Google スプレッドシートとGitHubの連携イメージ
How to Integrate Applications


How to integrate Google Sheets with GitHub to add an Issue to GitHub after adding a row in Google Sheets


The integration of Google Sheets, which is easy to use for daily data entry and management, with GitHub, which allows for efficient task management and sharing, is a powerful means to reduce human errors from manual input and smoothly manage projects and tasks.
This article introduces methods to reduce manual workload and improve business efficiency.
Even beginners in programming can benefit from incorporating methods to easily start automation flows to improve daily operations.

Recommended for

・Those who find it cumbersome to manually add data to Google Sheets and GitHub
・Those who spend a lot of time registering tasks and managing progress
・Managers facing challenges in quick information sharing and task allocation between sales and development departments
・System administrators who want to reduce human errors in daily operations
・Those considering automating business flows using Google Sheets and GitHub

Benefits and Examples of Integrating Google Sheets and GitHub

Benefit 1: Time Savings by Reducing Workload

By integrating Google Sheets and GitHub, the effort of manually transferring data can be reduced.
For example, if a system is set up where adding a new task to a spreadsheet automatically registers it as an Issue in GitHub, routine tasks can be streamlined.
This allows staff to focus on more important tasks, potentially improving the overall performance of the team.

Benefit 2: Prevention of Human Errors

When data is manually entered or transferred, human errors such as typos or omissions are more likely to occur.
By introducing this automation, such mistakes can be minimized.
For example, since the content entered in Google Sheets is automatically added to GitHub Issues, accurate information is recorded.
As task progress becomes smoother, multiple stakeholders can verify highly accurate data, facilitating smooth operations.

Benefit 3: Smooth Collaboration Between Teams

By organizing information using Google Sheets and automatically creating Issues in GitHub, collaboration between various teams becomes smoother.
For example, if the sales team records client requirements in Google Sheets and it is automatically reflected in GitHub, the development team can quickly respond.
Seamless collaboration between sales and development teams may lead to faster product development and modifications.

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Let's create a flow bot using the template "Add an Issue to GitHub when a row is added in Google Sheets".

How to Create a Google Sheets and GitHub Integration Flow

The process to complete the flow will proceed as follows.

・Integrate Google Sheets and GitHub with My Apps
・Copy the template
・Set triggers in Google Sheets and configure various operations in GitHub and Google Sheets
・Turn on the trigger and confirm the actual activation

Now, let's establish a new connection for the apps to be integrated.

・Integrate Google Sheets and GitHub with My Apps

(1) First, connect Google Sheets to My Apps.
After logging into your Yoom account, click "My Apps" on the left panel and search for Google Sheets from "New Connection".

Search for and click the Google Sheets app icon.

(2) Click "Sign in with Google" to move to the account selection screen, and choose the account you want to integrate from the right management account.
After selection, proceed to the sign-in screen and complete the authentication.
The first Google Sheets connection is now complete.

(3) Next, integrate the GitHub app.
Select GitHub in the same way as registering Google Sheets with My Apps.
Proceed to the sign-in screen, enter your GitHub username or email address and password, and click 'Sign In'.

(4) An authentication code will be sent to your registered email address, so enter the received code and click 'Verify'.

Once authentication is successfully completed, you will be redirected to the My Apps screen of your Yoom account.
Now, both apps are connected to your Yoom account.

After confirming that the new connection of the target apps to your Yoom account is complete, click the "Try this template" icon on the template below.

The template will be copied, so click the "OK" button.
You will be taken to the "My Projects" screen of your Yoom account, so please check the template contents.

There are three setup flows.

・Google Sheets Trigger Setup

(1) First, set up the Google Sheets app trigger.

From the "My Projects" on the left side of the Yoom account screen, click "【Copy】Add an Issue to GitHub when a row is added in Google Sheets".

After clicking, the template content will be displayed as shown in the screen below.

(2) First, click on the trigger "When a record is registered".

(3) Enter the account information to be linked and click [Next].
On the next screen, enter information such as "Trigger Interval" and "Spreadsheet ID".

Select any of the following for "Trigger Interval": 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or 60 minutes.
※ The trigger interval varies depending on the plan, so please be careful.

(4) For the "Spreadsheet ID" and "Sheet ID" fields, click the input bar to expand the information obtained from the account as "candidates" as shown in the screen below.
Let's also make use of quoting this information.

(5) After entering the information, click [Test] and if there are no problems, click [Save].

・GitHub Setup

(1) Next, click the second action "Create Issue".

(2) Enter or add the GitHub account information you want to link and click [Next].
Keep the trigger action as "Create Issue".

(3) On the next screen, obtain and enter the "Owner Name" and "Repository Name" from the GitHub URL. Enter any information in the "Title".

(4) Scroll down the screen and enter information in other fields as needed.
You can quote the information obtained from the previous step as output as shown in the screen below.

Once you have finished entering, click [Test] and [Save].

(5) Finally, click the third action "Update Record".

(6) Make sure that the Google Sheets account information is entered.
Scroll down to find the "Database Integration" section and enter the relevant information.
You can expand the information obtained from the previous step as "candidates", so let's make use of this as well.

(7) After entering the information, click [Next].

(8) On the next screen, set up to retrieve records that match the conditions from the specified table in Google Sheets and update the value of the top record in the response result.
As an example, for "① Condition of the record you want to update", specify 'Issue' for the record you want to update, set the condition to 'Equal', and set the information that matches the condition to 'Issue'.

You can also quote the information obtained from the previous step as output.

(9) Set "② Value of the record after update".
The value set in "① Condition of the record you want to update" will be updated to the value set here.
(The image below is an example. The display will vary depending on the content of the spreadsheet.)

(10) After entering the information, click [Test] and if there are no problems, click [Save].
This completes the setup.

・Turn on the Trigger

A message will appear indicating that all settings are complete, so click "Turn on the Trigger".

This completes the Flowbot setup.

Here is the template used this time

Other Examples of Automation Using Google Sheets

There are other examples of automation using Google Sheets on Yoom, so here are a few introductions.

① Record Inquiry Form Contents in Google Sheets

This is a flow where the contents submitted from the inquiry form are recorded in a spreadsheet and a reply email is automatically sent.
In the spreadsheet, you can include not only the inquiry details but also the reception date and time, and the sender's information.

② Register employee information in HRMOS when added to Google Sheets

This flow is recommended for companies that use Google Sheets and HRMOS for human resource management.
By using the employee information registered in Google Sheets, the registration in HRMOS is completed, reducing manual work time.
Additionally, using quoted content can help prevent human errors.

③ Convert the CSV received by email into a spreadsheet and add it to another spreadsheet

This is a flow where the received CSV file is converted into a spreadsheet and the information from that file is accumulated into an existing spreadsheet.
Since the process can be carried out automatically and consistently, it is expected to reduce working hours.
Additionally, as the process is conducted automatically from start to finish, it also helps reduce human errors and omissions.


For those using different apps, cross-app operations may be necessary, leading to additional actions and potential time wastage. Utilizing Yoom to integrate Google Sheets and GitHub can reduce the time spent on tasks and contribute to improving work efficiency. Additionally, by preventing human errors and facilitating smooth collaboration between teams, it can also enhance the success rate of projects.

Since it can be easily started without programming knowledge, please use the introduced automation flow to help improve your daily operations.

The person who wrote this article
Until now, as customer support, we have made efforts to resolve users' questions and concerns. I was moved to learn that by using Yoom, tasks that are becoming increasingly complicated on a daily basis will progress quickly! From now on, we will continue to distribute content with easy-to-understand content so that people who aim to improve work efficiency can use the service smoothly.
Google Sheets
App integration
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What is Yoom hyperautomation?
Conventional RPA can only automate simple repetitive tasks, and the setup process was very complicated.
With “hyperautomation,” which combines various technologies such as AI, API, RPA, and OCR, it is possible to automate many tasks that could not be realized until now more easily than before.
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Most tools simply connect one app to another, leaving the complex tasks to you. Yoom goes much further: From document creation and browser automation to OCR and generative AI, Yoom handles it all seamlessly in one platform.

Why settle for basic integrations? Streamline your entire workflow with Yoom’s powerful hyperautomation.
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