How to Integrate Applications


How to update Rakuraku Sales when a contract is concluded in CloudSign by linking CloudSign and Rakuraku Sales


CloudSign aligns with the needs of today's IT society, allowing contracts to be concluded over the internet. There is no need to exchange documents, enabling companies to enter into contracts smartly, making the process from agreement to conclusion smoother.
This is a convenient tool that allows contract processing with just a computer, but how do you handle administrative tasks after the contract is concluded?
If you are manually entering the details into sales management tools, let's automate administrative tasks by integrating CloudSign with RakuRaku Sales!

After smartly concluding a contract with CloudSign, you can also automatically update RakuRaku Sales information. Information updates are completed with one action, shortening the business flow!
We provide a detailed explanation on how to integrate CloudSign with RakuRaku Sales, so please take a look.

Benefits of Integrating CloudSign with RakuRaku Sales

1. Business flow is shortened

Once a contract is completed with CloudSign, its details are automatically reflected in RakuRaku Sales. Therefore, there is no need to open RakuRaku Sales and input data after the contract is concluded, saving you effort.
Additionally, since RakuRaku Sales information is automatically updated, it also helps prevent human errors such as input omissions.
This eliminates redundant tasks and reduces input errors. As a result, the business flow is shortened, leading to time savings.

2. Transition to the next phase becomes smoother

By automatically adding the details of the contract concluded with CloudSign to RakuRaku Sales, the transition to the next phase can be done quickly.
For example, if the sales department sells and another department handles follow-up after the contract, it should be easier to coordinate between departments.
The department taking over can proceed with preparations by checking the information in RakuRaku Sales without waiting for communication from other departments.

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Now, let's automate the business flow of "updating RakuRaku Sales information once a contract is completed with CloudSign"!
After registering with Yoom, create a flow bot to automate the business flow.
We provide a detailed explanation with images on how to integrate, so please give it a try!

<span class="mark-yellow">[Please Confirm]</span>

※ RakuRaku Sales is an app available only with the Team Plan and Success Plan. If you are on the Free Plan or Mini Plan, the operations and data connections of the configured flow bot will result in errors, so please be careful.
※ Paid plans such as the Team Plan and Success Plan offer a two-week free trial. During the free trial, you can use apps that are subject to restrictions.

The above flow bot template can be copied from below.

1. Click on "View Details" on the banner above
2. The page will transition. Click on "Try this template" at the bottom
3. Register for Yoom

* If you have already completed registration, the login screen will be displayed, so please log in.

How to Create a Workflow for CloudSign and RakuRaku Sales Integration

Step 1: My App Integration

The template will be copied, and the screen will look like the one above.
Since you have transitioned to the Yoom page called "My Projects", please select "My Apps" from the menu on the left side of the screen.

First, integrate Yoom with each tool. Click "New Connection" at the top right.

Integration of CloudSign and Yoom

1. Search
Enter CloudSign in the displayed box and select the CloudSign icon.

2. Log in

The screen above will be displayed. Enter your account name and client ID.
For details, please check CloudSign My App Integration.

3. Add
Once you have entered the required fields, click the add button at the bottom right.

If the above display appears, the integration is complete.

Integration of RakuRaku Sales and Yoom

1. Search
Enter "RakuRaku Sales" in the displayed box and click the RakuRaku Sales icon.

2. Enter Required Fields

Details on the integration method are described in the displayed image.
Follow the content to generate an API token.

Once the API token generation is complete, copy and paste it into the required fields.
After entering, click add at the bottom right.

If the above display appears, the integration is complete.

The My App integration for CloudSign and RakuRaku Sales is now complete.
Next, let's set up the flow bot using the template you copied earlier.
If you haven't copied it yet, please copy the flow bot template from below.

1. Hover over the banner and click "View Details"
2. Click "Try This Template" on the redirected page
3. Register for Yoom
※ If you have already completed registration, the login screen will be displayed, so please log in.

Step 2: Set the Cloud Sign Trigger

1. Open My Project

Open "My Project" from the menu on the left side of the screen.

2. Open the copied template
Click "【Copy】Update RakuRaku Sales Information When Contract is Completed with Cloud Sign".

3. Select App Trigger
Click "When Document Signing is Completed" on the Cloud Sign icon.
Since the title and other settings are complete, press Next.

4. Set Trigger Activation Interval

Set the activation interval.
You can select the trigger activation interval from 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or 60 minutes.
Please note that the shortest activation interval varies depending on the plan.

5. Execute Test

After setting the activation interval, press the test button at the bottom of the screen.
If "Test Successful" is displayed in blue, the Cloud Sign setup is complete.

Step 3: Set the RakuRaku Sales Action

1. Integrate with App
Click "Update Record" on the RakuRaku Sales icon.
Since the title and other settings are complete, press Next.

2. Set Domain and Other Settings

Please set the domain, account name, and DB schema ID.
Supplementary information is displayed at the bottom of the box. Follow the content to input.

3. Other Settings

Key items are already set.
For registration data, only the values to be registered are set. Therefore, only input the header item ID.
Please check from the detailed screen of the header item.

4. Execute Test

After completing the required settings, press the test button at the bottom of the screen.
If "Test Successful" is displayed in blue, the RakuRaku Sales setup is complete.

5. Turn ON the Trigger

All settings are complete.
Once the above display appears, turn ON the trigger.

The flowbot template used this time is as follows.

Other Flow Bots Using CloudSign and RakuRaku Sales

Yoom also has other flow bots that use CloudSign and RakuRaku Sales.

1. Update Salesforce Information When a Contract is Completed with CloudSign
Integration with Salesforce is also possible. How about using it when you are differentiating usage among teams?

2. Once the contract documents are finalized with CloudSign, add that information to Google Sheets
If you are summarizing or editing the contract details, integrating with Google Sheets is also recommended.

3. When a form is issued in RakuRaku Meisai, add the form information to RakuRaku Hanbai
Integration between RakuRaku series is also possible. Since the form data is automatically added, it reduces the hassle of administrative tasks.


Sales are not complete upon contract signing; they also extend to subsequent administrative tasks. Additionally, follow-ups may be necessary depending on the products or services sold, and it may be required to communicate the contract conclusion to other departments.
This time, we are introducing automation that can streamline and simplify such workflow processes. It reduces the hassle associated with administrative tasks and reporting, while also minimizing human errors.
If you are considering automation, please give it a try!

The person who wrote this article
After working as a general store manager, I started working from home as an SEO writer. Later, an outsourcing agreement was signed with a marketing startup for about 5 years. Surrounded by students at the University of Tokyo, I held a computer and spent my days studying various business terms and how to use SaaS tools. When I was a general store manager, time was taken over and over again by office work such as sales and inventory management, human resource management, and ordering, etc., and I was unable to serve customers and often missed sales times. Even when outsourcing, there are many detailed tasks such as input, etc., and “can't such monotonous tasks be automated?” I thought so, and I really sympathize with Yoom's vision!
Rakuraku Hanbai
What is Yoom hyperautomation?
Conventional RPA can only automate simple repetitive tasks, and the setup process was very complicated.
With “hyperautomation,” which combines various technologies such as AI, API, RPA, and OCR, it is possible to automate many tasks that could not be realized until now more easily than before.
Don't Just Connect Apps—Automate Everything
Most tools simply connect one app to another, leaving the complex tasks to you. Yoom goes much further: From document creation and browser automation to OCR and generative AI, Yoom handles it all seamlessly in one platform.

Why settle for basic integrations? Streamline your entire workflow with Yoom’s powerful hyperautomation.
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