Step 1: Connect HubSpot and Trello with My Apps
First, let's connect Yoom with the apps.
1. Register My App in HubSpot
After logging into Yoom's workspace, click on My Apps → New Connection, and then select HubSpot.

Select "Sign in to your HubSpot account".

Enter your password.

Check the account to be linked and click "Select Account".

Now you have registered your app in HubSpot.
2. Register My App in Trello
Click on My Apps at the top left of Yoom's workspace, then select New Connection → Trello.

Enter the account name, access token, and API key.
For detailed instructions on registering your app in Trello, please check here.

Now you have registered your app in Trello.
Step 2: Copy the Template
Copy the template you want to use to My Projects in Yoom.
Click on the banner below.