Automate your Workflow
 's API!
Yoom allows you to integrate with Telegram's API without any coding. You can automatically send messages to Telegram or connect messages sent to Telegram with other applications.


Retrieve information from the website daily and send notifications to Telegram.
This is a flow that retrieves information from the website daily and sends notifications to Telegram. The person in charge does not need to perform cumbersome manual tasks and can focus on more important work. Additionally, since the information is automatically delivered at a fixed time every day, it is possible to always grasp the latest information and respond promptly.
Notify on Telegram when a row is added in Google Sheets.
It is possible to receive notifications on Telegram when a row is added in Google Sheets. This allows you to manage project progress quickly based on additional information, making project management tasks easier.
When a row is updated in Google Sheets, notify on Telegram.
When a row is updated in Google Sheets, you can receive a notification on Telegram. This allows you to quickly grasp update information, enabling you to smoothly proceed with subsequent tasks and improve work efficiency.
Note: Notify on Telegram when a comment is added in PM.
This is a flow where a notification is sent to Telegram when a comment is added in Note PM. It enables prompt responses and discussions, enhances team communication, reduces the risk of missing important comments, and contributes to the overall efficiency of the project.
When a record is registered in kintone, notify via Telegram.
This is a flow that sends a notification to Telegram when a record is registered in kintone. Team members no longer need to constantly check kintone, allowing them to quickly grasp important information without missing anything, leading to improved work efficiency.
When a comment is posted on kintone, notify on Telegram.
This is a flow that sends a notification to Telegram when a comment is posted on kintone. The person in charge no longer needs to constantly monitor kintone and can grasp the update status in real-time without missing important information.
Automate the Operation via  
Yoom allows you to integrate with Telegram's API without any coding. You can automatically send messages to Telegram or connect messages sent to Telegram with other applications.
API actions
—no coding required!
Automation Actions
    Automation Triggers
      Try it out for free
      How to request materials and apply for a demo
      Flowbot Template
      Retrieve information from the website daily and send notifications to Telegram.
      Try it
      Notify on Telegram when a row is added in Google Sheets.
      Try it
      When a row is updated in Google Sheets, notify on Telegram.
      Try it
      Note: Notify on Telegram when a comment is added in PM.
      Try it
      When a record is registered in kintone, notify via Telegram.
      Try it
      When a comment is posted on kintone, notify on Telegram.
      Try it
      Notify on Telegram when a meeting ends on Google Meet.
      Try it
      Translate emails automatically and notify on Telegram.
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      Retrieve the latest report from Google Analytics every day and send a notification to Telegram.
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      Get the latest Google Ads report and notify on Telegram.
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      Connect with More Apps
      to Boost your Productivity!
      With Yoom,
      can be linked to various apps.
      Below are some popular integrations for
      . Explore and enhance your workflow!
      No items found.
      Work Smarter 
      with Yoom
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      30 sec!
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      Try for free now!
      How to request materials and apply for a demo