there are no issues, press Save and proceed to the next step.
Step 4: Set Up ChatGPT and Notification to Chatwork
1. Integrate with the App
Click "Converse" on the ChatGPT icon. Since the title and other settings are complete, press Next.
2. Confirm Message Content
You will transition to the page in the image. Since the message content in the red frame is already set, confirm that it looks like the image. By inserting the prompt posted to Chatwork here, you can ask questions to ChatGPT.
3. Decide on the Model
Scroll down the screen to find the section to set the model. Decide which ChatGPT model to ask questions to. You can select from the dropdown.
4. Test and Save
Once you've set up to this point, press the test button. If "Test Successful" is displayed, click Save.
Next, set up to send responses to Chatwork.
5. Integrate with the App
Click "Send Message" on the Chatwork icon. Since the title and other settings are complete, press Next.
6. Set the Room ID for Posting
Set the room ID to notify ChatGPT's response. Click the box.
A list of channels will be displayed, so click to insert.
7. Set Message Content
Continue to set the message to be posted to Chatwork.
Since you are using a template, the settings are complete, so confirm the content. <span class="mark-yellow">* Please do not delete or change the "This is ChatGPT's response." set in the branching flow earlier.</span>
8. Execute Test
Once the settings are complete as shown in the image, press the test button at the bottom of the screen. If "Test Successful" is displayed, the setup is complete. Save it.
9. Turn ON the Trigger
Once the Flowbot creation is complete, the above display will appear. The trigger is initially set to OFF, so turn it ON.
Flowbot template used this time
Automatically obtain and notify ChatGPT's response to posts in Chatwork
Other Automation Examples Using Chatwork and ChatGPT
Yoom also has other examples of automation using Chatwork and ChatGPT, so here are a few introductions.
1. Summarize the content of received emails with ChatGPT and notify Chatwork
It is also possible to automate the flow of summarization using ChatGPT. This can help ensure that important emails are less likely to be overlooked.
2. Once you retrieve tasks from Asana with a due date of today, notify Chatwork with the message created by ChatGPT
If you are managing tasks with Asana, this is also recommended. By involving ChatGPT, it may become easier to understand the details of the tasks.
3. When there is a form response, use ChatGPT to categorize the response type and add it to the kintone record
You can also categorize responses to the form. This may lead to a reduction in workload and an improvement in efficiency.
By integrating Chatwork with ChatGPT, it is expected to become easier to efficiently utilize ChatGPT while reducing the back-and-forth between different tools. Automatically sending responses to Chatwork also makes it easier to share with members, and it is expected that tips related to work will be smoothly disseminated. Incorporating automation may create a comfortable working environment. Please take this opportunity to try app integration.
The person who wrote this article
After working as a general store manager, I started working from home as an SEO writer. Later, an outsourcing agreement was signed with a marketing startup for about 5 years.
Surrounded by students at the University of Tokyo, I held a computer and spent my days studying various business terms and how to use SaaS tools.
When I was a general store manager, time was taken over and over again by office work such as sales and inventory management, human resource management, and ordering, etc., and I was unable to serve customers and often missed sales times. Even when outsourcing, there are many detailed tasks such as input, etc., and “can't such monotonous tasks be automated?” I thought so, and I really sympathize with Yoom's vision!
Conventional RPA can only automate simple repetitive tasks, and the setup process was very complicated. With “hyperautomation,” which combines various technologies such as AI, API, RPA, and OCR, it is possible to automate many tasks that could not be realized until now more easily than before.
Most tools simply connect one app to another, leaving the complex tasks to you. Yoom goes much further: From document creation and browser automation to OCR and generative AI, Yoom handles it all seamlessly in one platform.
Why settle for basic integrations? Streamline your entire workflow with Yoom’s powerful hyperautomation.