Automate your Workflow
 's API!
In Yoom, you can integrate with Bubble's API without code and perform operations on Bubble via the API. For example, you can automatically link information registered in Bubble to other services like Google Sheets or Slack, or automatically register and update information in Bubble's database.


Notify LINE WORKS when a Thing is created in Bubble.
This is a flow that sends a notification to LINE WORKS when a Thing is created in Bubble. Team members no longer need to perform confirmation or notification tasks, which improves work efficiency. Additionally, the risk of human error is reduced, enabling faster and more accurate information sharing.
Notify Microsoft Teams when a Thing is created in Bubble.
This is a flow that sends a notification to Microsoft Teams when a Thing is created in Bubble. It enables prompt responses and feedback, freeing developers from manual notification tasks, allowing them to focus on their core work and improve productivity.
When a Thing is created in Bubble, notify Talknote.
When a Thing is created in Bubble, this flow sends a notification to Talknote. By being freed from the manual notification tasks, developers can focus on their core duties, enhancing productivity. Automatic notifications to Talknote promote information sharing within the team and visualize the overall progress of the project.
Notify Discord when a Thing is created in Bubble.
This is a flow where a notification is sent to Discord when a Thing is created in Bubble. When a Thing is created in Bubble, a notification is automatically sent to Discord, eliminating the need for team members to perform confirmation or notification tasks, thereby significantly improving operational efficiency.
When a Thing is created in Bubble, notify via LINE.
This is a flow that sends a notification to LINE when a Thing is created in Bubble. Team members can smoothly grasp the creation of a Thing, enabling quick responses and feedback. By being freed from the manual task of sending notifications, developers can focus on their core tasks, thereby improving productivity.
Automatically register the information from the input form in Bubble.
This is a flow that automatically registers information from the input form into Bubble. By automatically registering the form information into Bubble, it eliminates the hassle of manual entry and prevents errors. This allows for comprehensive management and maintains high accuracy of the accumulating data.
Automate the Operation via  
In Yoom, you can integrate with Bubble's API without code and perform operations on Bubble via the API. For example, you can automatically link information registered in Bubble to other services like Google Sheets or Slack, or automatically register and update information in Bubble's database.
API actions
—no coding required!
Automation Actions
    Automation Triggers
      Try it out for free
      How to request materials and apply for a demo
      Flowbot Template
      Notify LINE WORKS when a Thing is created in Bubble.
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      Notify Microsoft Teams when a Thing is created in Bubble.
      Try it
      When a Thing is created in Bubble, notify Talknote.
      Try it
      Notify Discord when a Thing is created in Bubble.
      Try it
      When a Thing is created in Bubble, notify via LINE.
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      Automatically register the information from the input form in Bubble.
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      When a Thing is created in Bubble, notify Google Chat.
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      When a Thing is created in Bubble, notify Slack.
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      Notify Chatwork when a Thing is created in Bubble.
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      Add information registered in Rakuraku Sales to Bubble.
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      to Boost your Productivity!
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      can be linked to various apps.
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      . Explore and enhance your workflow!
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      How to request materials and apply for a demo