Microsoft ExcelとGoogle スプレッドシートの連携イメージ
How to Integrate Applications


GoogleスプレッドシートとMicrosoft Excelを連携して、フォームに回答があったら、Googleスプレッドシートに追加し、Microsoft Excelのシートにも追加する方法


データの管理や共有に、Google スプレッドシートとMicrosoft Excelを併用する企業は多いのではないでしょうか?

そこで本記事では、フォームの回答をGoogle スプレッドシートとMicrosoft Excelに自動で追加する方法を紹介します。


  • Google スプレッドシートとMicrosoft Excelでの業務効率化を考えている方。
  • Google スプレッドシートとMicrosoft Excelでデータを管理している方。
  • Google スプレッドシートとMicrosoft Excelでのデータ整合性を高めたい方。



Benefits of Integrating Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets

1. Automatic Data Synchronization

By integrating Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets, automatic data synchronization becomes possible.
Setting up automatic reflection of data entered in Microsoft Excel to Google Sheets eliminates the need for manual data transfer.
This is particularly beneficial when you need to update data regularly or handle large volumes of data, saving you a significant amount of time.
It also helps prevent input errors caused by manual entry!

2. Collaborative Editing Among Teams

Integration of Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets allows for collaborative editing among teams.
Google Sheets supports simultaneous editing by multiple users, enabling team members working in different locations to input, modify, and review data at the same time.
Especially for online operations, real-time simultaneous editing by the entire team can enhance overall productivity.

3. Centralized Data Management and Easy Sharing

Integrating Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets facilitates centralized data management and easy sharing.
For instance, accessing Google Sheets stored in Google Drive allows you to access the latest data anytime, anywhere.
Additionally, using shareable links enables quick data sharing via email or chat, speeding up information dissemination.

What is Yoom?

Yoom is a tool that enables app integration without coding!
Even those who have given up due to lack of programming knowledge can easily integrate apps through visual operations.
We also offer many templates as examples of business efficiency improvements! If you're interested, please check out here.

Create an account from the Yoom free registration page and start with the free plan.
You can register in 30 seconds!

How to Create a Workflow for Integrating Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets

Now, let's use Yoom to integrate Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets without coding!
We'll create a flowbot using a template that adds responses from a form to Google Sheets and also to a Microsoft Excel sheet.
This time, we assume responses will come in for product purchases, and we'll set it to activate when a form response is submitted.
The form responses will be automatically registered in both Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets, eliminating the need for manual entry and significantly reducing work time!

If you're interested, please use the link below.


Login to Yoom
Log in to your registered Yoom account.


Create a Microsoft Excel File

1. Create an Excel file on OneDrive.

2. Choose a file name and enter the item names according to the response form.
This time, we entered seven items: "Company Name, Name, Contact Method, Contact Information, Desired Product, Quantity, Desired Delivery Date, Remarks".


Create a Google Spreadsheet File

1. Create a Google Spreadsheet file on Google Drive.

2. Choose a file name and enter the item names according to the response form.
This time, we entered seven items: "Company Name, Name, Contact Method, Contact Information, Desired Product, Quantity, Desired Delivery Date, Remarks".


Flowbot Creation Procedure

App Integration

1. Integrate Microsoft Excel and Google Spreadsheet apps. Select the app from "New Connection" in My Apps.


2. Log in with the account you will use.

・For Microsoft Excel, the login screen below will be displayed, so please log in with the account you will use.


・For Google Spreadsheet, select any account on the screen below, log in, and continue with additional access.


3. Once integrated, an icon will be displayed in My Apps.

Create New Project and Flowbot

1. You can create a new project from the + button in the project list. Enter any project name and save it.


2. Click "+Create New" in "Flowbot" and select "Create from Template Gallery".


3. Enter the template name in the search bar and click "Create Template".


You have successfully created a new Flowbot!

Now, let's start setting up the contents of the Flowbot.

Google スプレッドシートやMicrosoft Excelを使ったその他の自動化例

本日ご紹介した連携以外にもGoogle スプレッドシートやMicrosoft ExcelのAPIを活用することで様々な自動化を実現することが可能です。


Google スプレッドシートとMicrosoft Excelを連携した自動化例

Googleフォームに回答があったら、Microsoft ExcelとGoogle スプレッドシートにレコードを登録する連携もあります。
他にも、Google スプレッドシートでデータが追加・更新されたらMicrosoft Excelに自動で反映する連携も可能です。

Advanced Integration Flow of Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets

There are other flow bots that use Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets.
We have prepared an example template for you to use!

Register records in Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets when there is a response to a Google Form

This flow bot is triggered by a response to a Google Form.
When the form is answered, it is set to register records in both Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets simultaneously, eliminating any gaps in information management.
It can be utilized in various situations, such as aggregating survey results for training or meetings.
Please try it from the link below!

Add a record to Microsoft Excel when a task is registered in Asana

This flow bot can automatically add registered tasks as records to Microsoft Excel.
It helps prevent missing information or input errors when managing tasks in each application.

■Create a delivery note from a Microsoft Excel template and notify via Slack

Reflect form responses in a Microsoft Excel template to create a delivery note.
It is recommended for those who want to quickly receive information, as it notifies you via Slack.


This time, we introduced a flow where "when there is a response to a form, it is added to a Google Spreadsheet and also added to a Microsoft Excel sheet." By integrating Microsoft Excel and Google Spreadsheets, you can reduce the burden of form aggregation and prevent sharing omissions and input errors. Furthermore, by combining it with other features of Yoom, the range of possibilities expands, such as document creation and notifications to chat tools.

Please try out the various features of Yoom!

ワークフローが承認されたらMicrosoft Excelにレコードを登録する

Garoonやジョブカン経費精算・ワークフローなどで申請が承認されたらMicrosoft Excelにレコードを自動で追加します。

人事管理アプリに従業員情報が登録されたらMicrosoft Excelに追加する

freee人事労務やSmartHRなどに従業員情報が登録されたらMicrosoft Excelに自動で追加します。

Microsoft ExcelとGoogle スプレッドシートの連携によるメリット


Microsoft ExcelとGoogle スプレッドシートを連携させることで、データの自動同期が可能です。
Microsoft Excelに入力されたデータが、Google スプレッドシートに自動的に反映される設定をすると、手動のデータ移行作業が不要になります。


Microsoft ExcelとGoogle スプレッドシートの連携によって、チーム間の共同編集ができます。
Google スプレッドシートは複数人による同時編集ができ、異なる場所で作業しているメンバーが同時にデータを入力、修正、確認することができます。


Microsoft ExcelとGoogle スプレッドシートを連携させることで、データの一元管理と簡単な共有が実現します。
例えば、Google Driveに保存されたGoogle スプレッドシートにアクセスすると、いつでもどこでも最新のデータにアクセスできます。


今回は、「フォームに回答があったら、Google スプレッドシートに追加し、Microsoft Excelのシートにも追加する」フローをご紹介しました。
Microsoft ExcelやGoogle スプレッドシートを連携することで、フォーム集計の負担を削減し共有漏れや入力ミスを防ぐことができます。


The person who wrote this article
I was an office worker until the end of March this year! Currently, I'm writing a blog as a member of Yoom.
Microsoft Excel
Google Sheets
App integration
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