1. Click on "View Details" on the banner above
2. The page will transition. Click on "Try this template" at the bottom
3. Register for Yoom
* If you have already completed registration, the login screen will be displayed, so please log in.
How to Create a Workflow for CloudSign and RakuRaku Sales Integration
Step 1: My App Integration

The template will be copied, and the screen will look like the one above.
Since you have transitioned to the Yoom page called "My Projects", please select "My Apps" from the menu on the left side of the screen.

First, integrate Yoom with each tool. Click "New Connection" at the top right.
Integration of CloudSign and Yoom
1. Search
Enter CloudSign in the displayed box and select the CloudSign icon.
2. Log in

The screen above will be displayed. Enter your account name and client ID.
For details, please check CloudSign My App Integration.
3. Add
Once you have entered the required fields, click the add button at the bottom right.

If the above display appears, the integration is complete.
Integration of RakuRaku Sales and Yoom
1. Search
Enter "RakuRaku Sales" in the displayed box and click the RakuRaku Sales icon.
2. Enter Required Fields

Details on the integration method are described in the displayed image.
Follow the content to generate an API token.

Once the API token generation is complete, copy and paste it into the required fields.
After entering, click add at the bottom right.

If the above display appears, the integration is complete.
The My App integration for CloudSign and RakuRaku Sales is now complete.
Next, let's set up the flow bot using the template you copied earlier.
If you haven't copied it yet, please copy the flow bot template from below.