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How to Integrate Applications


How to update product information in B-Cart when a row is updated in Google Sheets by integrating Google Sheets with B-Cart


There are times when you need to update product information due to sales or changes in product codes, and you probably want to complete such rewriting tasks as quickly as possible.
However, if you need to update data in both Google Sheets and B-Cart, you will end up repeating the same task twice. Additionally, if there are many products, the workload will increase.
Therefore, this time, we introduce an app integration that allows you to update both tools at once by linking Google Sheets and B-Cart.
App integration can be easily started without specialized knowledge, so those who want to incorporate automation into their work should definitely give it a try.

Recommended for

  • Those who use Google Sheets and B-Cart in their daily work
  • Managers who want to simplify administrative tasks using Google Sheets and B-Cart and focus on sales
  • Those who frequently need to update product data in Google Sheets and B-Cart
  • Companies where discrepancies in product data between Google Sheets and B-Cart frequently occur

Benefits and Examples of Integrating Google Sheets and B-Cart

Benefit 1: Streamlining Update Tasks

By implementing this integration, updating product data in Google Sheets will automatically update the product information in B-Cart. This should reduce the workload of update tasks.
For example, when you update product data in Google Sheets, the product data in B-Cart should also be updated. By using this app integration, updating data in Google Sheets will also update the data in B-Cart, making it easier to avoid redundant work.
This increases the likelihood of completing update tasks quickly.

Benefit 2: Improved Accuracy of Product Data

Updating data in Google Sheets will also update the data in B-Cart, making it easier to maintain data consistency.
For instance, if there are discrepancies between the data in Google Sheets and B-Cart, have you ever been unsure which one is the latest and correct information?
With app integration, the product data in both tools will be linked, making such situations less likely.
This should improve the accuracy of product data and make it easier to conduct sales with correct data.

Benefit 3: Quick Response to Sales and Other Events

During sales or campaigns, quick price changes are required. By incorporating this integration, it may become easier to quickly respond to such sales events.
For example, under normal circumstances, you would need to compile sale prices in Google Sheets and then change the data in B-Cart.
However, with integration, simply adjusting prices in Google Sheets will reflect in B-Cart's product information, simplifying the workload during busy sales periods.

Now, let's explain how to use the no-code tool Yoom to "update B-Cart's product information when a row is updated in Google Sheets."

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How to Update B-Cart's Product Information When a Row is Updated in Google Sheets

First, obtain the updated data from Google Sheets using the Google Sheets API.
Then, use the B-Cart API to receive the updated data and update the product data.
Generally, programming knowledge is required to achieve such integration, but with the no-code tool Yoom, it can be easily achieved without programming knowledge.

The integration flow is broadly divided into the following processes:

  • Integrate Google Sheets and B-Cart with My App
  • Set up to launch Google Sheets
  • Set up to update B-Cart
  • Turn on the trigger button and verify the integration operation between Google Sheets and B-Cart

First, register with Yoom.
Yoom offers a 2-week trial so you can actually try it out and check the usability.

Step 1: Connect Google Sheets and B-Cart with My App

After completing the registration with Yoom, please select "My App" from the menu on the left.

Next, click the new connection button at the top right.

Connect Google Sheets with Yoom

1. Search

Click the Google Sheets icon.

2. Sign In

Click the red frame.

3. Select Account

Select the account to connect.

After confirming and agreeing, click Next.

4. Connection Complete

The screen will switch, and if the above display appears, the connection is complete.

5. Prepare Google Sheets

Prepare the Google Sheets to be connected with B-Cart.

At this time, be sure to create the fields for "Unique Value (data that does not duplicate with other items)" and "Update Date".

In this case, we have set "Product Number = Unique Value".

The update date is set as shown in the image.

Note that it is not necessary for other fields to match the image. You can connect by adding "Unique Value (data that does not duplicate with other items)" and "Update Date" to the Google Sheets you usually use.

Connect B-Cart with Yoom

1. Search

Click the B-Cart icon.

2. Log In

The login screen will appear, so please log in.

3. Add

The screen will switch, and if the above display appears, the connection is complete.

Step 2: Copy the Template

Next, please copy the template to be used this time.

1. Click "View Details" on the top banner
2. Click "Try this template" at the bottom of the transitioned screen
3. If you haven't registered with Yoom yet, please register
※ If you have already completed registration, the login screen will be displayed, so please log in. When the Flowbot template is copied to "My Projects", the above display will appear. Since it transitions to a page like the image, let's proceed with detailed settings. Step 3: Launch Settings for Google Sheets 1. Open My Projects
Open "My Projects" from the menu on the left side of the screen. 2. Open the copied template
‍Click "Update B-Cart product information when a row is updated in Google Sheets". 3. Select App Trigger Click "When a row is updated" on the Google Sheets icon.
Since the title and other settings are complete, press Next. 4. Set Trigger Launch Interval
Set the launch interval.
Triggers can be set to launch at intervals of 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or 60 minutes.
Please note that the shortest launch interval varies depending on the plan. 5. Enter ID Follow the supplement at the bottom of the box and set it from the candidates. Click the box.
Since the data from Google Sheets will be displayed in a list, click the one you want to link with B-Cart and insert it.
Similarly, set the sheet ID. 6. Enter Table Range, etc.
Specify the table range, etc. This time, the table range of the prepared Google Sheets will be from A to E.
The column that does not overlap with others is set as the item number in B. The column where you want to detect updates is the update date in E.
After editing the column set for this item, by editing the "Update Date" last, the product data in B-Cart will also be updated. Therefore, the settings will be as shown in the image. 7. Run Test Once the settings are complete, press the test button.
If "Test Successful" is displayed, it is complete. Click Save. Step 4: Setting to Update B-Cart Data 1. Link with App Click "Update Product Information" on the B-Cart icon.
Since the title and other settings are complete, press Next. 2. Set Required Items
Set the required items.
Click the box for Product ID. Select the Google Sheets icon. The data registered in the linked Google Sheets will be displayed in a list.
Click and insert the data equal to the Product ID from among them. Once inserted, it will look like the image.
If there are other data you want to register, insert them in the same way. 3. Run Test Once the settings are complete, press the test button.
If "Test Successful" is displayed, it is complete. Click Save. 4. Turn ON the Trigger When the creation of the Flowbot is complete, the above display will appear. The trigger is initially set to OFF, so turn it ON.
This completes the app integration. Flowbot template used this time
Update B-Cart product information when a row is updated in Google Sheets

Other Automation Examples Using Google Sheets and B-Cart

Here are some other examples of automation using Google Sheets and B-Cart.

1. Register a product in B-Cart when a row is added in Google Sheets

Before creating this flow bot, you can automate registration and updates by integrating apps with this template.

2. Register a member in B-Cart when a row is added in Google Sheets

Automating the registration of membership data is also possible. Additionally, we recommend using the template that automates not only registration but also updates.

3. Add B-Cart Order Information to Google Spreadsheet

You can also add B-Cart data to a Google Spreadsheet. Integrating commonly used tools may streamline your operations.


By implementing this integration, it is expected that the burden of administrative tasks related to sales will be reduced. This will likely make it easier to allocate time for tasks such as website creation and packaging, potentially easing the workload during busy sales periods.
Additionally, since updating one tool links the data of both tools, discrepancies in information are less likely to occur. It can also be utilized to maintain data accuracy.
Incorporating automation can save time and create more flexibility in operations. Please consider using it to review your working environment.

The person who wrote this article
After working as a general store manager, I started working from home as an SEO writer. Later, an outsourcing agreement was signed with a marketing startup for about 5 years. Surrounded by students at the University of Tokyo, I held a computer and spent my days studying various business terms and how to use SaaS tools. When I was a general store manager, time was taken over and over again by office work such as sales and inventory management, human resource management, and ordering, etc., and I was unable to serve customers and often missed sales times. Even when outsourcing, there are many detailed tasks such as input, etc., and “can't such monotonous tasks be automated?” I thought so, and I really sympathize with Yoom's vision!
Google Sheets
App integration
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What is Yoom hyperautomation?
Conventional RPA can only automate simple repetitive tasks, and the setup process was very complicated.
With “hyperautomation,” which combines various technologies such as AI, API, RPA, and OCR, it is possible to automate many tasks that could not be realized until now more easily than before.
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Most tools simply connect one app to another, leaving the complex tasks to you. Yoom goes much further: From document creation and browser automation to OCR and generative AI, Yoom handles it all seamlessly in one platform.

Why settle for basic integrations? Streamline your entire workflow with Yoom’s powerful hyperautomation.
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