Click on the title within the red frame from My Projects to proceed to the integration operation.

Step 3: App Trigger "When a Page is Created"

Click on the first process of the template.
(1/2) Select Integration Account and Action
The following items are pre-configured.
- Title of the App Trigger
- App
- Account information linked with NotePM
- Trigger Action
→ Click Next
(2/2) App Trigger Webhook Event Reception Settings

Copy the Webhook URL and link it to a NotePM note. This time, link it to an existing note and use the creation of a new page as a trigger.

Scroll down to the "Service Integration" section.

Click the Add button and select Webhook.

On this screen, paste the Webhook URL copied from the Yoom screen. You can proceed without setting the Secret. Check the notification condition, and click Test Connection and Register. Once registered, create a new page within the note.

A page was created for testing. After adding the page in NotePM, return to the Yoom screen.
→ Click Test → Success. The content of the page, etc., was extracted in the output.

※ If an error occurs
There may be a possibility that the event (page addition) is not registered after setting the Webhook URL in the NotePM management screen. Please test again after adding.
→ Click Save
Step 3: Operate the Database "Add Record"

Click on the second process of the template.
(1/2) Database Integration "Add Record"
The following are pre-configured.
- Title
- Database App
- Account information linked with Microsoft Excel
- Execution Action
Database integration requires configuration.

- File Storage Location
- This time, since we are using Microsoft SharePoint, open the dropdown and select Microsoft SharePoint.
- Site ID
- Click the edit field, and the sites linked to the integrated account will appear as candidates. Selecting one will quote the ID.

- File Name
- This setting is optional.
- Item ID
- Click the edit field to open a dropdown, and the file names of Microsoft Excel within the selected site will be displayed. Selecting one will quote the ID.
- Table Range
- Set in the format "ColumnRow:ColumnRow". This time, since A to H is the table range, enter A1:G1.
Once the database integration is complete, proceed to the next step.
→ Click Next
(2/2) Detailed Settings for Database Operations

The headers of the sheet integrated in the previous screen are extracted and displayed as input fields.

Fill in each edit field. Clicking an edit field will open a dropdown, displaying the output extracted from NotePM.

When you select an item to link to a sheet column, a reference code is embedded in the edit field. Once all items have the output embedded,
→ Click Test → Success
→ Click Save
Step 5: Turn the App Trigger [ON]
Once all processes are configured, a completion screen will pop up.

Turning the trigger [ON] completes the setup. Page information was added to Microsoft Excel on the Microsoft SharePoint site.

<span class="mark-yellow">Integration was achieved without using programming</span> Here is the template used this time.