How to Utilize RPA


How to Automatically Retrieve Product Rankings from Your Own E-commerce Site Daily and Notify via Chatwork


<span class="mark-yellow">"The task of manually checking product rankings every day tends to fall on certain people"—does this situation sound familiar? Have you also felt that "manual notifications can sometimes lead to information leaks, making it difficult to ensure that the entire team is informed"?</span>
By implementing a system that automatically retrieves product ranking information from an e-commerce site and notifies a specific room in Chatwork, you can address these issues. Traditionally, programming skills were required to achieve such a system, but with our flowbot template, it can be easily implemented without specialized knowledge.
Using this system, the entire team can share information in a timely manner, creating an environment where everyone can proceed with their work with peace of mind.

Recommended for

This flowbot is perfect for the following individuals:

  • Those who want to automate the task of checking rankings on e-commerce sites
  • Those who find that the task of checking best-selling rankings daily tends to concentrate on certain people
  • Those who want to ensure that the latest best-selling ranking information is shared with the entire team
  • Those who want to utilize Chatwork to easily create and manage tasks based on ranking information
  • Those who want to not only improve work efficiency but also strengthen team collaboration by integrating with Chatwork

Benefits and Specific Use Cases of Automatically Retrieving E-commerce Site Product Rankings Daily and Notifying Chatwork

We will explore how automation can be beneficial from the perspectives of e-commerce business managers, executives, operational staff, and team leaders.

1. Achieving Rapid Sales Strategies Leading to Increased Revenue

This flowbot operates automatically at a set time every day, collecting product ranking information from e-commerce sites and notifying Chatwork. <span class="mark-yellow">You can automatically obtain product ranking data daily and quickly grasp trends. This data contributes to improving the accuracy of sales strategies and speeding up decision-making.</span>
E-commerce business managers and executives can create an environment where they automatically receive product ranking information, allowing them to immediately grasp trends. This environment makes it easier to consider strategies that lead to increased sales, such as responding to popular products and revising inventory plans.

2. Preventing Work from Becoming Person-dependent and Creating an Environment Focused on Analysis Tasks

Checking rankings may seem simple, but when it falls on certain people, the burden can unknowingly accumulate. <span class="mark-yellow">This automation prevents person-dependence and creates an environment where work can be carried out more efficiently.</span>
For e-commerce operational staff, automating ranking retrieval equalizes routine work that was previously concentrated on certain individuals. As a result, there is more time to focus on tasks that require human intervention, such as analysis and strategy planning, leading to improved productivity for the entire team.

3. Enabling the Entire Team to Grasp Information in Real-time and Streamlining Task Management

Based on the notified ranking information, you can utilize Chatwork's task management features to create new tasks on the spot and share and manage them with team members. <span class="mark-yellow">This allows for integrated information sharing and task management, enabling the entire team to respond quickly and smoothly.</span>
Team leaders and managers can create an environment where they can immediately collaborate with sales and marketing departments through the system of daily automatic notifications of ranking information. Additionally, by utilizing Chatwork's task management features, you can create tasks based on ranking changes on the spot and assign them to members, leading to efficient work progress.

From here, we will explain how to set up "Automatically Retrieve E-commerce Site Product Rankings Daily and Notify Chatwork" using <span class="mark-yellow">Yoom's flowbot template</span>. This time, we will set it up to retrieve product names and URLs from the specified site for the top 1 to 5 products and notify Chatwork daily.

[About Yoom]

Steps to Set Up Automatic Daily Retrieval of E-commerce Site Product Rankings and Notification to Chatwork

By utilizing Yoom's schedule trigger, you can automatically operate the browser at a set time every day (e.g., 9 AM) to retrieve product rankings from e-commerce sites. This operation uses RPA (Robotic Process Automation) to automate browser operations that are typically performed manually.
The retrieved ranking information is notified to a specified channel via Chatwork's API, allowing the entire team to timely confirm the necessary information. Generally, programming knowledge is required to achieve such a system, but with the no-code tool Yoom, it is possible without programming knowledge.

Integration Process

  • Register a My App in Yoom (Chatwork and browser operation account)
  • Copy the template
  • Schedule trigger, browser operation, and app integration
  • Turn on the trigger button and start integration

Items to Prepare in Advance

Chrome Extensions

  •  Since this operation uses Chrome, please prepare an account.
  • Please add the "Yoom Browser Operation Setting Tool" to your Chrome extensions.
  • After adding the Chrome extension, please turn on the setting to allow execution in incognito mode in the extension management screen.


  • Chatwork account information (email address and password)
  • Room ID to send Chatwork notifications

Help: How to Confirm Chatwork Room ID

Step 1: Setting Up My App Integration

Please log in to Yoom's workspace to register the browser/app information to be integrated with Yoom.

Browser Operation Account

Select the "Browser Operation Account" tab in the My App screen and click + New Connection.

The screen below will be displayed.

  • Service Name/Identifier
    • Enter any value.
  • Account Name
    • Chrome login account
  • Password
    • Chrome password

Enter the above and click the Add button to complete the account addition.

New App Connection

Select the "App" tab in the My App screen and click + New Connection.

A list of apps that can be connected to Yoom will be displayed. Please enter the app to be integrated in the search window and proceed with My App registration.


Select Chatwork from the search results. The login screen will be displayed.

Enter the email address and password of the account to be integrated and allow access from Yoom.

This completes the registration of Chatwork in My Apps.

Step 2: Copy Yoom's Flow Bot Template to My Project

Click the banner below.

The template will be copied to My Project. You can access My Project from the left menu bar.

Step 3: Schedule Trigger "Every day at 9 AM"

Click on the first step of the template. This item is pre-configured, so the light blue icon (indicating completion) is lit, but we will explain the settings.

(1/1) Specify Execution Time

Since this is a setting to start every day, check all days in the 'Day of the Week' tab and set it to start at 9 AM. If you need to change the repeat days or times, you can easily set it from this screen.
More complex timing settings can be configured from the Cron settings tab.

Click Save to proceed to the next step.

Step 4: Operate the Browser "Operate the Browser"

Click on the second step of the template. Again, the light blue icon is lit, but additional operations to read the rankings are required.

※ Browser operations are available only on some paid plans.
※ A 2-week trial of the paid plan is available.

(1/1) Detailed Settings for Browser Operation

In the pre-settings, only the step "Access the site" is added.

  • Click "Access the site" to set which site to access.
  • Enter the site URL in the edit field for the target URL.
  • Next, set the action to retrieve the ranking content.
  • Click the + button under the "Access the site" item. A selection screen will appear in a white frame.
  • From this, select "Specify operation in browser."
  • Enter the URL of the site to access on the displayed screen and click the "Start Operation" button.
  • The specified site will open in a separate window.
  • When you open the site, a window labeled 'Set Action to Element' will appear at the bottom left. This indicates the operation mode.
  • On this page, find the best-selling ranking content and retrieve information in order from 1st place.
  • First, click on the 1st place product name, and a dropdown labeled 'Action to be Operated' will appear.
  • Usually, it transitions to the product page, so select the 'Click' action from this item.
  • Navigate to the 1st place product page.
  • Click on the product title again and select "Retrieve Displayed Value" from the dropdown menu.

The action operation screen will be displayed. Here is the important point.

  1. The item name of the retrieved value is labeled 'Displayed Value' by default, but please add '1st place' to avoid duplication with the item names for 2nd to 5th places.
  2. If the item name is not unique, multiple values will correspond to one item name, so it is necessary to separate the item names.

After entering, click the add button at the bottom right.

  • Next, click on the product name on the same screen to open the dropdown menu and retrieve the product page URL.
  • Again, add '1st place' to the item name and click the add button at the bottom right.
  • Again, select 'Go back to the previous page' on the same screen. Go back to the previous page and then retrieve the "Displayed Value" and "Product Page URL" for 2nd place and beyond.

  • After clicking from 1st place and going back to the previous page, the flow will be displayed as shown above on the Yoom operation page.
  • Repeat this process to retrieve the values for the product pages from 2nd to 5th place.
  • Incidentally, if the product display is set to 4 columns, you will need to select the button to slide to the right before retrieving the 5th place. In that case, also select "Click" for the action.
  • After completing the operations from 1st to 5th place, proceed to the test.
  • Click the test button at the bottom right on the Yoom operation screen.
  • When the test starts, the retrieval of values will begin in order from 'Access the site'. Once all specified values on the site have been retrieved, the items and values will be displayed in "Retrieved Values".

The test was successful, and the "Displayed Values" and "Product Page URLs" from 1st to 5th place were retrieved. This item will be used to edit the template message for notification to Chatwork in the next step.

Click Save.

Step 5: Integrate with Apps "Send Message"

Click on the third step of the template. Edit the notification content settings for Chatwork.

(1/2) Select Integration Account and Action

This is pre-configured.

  • Title of the app trigger
  • App
  • Account information for integration with Chatwork
  • Action

→ Click Next.

(2/2) API Connection Settings

  • Room ID
    • Click the edit field to display room candidates. Selecting the room for notification will quote the ID. Alternatively, you can check the ID from the Chatwork room settings.
      Help: How to check Chatwork Room ID
  • Message Content
    • Create a template message for notification. Mentions to specific members are also possible.
  • Click the edit field to display the items retrieved in the previous operation in the dropdown menu.

Enter '1st place:' in the edit field and select the displayed value (product name) and page URL to embed the quote code. Similarly, enter the item names and embed the quote codes for 2nd place and below.

After entering, click the test button at the bottom left. → Success

→ Click Save. This concludes the steps for this process.

Step 6: Turn ON the App Trigger

Once all steps are configured, a completion screen will be displayed.

After turning on the trigger, use the toggle at the top left of the template to start the flowbot.

The flowbot setup was easily completed without programming. Here is the template used.

Make the Most of It! 3 Automation Picks Using RPA and Chatwork

Combining RPA with Chatwork expands the possibilities for improving work efficiency. In particular, centralizing notifications in Chatwork enhances efficiency.

1. Automatically Retrieve and Efficiently Share Website Information

By automatically retrieving website update information at a set time every day and notifying Chatwork, you can eliminate manual work and streamline information sharing. This flow is especially ideal for those who work based on website information or want to share regular updates with their team.

2. Automate Employee Information Registration with Google Forms Integration

Based on the registration information from Google Forms, RPA is used to automatically register employee information in Jobcan Attendance, and notify the team via Chatwork. This helps prevent input errors and omissions, improving operational efficiency.

3. Achieve One-Click Employee Information Registration and Notification

Based on the employee registration information in the Yoom form, RPA handles the automatic registration to Jobcan Attendance and Chatwork notifications. Automation reduces the hassle of registration tasks and transcription errors, enabling swift information sharing.


By implementing the flow bot that integrates browser (website) operations with Chatwork introduced this time, you can prevent the bias of manually obtaining daily bestseller rankings and establish a system to reliably share information with the entire team. With Yoom's flow bot template, you can easily implement automation without programming skills. The intuitive operation allows even first-time users to use it with confidence. Why not create an environment where the entire team can collaborate smoothly and streamline daily tasks? Please try it for free from the banner below. You can experience its effectiveness!

See you again!

The person who wrote this article
10 years as a web planner and director. When I worked for a web production company, my main focus was on proposing modifications and operation plans to clients and proceeding with production. I'm currently a parallel worker. We produce blogs in Yoom's content division, and receive external public relations projects for companies in our individual business. Since we are starting a private lodging, we aim to thoroughly improve the efficiency of routine work!
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What is Yoom hyperautomation?
Conventional RPA can only automate simple repetitive tasks, and the setup process was very complicated.
With “hyperautomation,” which combines various technologies such as AI, API, RPA, and OCR, it is possible to automate many tasks that could not be realized until now more easily than before.
Don't Just Connect Apps—Automate Everything
Most tools simply connect one app to another, leaving the complex tasks to you. Yoom goes much further: From document creation and browser automation to OCR and generative AI, Yoom handles it all seamlessly in one platform.

Why settle for basic integrations? Streamline your entire workflow with Yoom’s powerful hyperautomation.
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