GoogleフォームとMicrosoft Excelの連携イメージ
How to Integrate Applications


How to link Google Forms with Microsoft Excel to create documents in Microsoft Excel based on the content of Google Forms


そこでおすすめなのが、GoogleフォームとMicrosoft Excelの連携です。
本記事では、GoogleフォームとMicrosoft Excelをノーコードで連携する方法を紹介します。
この連携を利用すれば、顧客が入力した情報を自動でMicrosoft Excelに転送し、見積書や申込書を簡単に作成できます。


  • GoogleフォームとMicrosoft Excelでの業務効率化を考えている方。
  • Googleフォームの情報をもとにMicrosoft Excelで書類を作成している方。
  • GoogleフォームとMicrosoft Excelを連携して情報の転記漏れを防ぎたい方。



In the business field, efficient data management and quick response are required.
Especially for sales representatives and event planning and management personnel, manually processing information from customers can be time-consuming and prone to errors.
This is where the integration of Google Forms and Microsoft Excel comes in handy.
This article introduces a no-code method to automate the integration of Google Forms and Microsoft Excel.
By using this integration, you can automatically transfer the information entered by customers to Excel and easily create quotes and application forms.
This will improve work efficiency and increase customer satisfaction, providing great assistance to your busy daily life.

Benefits of Integrating Google Forms and Microsoft Excel

Benefit 1: Improved Work Efficiency

When you integrate Google Forms with Microsoft Excel, the information entered by customers in the form is automatically transferred to Excel.
This eliminates the need to manually enter data, significantly improving work efficiency.
For example, if you receive a quote request from a customer as a sales assistant, the content entered in Google Forms is exported directly to Excel, so there is no need to manually input data.
Saving time is a welcome point for busy individuals like you.

Benefit 2: Improved Data Accuracy

When entering data manually, human errors are inevitable.
However, by integrating Google Forms with Microsoft Excel, the information entered by customers is transferred directly to Excel, greatly improving data accuracy.
Accurate data is especially necessary when creating quotes, making this integration very useful.
Providing accurate quotes also leads to gaining trust from customers.

What Happens When You Integrate Google Forms and Microsoft Excel with Yoom?

Easy No-Code Integration

Many companies face challenges such as the need for API or programming knowledge, or the cost and time of hiring engineers.
Especially for busy individuals like you, specialized knowledge can be a burden.
Additionally, maintenance can be troublesome, and reading English specifications can be difficult.
However, with Yoom, you can intuitively operate without programming knowledge, allowing you to achieve integration immediately without relying on engineers!

Let's Compare with Traditional API Integration!

With Yoom, the app actions are pre-integrated, making it attractive to set up by simply selecting actions.
You can use it with peace of mind even without specialized knowledge, and tasks that would normally take months can be completed in a short time, greatly improving the workflow!
Some of you might think, "Even if you say so, I won't know if it can really be done without code unless you teach me the setup flow."
So next, I will introduce how to easily achieve this integration with Yoom using no-code.

How to Create a Workflow for Integrating Google Forms and Microsoft Excel

Here, we will introduce a workflow for "creating documents in Microsoft Excel based on responses submitted in Google Forms."

Things to Prepare in Advance
・Create a form using Google Forms to fill in the necessary information for the document you want to create
・In Excel, create a template document by referring to "How to Set Up Document Issuance"

Before You Start
If you do not have a Yoom account, please create one from the Yoom Account Issuance Page.
If you are using Yoom for the first time, check out Getting Started with Yoom.

Step 1: My App Integration

Register your Google Forms and Microsoft Excel to My Apps!
(1) Log in to Yoom and click on My Apps on the left side of the screen for integration
(2) Click the + New Connection button displayed on the right side of the screen

How to Register Google Forms to My Apps
‍(1) Select Google Forms from the list of apps
(2) Click Sign in with Google

(3) Select and click the account you want to link on the account selection screen
(4) Verify that the account information to be linked is correct on the Yoom login screen and click Next
(5) Click Continue on the "Yoom is requesting additional access to your Google Account" screen to complete My App registration

How to Register Excel to My Apps
(1) Select Microsoft Excel from the list of apps
(2) Enter the account information to be linked during sign-in
(3) My App registration is complete

After Completing My App Registration to Yoom
(1) Click "Try this Template" on the banner below

(2) Select a project from the workspace list
※The copied template will be stored in "My Projects" within the project selected in (2).
(3) Click "Edit" at the top right of the flow list screen

Step 2: Set the Trigger

(1) Click "App Trigger" from the flow list screen

(2) Set the title of the app trigger
※You can use the originally set title as is
(3) Verify that the account information linked with Google Forms is correct
※If the account information is not displayed, click +Add Linked Account to register.
(4) Select "When a response is submitted to the form" as the trigger action

(5) Click Next

■ API Connection Settings for App Trigger
(6) Set the trigger interval to 5 minutes
※The trigger interval that can be set varies depending on the plan.
(7) Enter the Form ID, which is the "●●●●●●" part of "●●●●●●/edit"

(8) If there are no errors in the test, click Save

Step 3: Issue the Document

(1) Click "Issue Document"
(2) Set the title
※You can use the originally set title as is
(3) Verify that the account information linked with Microsoft Excel is correct
(4) Set the linkage for the template document

  • File storage location: Select from the dropdown menu
  • Drive ID: Select from the options
  • Item ID: Select from the options

(5) Set each item of the issued document

  • Folder ID for storage: Select from the options
  • Output file name: This time, it is composed by combining text and output

(6) Click Next

■ Setting Replacement Conditions
(7) Click Retrieve Replacement Conditions
(8) Click OK

(9) Set the string after replacement
※Here, set it to link the information "When a response is submitted to the form" in the output with the template document.

(10) If there are no errors in the test, click Save
※The document is in the specified storage folder, but it can also be checked from the download.

(11) Return to the flow list screen and change the app trigger to ON to complete the flow setup!

Let's Achieve Easy Integration of Google Forms and Excel with Yoom!

By integrating Google Forms with Microsoft Excel, your sales activities and event management will proceed smoothly.
The accuracy of data will also be greatly improved, allowing you to manage customer information and participant lists with confidence.
With Yoom, you can easily set up integration without any programming knowledge, enabling you to achieve integration quickly without relying on engineers.
There's no doubt that automation will enhance your work performance.
Be sure to use Yoom to make your operations even more efficient!


Googleフォームで回答が送信されたらGoogle MeetやZoomでミーティングを自動で作成します。(Google Meetは、Googleカレンダーに予定を追加すると自動でミーティングURLが作成されます)



Microsoft Excelを活用した自動化例

チャットツールで送信された内容からAIでテキストを抽出してMicrosoft Excelに追加する

Google ChatやMicrosoft Teamsで投稿されたメッセージから特定の内容を抽出してMicrosoft Excelに自動で追加します。

顧客管理ツールに登録した情報をMicrosoft Excelに追加する

SalesforceやHubSpotなどに登録した顧客情報をMicrosoft Excelに自動で追加します。

メールで受け取ったアンケート結果をMicrosoft Excelに登録する

GmailやOutlookで受け取ったアンケート結果をMicrosoft Excelに自動で登録します。

GoogleフォームとMicrosoft Excelを連携するメリット

メリット1: 業務効率の向上

GoogleフォームとMicrosoft Excelを連携すると、顧客がフォームに入力した情報が自動的にExcelに転送されます。
例えば、あなたが営業アシスタントとして顧客から見積依頼を受け取ると、Googleフォームに入力された内容がそのままMicrosoft Excelにエクスポートされるので、手作業でデータを入力する必要がありません。

メリット2: データの正確性向上

しかし、GoogleフォームとMicrosoft Excelを連携させれば、顧客が入力した情報がそのままMicrosoft Excelに転送されるため、データの正確性が格段に向上します。

YoomでGoogleフォームとMicrosoft Excelを連携するとどうなる?






GoogleフォームとMicrosoft Excelを連携させることで、営業活動やイベントの運営がスムーズに進むでしょう。

The person who wrote this article
I changed my job from a dental hygienist to the IT industry, and in my previous job, I worked on web page replacement etc. as director support at a web company. Taking advantage of this experience, I am now putting all my energy into telling everyone about the appeal of Yoom. With an approach that combines technology and user perspectives, we sincerely want to help you improve your work efficiency through Yoom.
Google Forms
Microsoft Excel
App integration
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What is Yoom hyperautomation?
Conventional RPA can only automate simple repetitive tasks, and the setup process was very complicated.
With “hyperautomation,” which combines various technologies such as AI, API, RPA, and OCR, it is possible to automate many tasks that could not be realized until now more easily than before.
Don't Just Connect Apps—Automate Everything
Most tools simply connect one app to another, leaving the complex tasks to you. Yoom goes much further: From document creation and browser automation to OCR and generative AI, Yoom handles it all seamlessly in one platform.

Why settle for basic integrations? Streamline your entire workflow with Yoom’s powerful hyperautomation.
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