How to Integrate Applications


How to integrate Wrike with Slack to automatically notify Slack when a task is added to Wrike


When tracking the progress of a project, task management tools are very convenient, aren't they? They provide a clear overview of what tasks the team needs to accomplish and who is responsible for each task, making it easier to work smoothly.
However, have you ever felt that "it's a bit of a hassle to open the task management tool to check" or experienced "I didn't notice that a task was added!"?
So, let's integrate Wrike and Slack to make task management easier this time. It is expected to facilitate smooth team collaboration. Please give it a try!

Benefits of Integrating Wrike and Slack

Benefit 1: Strengthening Team Collaboration

With this integration, when a task is added to Wrike, a notification will automatically be sent to Slack. Being notified in the communication tool you regularly use makes it easier to quickly notice task additions and prevents overlooking them.
Additionally, even if it's a task that is not your responsibility, receiving notifications in the Slack channel makes it more noticeable, allowing you to easily grasp the overall flow of the team.
As a result, it is expected that misunderstandings and miscommunications will be less likely to occur, leading to smoother team collaboration.

Benefit 2: Reducing Manual Input and Increasing Efficiency

If you were following a process of reporting to Slack after adding a task to Wrike, that will no longer be necessary. Reporting to Slack is effective for quickly making others aware of tasks in Wrike. However, doing it manually is cumbersome and not efficient.
That's when this integration is recommended. By simply adding a task to Wrike, it will automatically notify Slack, eliminating the need for manual input.
This will shorten the workflow, increase efficiency, and reduce the workload.

[About Yoom]

Next, we will introduce how to create a Flowbot with Yoom, which allows app integration without programming, to "notify Slack when a task is registered in Wrike."
After registering with Yoom, please try creating it!

The above Flowbot template can be copied from below.

1. Hover over the banner and press "View Details"
2. Press "Try this template" on the page you are redirected to
3. Register for Yoom

*If you have already completed the registration, the login screen will be displayed, so please log in.

How to Create a Wrike and Slack Integration Flow

Step 1: Integrate Wrike and Slack with My Apps

Once the registration for Yoom is complete, the Flowbot template will be copied to "My Projects".
If the display appears as shown in the image, please select "My Apps" from the menu on the left.

Click the new connection button in the upper right corner and integrate Yoom with each app.

Integration of Wrike and Yoom

1. Log in
Log in to Wrike from another tab.
By logging in, the integration with My Apps will be completed quickly.

2. Search
Return to Yoom, enter "Wrike" in the search box, and click the Wrike icon.

3. Approval

You will be asked for approval by Wrike, so please click the approve button.

If the above display appears, the integration is complete.

Integration of Slack and Yoom

1. Search
Enter "Slack" in the search box and click the Slack icon.

2. Enter Required Fields

A screen like the above will be displayed, so select the channel where you want to post the translated message from the dropdown.
Then, press "Allow".

The screen will automatically switch to Yoom, and if the above display appears, the integration is complete.

With this, the integration of Wrike and Slack with My Apps is complete.
Next, let's use the template you copied earlier to set up the Flowbot.
If you haven't copied it yet, please copy the Flowbot template from below.

1. Hover over the banner and click "View Details"
2. Click "Try this template" on the page you navigated to
3. Register for Yoom
※ If you have already completed registration, the login screen will be displayed, so please log in.

Step 2: Setting up to Retrieve Task Data from Wrike

1. Open My Projects

Open "My Projects" from the menu on the left side of the screen.

2. Open the copied template
Click on "Notify Slack when a task is registered in Wrike".

3. Select an App Trigger
Select "When a task is created" from the Wrike icon.
Click Next.

4. Set the Trigger Activation Interval

Set the activation interval from the dropdown. You can choose intervals of 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or 60 minutes for the trigger.

Please note that the shortest activation interval varies depending on the plan.

5. Create a Task
Open Wrike in another tab and create a test task.

6. Run the Test
Return to Yoom and press the test button.
Once it shows Test Successful, the trigger setup is complete. Save it.

Step 3: Setting up Notifications to Slack

1. Select an App Trigger
Click on "Send a message to a channel" from the Slack icon.
Since the title and other settings are complete, click Next.

2. Set the Channel ID for Posting

Set which channel to post the Wrike task data to.

Click the box to display a list of channels, and select the channel where you want to receive the Wrike task data.
By selecting, it will be inserted into the box, completing the setup.

3. Set the Message Content

Next, set the message to be posted to Slack. Click the box.

Select "When a task is created" from the Wrike icon.

The Wrike task data sent in the test earlier will be displayed as shown in the image.
Click to insert the content you want to notify.

Once the data is inserted, it will look like the image.

If there are other necessary data, insert them in the same way.

4. Arrange the Layout
Arrange the layout to make it more readable.

This time, I arranged it as shown in the image.
Use line breaks and symbols to make it more readable, and change it to your preferred layout.

5. Run the Test
Once the layout is arranged, press the test button at the bottom of the screen.
If it shows Test Successful, the setup is complete. Save it.

6. Turn ON the Trigger

Once the creation of the flowbot is complete, the above display will appear. The trigger is initially set to OFF, so turn it ON.
This completes the app integration between Wrike and Slack.

Flowbot template used this time
Notify Slack when a task is registered in Wrike

Other Automation Examples Using Wrike

There are many other examples of automation using Wrike at Yoom, so let me introduce a few.

1. Registering Task Information from Wrike to Garoon's Calendar

How about integrating with Garoon, which makes schedule management easy? It is also suitable for large-scale projects as it supports use by large groups.

2. Notify Talknote when a task is registered in Wrike

With seamless integration with Talknote, which is perfect for smartphones, you can easily check task management. Even if you are frequently out for sales or other activities, it becomes easier to keep track, helping to prevent oversights.

3. When a case action is registered in Mazrica, add it to Wrike as well

Integration with Mazrica is also possible. It will likely assist in sales and marketing. Since input is automated, the hassle of manual entry is eliminated, allowing more resources to be allocated to core tasks!


Task management is crucial for smoothly progressing with work. However, task management is not only essential for improving work efficiency but also for facilitating team communication. From this perspective, it is advantageous for the entire team to quickly recognize the next tasks. By incorporating this automation, it becomes easier to detect the addition of new tasks, reducing time wastage. Moreover, Yoom allows app integration without the need for programming. There are numerous templates available that can be set up with just a click, making it easy to automate your workflow. Even those who have given up on implementing automation before will find it easy to adopt, so please take this opportunity to try it out.

The person who wrote this article
After working as a general store manager, I started working from home as an SEO writer. Later, an outsourcing agreement was signed with a marketing startup for about 5 years. Surrounded by students at the University of Tokyo, I held a computer and spent my days studying various business terms and how to use SaaS tools. When I was a general store manager, time was taken over and over again by office work such as sales and inventory management, human resource management, and ordering, etc., and I was unable to serve customers and often missed sales times. Even when outsourcing, there are many detailed tasks such as input, etc., and “can't such monotonous tasks be automated?” I thought so, and I really sympathize with Yoom's vision!
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Conventional RPA can only automate simple repetitive tasks, and the setup process was very complicated.
With “hyperautomation,” which combines various technologies such as AI, API, RPA, and OCR, it is possible to automate many tasks that could not be realized until now more easily than before.
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Most tools simply connect one app to another, leaving the complex tasks to you. Yoom goes much further: From document creation and browser automation to OCR and generative AI, Yoom handles it all seamlessly in one platform.

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