Step 1: Integrate Trello and Backlog with My App
Register My App to connect Trello and Backlog to Yoom.
By registering My App first, you can easily set up automation.
First, register My App for Trello.
Click "My Apps" → "New Connection" on the left side of the Yoom screen.

A list of apps and a search bar will be displayed, so use either to select Trello.
Enter "Account Name," "Access Token," and "API Key" on the following screen, and click "Add."
If you have any questions, please refer to here.

This completes the Trello My App integration.
Next, register My App for Backlog.
Similarly, search for Backlog from the app list or use the search bar.
Check the instructions, enter the "Domain," and click "Add."

This completes the Backlog My App integration.
Once both My App registrations are complete, Trello and Backlog will be displayed in My Apps.
Step 2: Set Up Triggers
Next, let's proceed with the setup using the Flowbot template.
Log in to Yoom and click "Try it" on the banner below.