Zoom and Discord My App Integration
After copying the template, register Zoom and Discord in Yoom's My App as a preliminary step.
※ If you have already registered, please proceed to "Step 1. Set App Trigger".
1. After logging into Yoom, click "My App" → "+ New Connection" in order.

2. Search for Zoom and Discord from the search window and enter the necessary information for each registration.
※ Note
When registering Zoom, you will need the values for Client ID and Client secret.
For information on how to obtain each value, please refer to this article.

If Zoom and Discord are displayed in the My App list, the preparation is complete!
Let's proceed to the detailed settings immediately!
Step 1. Set App Trigger
First, click the app trigger "When the meeting ends".

On the first page, the pre-linked Zoom account information will be displayed, so check it and if there are no issues, click "Next".

On the next page, set the API connection.
Specify the email address of the Zoom account.
※ Note that the "Trigger Activation Interval" varies depending on your plan, so please be careful. For details,see here.

Click "Test" and if there are no issues, click "Save" to complete the trigger settings.
Step 2. Retrieve Meeting Record Information
Next, click "Retrieve Meeting Record Information".

On the first page, as in Step 1, the account information will be displayed, so if there are no issues, click "Next".
On the second page, specify the email address and meeting ID for the API connection.
The meeting ID field is preset with the code {{Meeting ID}} so that the meeting ID obtained in Step 1 is referenced, so no changes are necessary.
Just enter the email address and click "Test".

Click "Save" to proceed to the next step.
Step 3. Download Meeting Recording File
Click the next step "Download Meeting Recording File".

The account information is displayed on the first page, so proceed to the next step as is.
On the second page, specify the "Download URL" for the API connection.
The code {{Download URL (M4A)}} is already entered, so no changes are necessary.
※ If the file size is large, it may not be possible to download, so it is recommended to specify M4A, which is an audio recording, rather than an MP4 video file.

Click "Test" and proceed to the next step with "Save".
Step 4. Transcribe Audio Data
Next, click "Transcribe Audio Data".

On the first page, select an action.
Select the appropriate action according to the meeting time.

On the second page, set the file attachment method.
Since the meeting file was downloaded in the previous step, use the obtained value this time.
Select "Downloaded File" from the dropdown.

Click "Test" and if there are no errors, click "Save".
Step 5. Summarize
Next, select "Summarize".

On the first page, select an action.
Select the appropriate action according to the number of characters and proceed to the next step.

On the second page, set the summary details.
1) For "Text to Summarize", use the transcription result obtained in the previous step. The code {{Analysis Result}} is already set, so there is no need to enter anything.
2) The "Number of Characters" is preset to 1000, but please change it as needed.
3) "Summary Conditions" act like prompts. Enter instructions such as "Keep the sentences short and simple" or "Include a section for next actions at the end".

Click "Test" and if there are no errors, proceed with "Save".
Step 6. Notify Discord
Finally, click "Notify Discord".

On the first page, the account information is displayed, so check it and click "Next" as is.
On the second page, set the Discord channel ID and message content.
Use the values obtained so far to enter the message content.

Click "Test" and if there are no errors, click "Save".
If a popup like the one below is displayed, all settings are complete.
When you turn on the trigger, the flow bot will be executed.

In this way, Yoom can be integrated without code. Click "Try it" below to copy this template.