How to Integrate Applications


How to integrate HubSpot with Jobkan Expense Management & Workflow to automatically add HubSpot's client information to Jobkan Expense Management & Workflow


By integrating HubSpot with Jobkan Expense Management and Workflow, you can automatically reflect information in Jobkan Expense Management and Workflow when client information is registered in HubSpot. This integration facilitates smoother processing of expense management and workflows, reduces manual data entry and transcription errors, and saves time and effort. In this article, we will explain the benefits of integrating HubSpot with Jobkan Expense Management and Workflow, along with the integration method, using images. It is recommended for those who want to centralize operations from the sales department to the accounting department and improve the productivity of the entire company.

Recommended for

・Sales representatives who want to streamline customer information management and new client registration tasks
・Accounting personnel who want to expedite and accurately process expense management tasks
・Executives who want to streamline multiple operations and enhance information sharing between departments

Benefits and Examples of Integrating Jobkan Expense Management and Workflow with HubSpot

Benefit 1: Efficient Data Integration

By integrating HubSpot with Jobkan Expense Management and Workflow, you can automatically reflect client information with a single click. For example, when a new customer is registered in HubSpot, the data is automatically reflected in Jobkan Expense Management and Workflow, allowing for smooth completion of expense management and workflow settings. This eliminates the need for manual data transcription between the sales department, accounting department, or other related departments, thereby improving operational efficiency. You can save time and resources spent on manual data entry, ensuring smooth progress of operations and efficient data integration.

Benefit 2: Error Prevention and Accuracy Improvement

Integrating HubSpot with Jobkan Expense Management and Workflow is expected to prevent transcription errors. When entering client data manually, there is a possibility of human error, but integration can reduce this risk. For example, when new customer information is registered in HubSpot, it is automatically reflected in Jobkan Expense Management and Workflow, preventing incorrect information or omissions. This accuracy improvement is particularly beneficial in tasks requiring precise information, such as expense management and approval workflows.

Benefit 3: Enhanced Interdepartmental Collaboration

The integration of HubSpot with Jobkan Expense Management and Workflow is expected to enhance collaboration between the sales department, accounting department, or other related departments. For instance, when the sales department registers new client information in HubSpot, the accounting or HR departments can immediately check the information and smoothly carry out necessary processes for expense management and workflows. Timely information sharing facilitates smooth communication between departments, reducing misunderstandings and information delays. Additionally, sales representatives can easily access important information about clients, allowing them to promptly provide the information required by the accounting or HR departments.

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How to Create an Integration Flow between HubSpot and Jobkan Expense Management and Workflow

Now, let's create a flow together using a template that adds clients to Jobkan Expense Management and Workflow when they are registered in HubSpot!

The template used this time can be copied by clicking "Try it" on the banner below.

Before Getting Started

The integration flow is broadly created through the following processes.

・Register HubSpot and Jobcan Expense Management & Workflow as My Apps
・Launch from the company details page using the Chrome extension trigger
・Register clients by integrating with Jobcan Expense Management & Workflow
・Set the trigger to ON and complete the preparation for flow operation

If you do not have a Yoom account, please issue an account from the "Yoom Account Issuance Page" below.
For basic operations of Yoom, please check "Getting Started with Yoom".

Yoom Account Issuance Page

Getting Started with Yoom

Now, let's get started together!

Step 1: Integrate HubSpot and Jobcan Expense Management & Workflow as My Apps

(1) After logging into Yoom, select "My Apps" from the left column and click "+ New Connection".

(2) From the list of new connections in My Apps, click HubSpot.
(3) If you have an account, click "Sign in to your HubSpot account".

(4) Enter your email address and password on the login screen and log in.
For details on how to register HubSpot as a My App, please see the site below.

How to Register HubSpot as a My App

(5) Next, integrate Jobcan Expense Management & Workflow. Similarly, click Jobcan Expense Management & Workflow from the list of new connections in Yoom.
(6) On the new registration screen for Jobcan Expense Management & Workflow, enter the account name and access token, and click "Add".
※ For the method of registering Jobcan Expense Management & Workflow as a My App, please refer to the site below.

How to Register Jobcan Expense Management & Workflow as a My App

Once the integration is complete, HubSpot and Jobcan Expense Management & Workflow will be registered in Yoom's My Apps.

This completes the My App registration.
Next, let's set up the trigger using a template!

Step 2: Launch from the Company Details Page Using the Chrome Extension Trigger

(1) We will use the template introduced earlier. Click "Try it" on the banner below to copy it.

Click on "Launch from Company Details Page" for the Chrome extension trigger. From the "Select Integration Account and Action for the App to Launch with the Extension" screen, you can directly trigger from HubSpot using the Chrome extension trigger. Please refer to the following site for instructions on setting up triggers using the Chrome extension. Scroll down, verify that there are no errors in the account information linked with HubSpot, and keep the action as "Launch from Company Details Page" before clicking "Next." From the "API Connection Settings for the App to Launch with the Extension" screen, confirm the red line and enter the sample URL of the launch page. Once the input is complete, click "Test," and if no errors occur, click "Save" at the bottom. Step 3: Register a Client in Collaboration with Jobcan Expense Management and Workflow Next, register a client in collaboration with Jobcan Expense Management and Workflow. Click "Register Client." From the "Select Integration Account and Action" screen of Jobcan Expense Management and Workflow, verify that there are no errors in the account information linked with Jobcan Expense Management and Workflow, and keep the action as "Register Client" before clicking "Next." From the "API Connection Settings" screen, select the client code and client name from the output. Other fields are not mandatory. Please enter the necessary fields. Once the input is complete, click "Test" at the bottom, and if no errors occur, click "Save." Finally, click "Turn ON Trigger." This completes the flowbot "Add to Jobcan Expense Management and Workflow when a client is registered in HubSpot."

Other Automation Examples Using Jobcan Expense Management and Workflow

At Yoom, there are many other examples of automation using Jobcan Expense Management and Workflow, so let us introduce a few.

1. Add to Google Spreadsheet when a request with a specific title is approved in Jobcan Expense Management and Workflow

This flow is especially recommended for those who manually transcribe the contents of Jobcan Expense Management and Workflow into Google Spreadsheets. Additionally, by integrating with communication tools, you can automatically notify specific members when a request is approved.

2. Add user information to Jobcan Expense Management and Workflow when a row is added in Google Sheets

By simply registering information in Google Sheets, user information is automatically added to Jobcan Expense Management and Workflow. This will help reduce manual workload and improve operational efficiency. It is recommended for those who want to simplify routine tasks.

3. Send Gmail when an application is approved in Jobcan Expense Management & Workflow

By utilizing this flow, you can automatically send the approval details via Gmail when an application is approved in Jobcan Expense Management & Workflow. This allows the person in charge to immediately understand the application details and respond promptly.

For those who want to check templates using HubSpot and Jobcan Expense Management & Workflow, please visit the following site.

List of Flowbot Templates Using HubSpot

Flowbot Templates Using Jobcan Expense Management & Workflow


The integration of HubSpot and Jobcan Expense Management & Workflow is expected to enhance operational efficiency and accuracy. By automatically synchronizing client information, it eliminates manual input errors and the hassle of data transfer, thereby improving the speed and accuracy of operations. Additionally, the automation of business workflows strengthens inter-departmental collaboration and saves time.
Implementing this integration can lead to improved operational efficiency and productivity for companies.
Please consider it!

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Jobkan Expense Management & Workflow
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