Automate your Workflow
 's API!
Yoom allows you to integrate with Chat Plus's API without any code, enabling the automation of various tasks. For example, you can notify Slack or Chatwork when an inquiry occurs in Chat Plus, or automatically store customer information in kintone or spreadsheets.


Notify Discord when a chat is started in Chat Plus.
When a chat is initiated in Chat Plus, this flow sends a notification to Discord. This flow helps improve the response speed to inquiries. Since it can notify Google Chat when a chat is started, it also helps prevent missed responses, contributing to improved customer satisfaction.
Notify Google Chat when a chat is started in Chat Plus.
When a chat is initiated in Chat Plus, this flow sends a notification to Google Chat. This flow helps improve the response speed to inquiries. By notifying Google Chat when a chat starts, it helps prevent missed responses and contributes to increased customer satisfaction.
Notify LINE WORKS when a chat is started in Chat Plus
This is a flow that notifies LINE WORKS when a chat is initiated in Chat Plus. This flow contributes to improving the response speed to inquiries. By being able to notify LINE WORKS when a chat is started, it helps prevent missed responses and contributes to improved customer satisfaction.
Notify Microsoft Teams when a chat is initiated in Chat Plus.
This flow notifies Microsoft Teams when a chat is initiated in Chat Plus. This flow contributes to improving the response speed to inquiries. By being able to notify Microsoft Teams when a chat is initiated, it helps prevent missed responses and contributes to improved customer satisfaction.
Notify Chatwork when a chat is started in Chat Plus.
When a chat is initiated in Chat Plus, this flow sends a notification to Chatwork. This flow contributes to improving the response speed to inquiries. By notifying Chatwork when a chat is initiated, it helps prevent missed responses and contributes to enhancing customer satisfaction.
Notify Slack when a chat is started in Chat Plus
When a chat is initiated in Chat Plus, this flow sends a notification to Slack. This flow helps improve the response speed to inquiries. By being able to notify Slack when a chat has started, it helps prevent missed responses and contributes to improved customer satisfaction.
Automate the Operation via  
Yoom allows you to integrate with Chat Plus's API without any code, enabling the automation of various tasks. For example, you can notify Slack or Chatwork when an inquiry occurs in Chat Plus, or automatically store customer information in kintone or spreadsheets.
API actions
—no coding required!
Automation Actions
    Automation Triggers
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      How to request materials and apply for a demo
      Flowbot Template
      Notify Discord when a chat is started in Chat Plus.
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      Notify Google Chat when a chat is started in Chat Plus.
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      Notify LINE WORKS when a chat is started in Chat Plus
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      Notify Microsoft Teams when a chat is initiated in Chat Plus.
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      Notify Chatwork when a chat is started in Chat Plus.
      Try it
      Notify Slack when a chat is started in Chat Plus
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      Notify LINE WORKS when a chat is started in Chat Plus
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      Notify Microsoft Teams when a chat is started in Chat Plus.
      Try it
      Notify Chatwork when a chat is initiated in Chat Plus.
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      Notify Slack when a chat is started in Chat Plus.
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      can be linked to various apps.
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      . Explore and enhance your workflow!
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      How to request materials and apply for a demo