How to Integrate Applications


How to retrieve reports from Google Ads and automatically upload them to your own system


Google Ads are essential for many business developments, as both large corporations and sole proprietors use them. Advertisers are constantly engaged in keyword research, ad copy creation, and campaign setup and management. In particular, data analysis and report creation need to be made understandable for supervisors and clients, which may consume a lot of time for many people.

To address this, Yoom has created a flow bot that automates the task of "retrieving reports from Google Ads daily and uploading files to in-house systems using browser RPA." This article introduces the benefits of using the flow bot and how to set it up without coding.

Benefits of Automatically Retrieving Reports from Google Ads

While these tasks can be done manually, there are various benefits to automation.

Benefit 1: Leads to Focus on Tasks You Want to Spend More Time On

There is likely some amount of time spent manually retrieving daily reports. By automating with RPA, you can virtually eliminate this time constraint. <span class="mark-yellow">You can allocate more time to ad performance analysis and planning new campaigns.</span>

Benefit 2: Improved Analysis Accuracy with Consistent Data!

By using the same procedure every time, you can obtain accurate data. It's not that you can't get accurate data manually, but <span class="mark-yellow">considering the risk of human error, automation can maintain consistency.</span> Improved analysis accuracy is highly expected!

Benefits of Automatically Retrieving Google Ads with Yoom's RPA

Integrating apps usually requires programming knowledge and experience, but Yoom can reduce that burden. Yoom offers tools that allow app integration without coding.

Easy Integration Without Coding

Yoom provides an intuitive interface. Even without specialized knowledge, you can implement it smoothly by following the settings step by step. Instructions are available in Japanese, so there's no need to look up unfamiliar terms.

Flexible Customization

We create flow bot templates based on various client requests and market needs. You can customize them further based on user-friendly flow bots, allowing you to adapt to your specific workflow requirements.

In the next section, we will introduce how to create a flow bot using Yoom's templates to "retrieve reports from Google Ads daily and upload files to in-house systems using browser RPA."

The browser operation function (RPA) is an operation available only with the Success Plan. Please note that operations and data connections of flow bots set up in the Free Plan, Mini Plan, and Team Plan will result in errors.

Try it out with the Free Plan! Please register first♪

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How to create a flow to obtain reports from Google Ads and automate file uploads to your own system using browser RPA

Things to prepare in advance

Integration of each app with Yoom is required. Please prepare your account email address and password.

Google Ads

  • Google Ads login information
  • Ad account ID → Click the [Campaign] dropdown in the section menu → Click [Ads] → The ad ID is displayed in the [Ad ID] column of the performance data table.

Google Sheets

  • Google account information (email address, password)
  • Create a dedicated sheet to reflect Google Ads reports.

Google Drive

  • Login information (email address, password)

Get Yoom's Chrome extension

This flow includes RPA functionality. Please add the extension in Chrome to use the browser operation function.

Help "How to set up browser operation"

Chrome extension Yoom browser operation setting tool

Step 1 Copy Yoom's template to My Project

Click this banner to copy it to "My Project" in Yoom's workspace.

When copied, click "Edit" in the top right corner to proceed with editing each operation.

Step 2: App Trigger "Every Day at 10 AM" (Conditions and Name Can Be Changed)

Click the first process button.

(1/1) Schedule Trigger: Specify Execution Time

Schedule Trigger Title → Set to 10 AM every morning by default. You can change it to any name.
Schedule Settings → Set to specify days by default. You can change it. If specifying days, set the days and times to retrieve.

→ Save

Step 3: Integrate with App "Get Account Report"

Click the second process button.

(1/2) Set Up Integration Account and Action

Title → Get Account Report
App → Google Ads
Account Information to Integrate with Google Ads → Click "+ Add Integration Account". Select the account to log in and proceed with permission to Yoom.
Execution Action → Get Account Report

→ Next

(2/2) API Connection Settings

Ad Account ID → Can be checked from the Google Ads management screen. If the value is like "123-456-7890", enter it by removing the hyphens as "1234567890".
Start Date & End Date → Enter in the format "2021-01-01". Click the edit field to display suggestions. This time, select yesterday's date, and the image was displayed.

→ Test → Success

The image item is extracted in the output.

Step 4: Perform Calculation "Convert Costs to Standard Currency Unit"

Click the third process button.

(1/1) Set Operation Conditions

Title → Convert Costs to Standard Currency Unit
Conversion Type → Set to calculation (arithmetic operations) by default.
Formula → Set to {{Cost (Micro Currency Unit)}}/1000000 by default. (Can be changed)

→ Test → Success

The converted cost is extracted in the output.

→ Save

Step 5: Integrate with App "Write Report Content"

Click the fourth process button.

(1/2) Operate the Database

Title → Operate the Database
Database App → Google Sheets
Google Sheets → Account Information to Integrate with Google Ads → Click "+ Add Integration Account". Select the account to log in and proceed with permission to Yoom.
Execution Action → Add Record

◆ Database Integration

Spreadsheet ID → Click the edit field to display suggestions. Select the sheet you created in advance.
Spreadsheet Tab Name → Click the edit field to display suggestions. The tab names within the above sheet will be displayed.
Table Range → Specify the table range in the format "A1:G30". This time, I created up to column N, so I entered A1:N.

→ Next

(2/2) Detailed Settings for Database Operation

The integrated database is loaded, and edit fields are provided. Link which values to accumulate in each. Click the edit field for each item to display the output extracted from Google Ads. If you prepare the item names of the spreadsheet to be created in advance to match the output, you can link them quickly.

→ Test → Success


Step 6: Integrate with App "Download Google Spreadsheet as CSV"

Click the fifth process button.

(1/2) Select Integration Account and Action

Title → Download Google Spreadsheet as CSV

App → Google Drive
Account Information to Integrate with Google Drive → Click "+ Add Integration Account". Select the account to log in and proceed with permission to Yoom.
Action → Download Google Spreadsheet as CSV

→ Next

(2/2) API Connection Settings

File ID → Enter the ID of the integrated Google Spreadsheet. Click the edit field to display suggestions and select.
File Type → Set to CSV by default.

→ Test → Success

CSV has been obtained. The obtained CSV will be used in the next operation.

→ Save

Step 7: Operate Browser "Operate Browser_Upload CSV File to Specified Site"

Click the sixth process

※ The browser operation function (RPA) is an operation available only in the Success Plan. For Free Plan, Mini Plan, and Team Plan, the operations or data connections of the flow bot you set will result in an error, so please be careful.

Help "How to Set Up Operate Browser"

Chrome Extension Yoom Browser Operation Setting Tool

Select "Operate Browser" from the operation types.

Enter the URL of the flow bot you are currently setting.

Select Applicable Action

The "Operate Browser" operation is set by combining five operations.

  1. Access URL
  2. Enter ID
  3. Enter Password
  4. Click
  5. Upload File

Example) Select file upload from applicable actions.

> Help About the "Upload File" Action in Browser Operation

Action Name → Upload File
File → Click the edit field. Select the CSV output earlier and click Add.
Repeat the operation for each item to build.

Step 8: Turn the Trigger Switch [ON]

Turn the switch on the first process of the flow bot to [ON] to complete the setup.

Even if you haven't mastered programming languages, you can easily implement this process. This time, I used a template, so the setup was done in no time.

Yoom's templates are increasing daily.

At Yoom, we conduct market research and continuously produce templates that are in demand. We have many templates related to Google Ads and Google Sheets, so be sure to check them out♪

Template List


How was it? In managing Google Ads, it's important to determine whether you are properly reaching your target and conveying your key points, which requires a lot of PDCA, including straightforward creative direction. By using this template to automate part of your daily tasks, you can ensure you have ample time for important tasks like analysis and evaluation.

By using Yoom, you can automate tedious manual tasks from today, enriching the time for you and your team! Please start by registering for the free plan.

Start Yoom for free

See you again~!

The person who wrote this article
10 years as a web planner and director. When I worked for a web production company, my main focus was on proposing modifications and operation plans to clients and proceeding with production. I'm currently a parallel worker. We produce blogs in Yoom's content division, and receive external public relations projects for companies in our individual business. Since we are starting a private lodging, we aim to thoroughly improve the efficiency of routine work!
Google Drive
Google Sheets
Google Ads
App integration
No items found.
What is Yoom hyperautomation?
Conventional RPA can only automate simple repetitive tasks, and the setup process was very complicated.
With “hyperautomation,” which combines various technologies such as AI, API, RPA, and OCR, it is possible to automate many tasks that could not be realized until now more easily than before.
Don't Just Connect Apps—Automate Everything
Most tools simply connect one app to another, leaving the complex tasks to you. Yoom goes much further: From document creation and browser automation to OCR and generative AI, Yoom handles it all seamlessly in one platform.

Why settle for basic integrations? Streamline your entire workflow with Yoom’s powerful hyperautomation.
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