GoogleフォームとRISK EYESとGmailの連携イメージ
How to Integrate Applications


Conduct an anti-social check with RISK EYES based on the responses submitted through Google Forms and notify the results via Gmail.


In business partner and customer management, routine anti-social checks are an important process.
However, manual checks and the notification or sharing of results can be time-consuming and labor-intensive, with a risk of errors.
By utilizing Yoom to integrate Google Forms, RISK EYES, and Gmail, you can automate anti-social checks based on response content and notify results via Gmail, reducing manual work and easing the workload on staff.
This article explains how to set up an automated flow to conduct anti-social checks with RISK EYES based on Google Forms responses and notify the results via Gmail, as well as the benefits of implementing this system.
By incorporating this into your operations, you can improve the efficiency of check operations and strengthen risk management, so please take a look.

Recommended for

  • Those who have incorporated anti-social checks into their business flow
  • Those who feel challenged by the efficiency of anti-social checks
  • Those considering automating the notification flow of information management status
  • Departments or teams that need to process large amounts of business partner data in a short time
  • Management departments looking to simplify business processes

Benefits and Examples of Integrating Google Forms, RISK EYES, and Gmail

1. Improved Processing Speed

When conducting anti-social checks based on information collected from surveys or application forms, staff previously had to perform manual tasks, which consumed a lot of time.
For example, by implementing this automated flow, you can eliminate manual tasks, allowing for quick processing of new business partner information, as input data from Google Forms is swiftly sent to RISK EYES.
Additionally, since the check results are promptly notified via Gmail, you can expect a reduction in the time until processing is complete.
This enables the execution of check operations with a small team, allowing for effective resource utilization.

2. Prevention of Human Errors

Traditional manual data entry and check tasks carried the potential for human errors.
By adopting this flow, the response content from Google Forms is reflected in RISK EYES, preventing errors caused by manual work.
For example, in scenarios where a large amount of data needs to be processed in a short time, there was a possibility of incorrect data entry due to numerous confirmation items.
By automating the process from anti-social checks to Gmail notifications, the response content is directly reflected in the check items, reducing such errors.

3. Standardization of Processes

By automating the process of conducting checks with RISK EYES based on data collected via Google Forms and notifying via Gmail, you can eliminate variations in work when performed by multiple staff members.
For example, when classifying collected content during checks, interpretations varied by staff, making the results difficult to summarize.
Standardizing the process eliminates such variations in response, allowing for actions based on organized data, which may enable staff to engage in their duties with confidence.

Let's create a flowbot using the template "Conduct anti-social checks with RISK EYES based on Google Forms responses and notify results via Gmail".

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How to Conduct Anti-Social Checks with RISK EYES Based on Google Forms Responses and Notify Results via Gmail

It is possible to achieve this by receiving responses made on Google Forms using the Google Forms API and conducting anti-social checks with RISK EYES using the API provided by RISK EYES based on the responses from Google Forms.
Additionally, by using the API provided by Gmail, you can also send check results via email through Gmail.
Generally, programming knowledge is required to achieve this, but with the no-code tool Yoom, it can be easily accomplished without programming knowledge.

The work to complete the flow proceeds as follows:

  • Integration of Google Forms, RISK EYES, and Gmail My Apps
  • Copy the template
  • Set triggers for Google Forms and configure RISK EYES, followed by setting each operation in Gmail
  • Turn on the trigger

If you are not using Yoom, please register for free here.
If you are already using Yoom, please log in.

・Google Forms, RISK EYES, and Gmail Integration with My Apps

(1) First, connect Google Forms to My Apps.
After logging into your Yoom account, click "My Apps" on the left panel and search for Google Forms from "New Connection".

Search for the Google Forms app icon and click on it.

(2) Click "Sign in with Google" to proceed to the account selection screen, and choose the account you want to link from the management accounts on the right.
After selection, proceed to the sign-in screen and complete the authentication.
The first Google Forms connection is now complete.

(3) Next, let's connect RISK EYES.
Search for the RISK EYES app in the same way as the new connection for Google Forms.

(4) Enter "Account Name", "User ID", and "Password", then click [Add].
This completes the connection of the second RISK EYES.

(5) With the RISK EYES app connection complete, let's connect the third app, Gmail.
Search for the Gmail app icon and click on it in the same way.

(6) Proceed to the account selection screen, and choose the account you want to link from the management accounts on the right.
After selection, proceed to the sign-in screen and complete the authentication.

Once authentication is successfully completed, you will be taken to the My Apps screen of your Yoom account with the three apps added.
This completes the connection of the three apps to your Yoom account.

・Copying the Template

After confirming that the new connection of the target app to your Yoom account is complete, click the icon for "Try this template" below.

The template will be copied, so click the "OK" button.

Please move to the "My Projects" screen of your Yoom account and check the template content.

There are three setup flows.

This time, we have created a Google Form in advance as shown below.
(For testing purposes, dummy information has been entered.)

・Google Form Trigger Settings

(1) First, set the Google Form app trigger.

From the My Projects on the left side of the Yoom account screen, click "【Copy】Conduct anti-social checks with RISK EYES based on responses answered in Google Form and notify the results via Gmail".

After clicking, the template content will be displayed as shown in the screen below.

(2) First, click "When a response is submitted to the form" which is the trigger.

(3) Enter the account information to be linked and click [Next].

(4) On the next screen, enter information such as "Trigger Interval" and "Form ID".
Select any of 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or 60 minutes for the "Trigger Interval".
※ The trigger interval varies depending on the plan, so please be careful.

(4) After entering the information, click [Test] and if there are no problems, click [Save].
The output information can be quoted and utilized in the subsequent steps as per the annotation "This value can be used in other operations".

If you want to increase the obtainable outputs, it is recommended to obtain other values (such as slugs or titles) with 'JSONPath'.
By utilizing the Google Form app trigger, you can activate the flow bot based on the response content of the Google Form.
For more details, please check the help page and make the settings in advance.

・RISK EYES Settings

(1) Next, click the second action "Get the number of web articles".

(2) Enter the account information to be linked and click [Next].

(3) On the next screen, enter information in fields such as "Investigation Keyword" and "Region Name".
Click the input bar to quote the output obtained from the previous step.
(Below is a quote of the output [Investigation Keyword] obtained from the previous step.)

(4) You can select content that matches your operation from the pull-down menu for "Negative Word Type" and "Exclusion Word Flag".

(5) After entering information in the required fields, click [Test] and then click [Save].
By changing (or adding) the RISK EYES action, you can also obtain the number of newspaper or blog articles.

・Gmail Settings

(1) Finally, click the third action "Send Email".

(2) Enter the Gmail account to be linked and fill in the required fields.
Utilize the output as shown in the image below.

(3) Enter the message to be sent in the "Body".
The image below shows a quote of the output [Response ID] and [Response Creation Date] obtained in the first step, and [Number of Articles] obtained in the second step in the body.

(4) You can optionally use and set the output in "Attachments".
You can also add attachments, so set the desired content.

(5) After entering, click [Next] to check the list of settings on the next screen.

(6) If there are no problems with the created email content, click [Test] and then click [Save].
This completes the setup.

・Turn on the Trigger

By clicking "Turn on Trigger" in the red frame part of the screen below, the flow bot will start automatically.

Here is the template used this time

Other Automation Examples Using RISK EYES and Google Forms

There are other examples of automation using RISK EYES and Google Forms in Yoom, so let me introduce a few.

Conducting Anti-Social Checks with RISK EYES Based on Responses from Google Forms and Notifying Results via Outlook

This flow is recommended for those who want to improve the accuracy and speed of anti-social checks.
It eliminates the need for manual transcription of responses from Google Forms, enhancing the accuracy and speed of anti-social checks.
Additionally, automatic email notifications help prevent overlooking or missing confirmations of results.

Retrieve the Number of Blog Posts with RISK EYES When Keywords are Added in Google Sheets

This flow retrieves the number of blog posts for search keywords using RISK EYES and automatically transcribes the obtained data into Google Sheets.
This eliminates the need for manual transcription work with RISK EYES, potentially reducing work time.

Retrieve the Number of Newspaper Articles with RISK EYES When Keywords are Added to Google Sheets

This is a recommended flow for those who perform data analysis using Google Sheets.
When a search keyword is added to Google Sheets, the number of newspaper articles can be automatically retrieved with RISK EYES, potentially allowing you to intuitively assess the magnitude and importance of risks.


By incorporating the integration of Google Forms, RISK EYES, and Gmail into your workflow, you can automate daily anti-social checks and efficiently notify the responsible parties of the results.
Minimizing the tedious manual tasks such as data transcription and notifications to the relevant teams can also help reduce the burden on the responsible personnel.
Furthermore, by automating the process from the response status on Google Forms to notifications in Gmail, you can improve the efficiency and accuracy of important daily check tasks, thereby strengthening your risk management system.

Please take advantage of Yoom to experience automation through app integration.

The person who wrote this article
Until now, as customer support, we have made efforts to resolve users' questions and concerns. I was moved to learn that by using Yoom, tasks that are becoming increasingly complicated on a daily basis will progress quickly! From now on, we will continue to distribute content with easy-to-understand content so that people who aim to improve work efficiency can use the service smoothly.
Google Forms
App integration
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What is Yoom hyperautomation?
Conventional RPA can only automate simple repetitive tasks, and the setup process was very complicated.
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