How to integrate Zendesk with Chatwork to notify Chatwork when a ticket is created in Zendesk
How to Integrate Applications
How to integrate Zendesk with Chatwork to notify Chatwork when a ticket is created in Zendesk
While you want to respond quickly to customer inquiries, there may be times when you are busy and cannot check them promptly. You might feel frustrated because you can't check Zendesk frequently every day. In such cases, integrating Zendesk with Chatwork is recommended. By integrating Zendesk with Chatwork, you might be able to improve your response speed to customers more than ever before. It may also lead to business improvement, so please take advantage of this opportunity.
Recommended for
Companies that accept customer inquiries via Zendesk
Teams that use Chatwork as their main communication tool
Those who want to quickly notice customer inquiries from Zendesk
Those who aim to improve customer response speed
Benefits and Examples of Integrating Zendesk and Chatwork
Benefit 1: Improved Response Speed
With this integration, when a ticket is created in Zendesk, a message will be automatically sent to Chatwork. This is expected to make it easier to quickly grasp customer inquiries.
For example, to quickly notice tickets in Zendesk, you need to access Zendesk regularly. However, if you have other tasks besides customer inquiries, it might feel a bit cumbersome to constantly check. By integrating Zendesk with Chatwork, you can easily notice when a ticket is created in real-time, which is likely to improve response speed.
Benefit 2: Prevention of Missed Responses
Since a message will be automatically sent to Chatwork when a ticket is created in Zendesk, it may become easier to prevent missed responses to inquiries. For example, even if you notice that a ticket has been created, if it is not an urgent inquiry, you might postpone it and end up missing the response. By implementing this integration, it becomes easier to share inquiry details with Chatwork room members, allowing someone to respond as soon as they are available, which can help avoid such misses.
Benefit 3: Standardization of Response Process
By implementing this integration, the response process of "checking Zendesk when a notification is received in Chatwork about a ticket being created" can be standardized. This can eliminate response inconsistencies and create a more manageable work environment. For example, previously, if someone checked Zendesk whenever they were free, there could be timing inconsistencies, or some members might frequently handle responses, leading to uneven workload. However, with this integration, notifications will be sent to all room members, making it easier to prevent such inconsistencies.
Now, let's explain how to use the no-code tool Yoom to "notify Chatwork when a ticket is created in Zendesk."
[What is Yoom]
How to Notify Chatwork When a Ticket is Created in Zendesk
First, when a ticket is created in Zendesk, you retrieve the ticket data using Zendesk's API. Then, using Chatwork's API, you can receive the ticket data and send it to a specific room. Generally, programming knowledge is required to achieve such integration, but with the no-code tool Yoom, it can be easily achieved without programming knowledge.
The integration flow is broadly divided into the following processes.
・Integrate Zendesk and Chatwork as a My App ・Set up to activate Zendesk ・Set up to send to a specific room in Chatwork ・Turn on the trigger button and confirm the integration operation between Zendesk and Chatwork
First, register with Yoom. Yoom offers a 2-week trial. You can actually operate it and check the usability.
Step 1: Link Chatwork with My Apps
After completing the registration for Yoom, please select "My Apps" from the menu on the left.
Next, click the new connection button at the top right.
3. Add Once the required fields are entered, click Add at the bottom right.
If the above display appears, the integration is complete.
Linking Chatwork with Yoom
1. Search
Search for Chatwork.
2. Log in to Chatwork
The login screen will be displayed. Log in with the account you want to link.
3. Press Allow
Review the content and press Allow.
Return to the Yoom screen, and if the above display appears, the integration is complete.
Step 2: Copy the Template
Next, please copy the template to be used this time.
1. Click "View Details" on the top banner 2. Click "Try this template" at the bottom of the transitioned screen 3. If you haven't registered with Yoom yet, please register ※ If you have already completed registration, the login screen will be displayed, so please log in.
Once the Flowbot template is copied to "My Projects", the above display will appear.
You will transition to a page like the image, so let's proceed with detailed settings.
Step 3: Setting up Zendesk
1. Open My Projects
Open "My Projects" from the menu on the left side of the screen.
2. Open the copied template Click on "【Copy】Notify Chatwork when a ticket is created in Zendesk".
3. Select the app trigger
Click "When a ticket is created". The title and other settings are already complete, so please scroll down.
※ Zendesk is an app available only with the Team Plan and Success Plan. If you are on the Free Plan or Mini Plan, the operations and data connections set in the Flowbot will result in an error, so please be careful.
※ Paid plans such as the Team Plan and Success Plan offer a 2-week free trial. During the free trial, you can use apps that are subject to restrictions.
4. Set the trigger interval
First, set the trigger interval in the red frame.
The trigger interval can be set to 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or 60 minutes. Please note that the shortest trigger interval varies depending on the plan.
5. Enter the subdomain
Check and set it in Zendesk as per the supplement at the bottom of the box.
6. Run the test
Once the settings are complete, press the test button. If "Test Successful" is displayed, it is complete. Click Save.
Step 4: Setting to send to a specific room in Chatwork
1. Integrate with the app
Select the "Notify Chatwork" icon for Chatwork. Press Next.
2. Enter the room ID
The rooms will be listed, so click to insert. First, set the room ID where you want to send the acquired data. Please enter as per the supplement at the bottom of the box.
3. Confirm the message
Set the content of the message you want to notify to Chatwork.
This time, as shown in the image, the data insertion settings are already in place. Therefore, let's only modify the text.
It is recommended to add text and use symbols to make it easier to read, as shown in the image.
4. Run the test
Once the message settings are complete, press the test button at the bottom. If "Test Successful" is displayed in blue, the settings are complete. Press Save.
5. Turn on the trigger
Once the Flowbot creation is complete, the above display will appear. The trigger is initially set to OFF, so turn it ON.
Flowbot template used this time Notify Chatwork when a ticket is created in Zendesk
Other Automation Examples Using Zendesk and Chatwork
There are many other examples of automation using Zendesk and Chatwork in Yoom, so here are a few introductions.
1. When a ticket is created in Zendesk, create a response with Dify and notify Chatwork
It is possible to use generative AI to assess customer inquiries and create responses based on the content, which can then be sent to Chatwork. This can assist in creating response content.
2. Add a ticket created in Zendesk to Google Sheets
You can also add the ticket details to Google Sheets. Use it for analyzing inquiry data and more.
3. Add a card to Trello when a ticket is registered in Zendesk
How about turning Zendesk ticket handling into tasks to distribute the workload and ensure nothing is overlooked?
If you can respond quickly to inquiries, it may be possible to demonstrate sincerity to customers. Additionally, it might help prevent double claims on negative inquiries. If the response process is standardized, it could make operations run more smoothly. Since it can lead to business improvements, why not consider adopting it at this opportunity? Moreover, Yoom allows app integration without the need for programming. It is easy to adopt even for those who have given up on automation implementation before, so please make use of it.
The person who wrote this article
After working as a general store manager, I started working from home as an SEO writer. Later, an outsourcing agreement was signed with a marketing startup for about 5 years.
Surrounded by students at the University of Tokyo, I held a computer and spent my days studying various business terms and how to use SaaS tools.
When I was a general store manager, time was taken over and over again by office work such as sales and inventory management, human resource management, and ordering, etc., and I was unable to serve customers and often missed sales times. Even when outsourcing, there are many detailed tasks such as input, etc., and “can't such monotonous tasks be automated?” I thought so, and I really sympathize with Yoom's vision!
Conventional RPA can only automate simple repetitive tasks, and the setup process was very complicated. With “hyperautomation,” which combines various technologies such as AI, API, RPA, and OCR, it is possible to automate many tasks that could not be realized until now more easily than before.
Most tools simply connect one app to another, leaving the complex tasks to you. Yoom goes much further: From document creation and browser automation to OCR and generative AI, Yoom handles it all seamlessly in one platform.
Why settle for basic integrations? Streamline your entire workflow with Yoom’s powerful hyperautomation.