IntercomとDify、Google Chatの連携イメージ
How to Integrate Applications


When a new conversation is created in Intercom, how to automatically generate a response with Dify and notify in Google Chat.


Would you like to automate response creation in customer support to improve efficiency? In this article, we introduce how to integrate Intercom, Dify, and Google Chat to automatically generate responses with Dify when a new conversation is created in Intercom and notify Google Chat. By leveraging automation, you can expect to reduce manual tasks and shorten the time needed to check information, including inquiry details, during customer support. The app integration can be easily implemented without programming, so please give it a try.

Recommended for

  • Customer support representatives using Intercom who want to reduce response time by using templates
  • Team leaders looking to advance automation in their operations using Dify
  • Project managers using Google Chat as an internal communication tool who want to improve information sharing efficiency

Benefits and Examples of Integrating Intercom, Dify, and Google Chat

Benefit 1: Reduction of Manual Tasks

By implementing app integration and utilizing Dify's auto-generation feature, the effort to check conversation content in Intercom and think of responses is reduced. As a result, customer support representatives only need to review the notifications in Google Chat and make necessary corrections or additions. This process is expected to reduce simple tasks in customer support, allowing focus on more complex tasks. For example, in companies receiving many inquiries daily, representatives can allocate more time to tasks other than customer support, potentially improving overall productivity.

Benefit 2: Shortening the Information Verification Process

When using multiple tools (Intercom, email software, internal chat, etc.), there are situations where you frequently need to switch tools to respond to inquiries. However, by introducing automation through app integration, the necessary information for response is immediately notified on Google Chat, eliminating the need to switch between tools. For instance, by creating an environment where customer support staff can proceed directly from Google Chat notifications without switching systems, you can expect improved efficiency and reduced response time.

Benefit 3: Efficient Prioritization

By quickly verifying notification content through automation, you can swiftly determine the priority of inquiries and support appropriate resource allocation. This is expected to contribute to improved accuracy in task management and business planning. For example, if the inquiry content involves product issues, it should be prioritized, while common inquiries can be answered with Dify-generated responses and templates, allowing for appropriate prioritization. This efficient use of staff resources is a significant advantage.

Now, let's explain how to use the no-code tool Yoom to automatically create response content with Dify and notify Google Chat when a new conversation is created in Intercom. [About Yoom]

How to Generate Content Added to Intercom with Dify and Notify Google Chat

It is possible to achieve this by receiving a new conversation start in Intercom using Intercom's API and automatically creating a response with Dify based on the message content using Dify's API. Additionally, by using Google Chat's API, you can send Intercom message content and Dify response content to Google Chat. Generally, programming knowledge is required to achieve this, but with the no-code tool Yoom, it can be easily implemented without programming knowledge.

We will create this in the following major processes.

  • Integrate Intercom, Dify, and Google Chat with My Apps
  • Copy the template
  • Set triggers in Intercom and actions in Airtable
  • Set the trigger to ON and complete the flow operation preparation

If you are registered with Yoom, please log in, and if you are not registered, please proceed with the setup after registering for free.

Step 1: Connect Intercom, Dify, and Google Chat to My Apps

First, connect Bubble and Airtable to My Apps.
After logging into Yoom, click on "My Apps" on the left side of the screen and search for Intercom from "+ New Connection".

For detailed instructions on connecting Intercom to My Apps, please check here.
Enter the account name and access token, then click "Add" to complete the connection to My Apps.

Next, search for Dify.

For detailed instructions on connecting Dify to My Apps, please check here.
Enter the account name and access token, then click "Add" to complete the connection to My Apps.

Next, search for Google Chat.
*Integration with Google Chat is only possible with Google Workspace. For details, refer to here.
*If two apps appear in the search results, click on Google Chat (OAuth).

Click "Sign in with Google".

*Integration with Google Chat (OAuth) is explained here.

Enter the "Client ID" and "Client Secret" and click "Register".
This completes the registration of Google Chat to My Apps.

Next, let's copy the Flowbot template.
Log into Yoom and click "Try it" on the banner below.

When the message "Template has been copied!" appears, click "OK" to complete the copy.

Step 2: Set Intercom Trigger

Set the trigger for Intercom. Click "When a new conversation is created".

Next, check the "Account information to integrate with Intercom".
You can freely edit the title, but do not change the trigger action, and click "Next".

Configure the API connection settings for the app trigger.
You can select the trigger activation interval from 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or 60 minutes. *Please note that the shortest activation interval varies depending on the plan.
Once the settings are complete, click "Test".

Check the information obtained from Intercom in the output and click "Save".

Step 3: Set Dify Action

Next, set the action for Dify. Click "Send chat message".

Edit the title as desired and check the account information, then click "Next" to proceed.

Set the message content to be sent to Dify.
Click the field and enter a sentence containing "message content" from the displayed suggestions into "query".
For "user", enter a half-width numeric value (any identifier) as per the annotation.
Once the settings are complete, click "Test".

Check the output content and click "Save".

Step 4: Set Google Chat Action

Set the action for Google Chat. Click "Send message".

Edit the title as desired and check the account information, then click "Next" to proceed.

Set the API connection settings and message content.
For "Space resource name", click the field and select from the displayed suggestions or refer to the annotation and quote from the Google Chat URL.
The "Message content" can be edited as desired. This time, I included the message content from Intercom and the response content from Dify.
Once everything is set, click "Test" and check if the message has been sent to Google Chat.
If there are no issues, click "Save".

Click "Turn on trigger" to complete the preparation for flow operation.
Now, when a new conversation is created in Intercom, Dify will automatically create a response and notify Google Chat.

Other Automation Examples Using Dify

There are many other examples of automation using Dify in Yoom, so here are a few to introduce.

1. When there is an inquiry in HubSpot, create a response with Dify and notify Slack

When an inquiry occurs in HubSpot, Dify automatically generates a response and notifies Slack of its content. By utilizing Slack's speedy notification feature, an environment is set up where team members can quickly start responding.

2. When an inquiry is made on HubSpot, create a response with Dify and notify Chatwork

When an inquiry occurs on HubSpot, Dify automatically creates a response and notifies Chatwork. By combining it with Chatwork's task management feature, you can easily share the response details and expect smooth follow-up.

3. When there is an inquiry in HubSpot, create a response with Dify and notify Microsoft Teams

When an inquiry occurs in HubSpot, Dify generates a response and notifies Microsoft Teams of the content. By utilizing Teams' project management features, an environment is established where the entire team can share information in a timely manner.


In this article, we introduced a method to improve customer support efficiency by integrating Intercom, Dify, and Google Chat.
This automation allows for the reduction of manual tasks and the shortening of the information verification process, which can lead to improved operational efficiency.
As a result, companies can focus their resources on more strategic tasks, contributing to overall productivity improvement.

Yoom's app integration can be easily implemented without the need for programming. Take this opportunity to experience operational efficiency through automation.

The person who wrote this article
I have approximately 5 years of experience in the customer success industry for foreign companies. We will continue to disseminate useful content on a daily basis based on field issues cultivated from various standpoints, such as operators and managers. Using Yoom, we will continue to deliver content that can be used in the field, such as hints to improve the customer experience!
Google Chat
App integration
What is Yoom hyperautomation?
Conventional RPA can only automate simple repetitive tasks, and the setup process was very complicated.
With “hyperautomation,” which combines various technologies such as AI, API, RPA, and OCR, it is possible to automate many tasks that could not be realized until now more easily than before.
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Most tools simply connect one app to another, leaving the complex tasks to you. Yoom goes much further: From document creation and browser automation to OCR and generative AI, Yoom handles it all seamlessly in one platform.

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