BASEとMicrosoft Teamsの連携イメージ
How to Integrate Applications


How to integrate BASE with Microsoft Teams to notify sold-out items on BASE to Microsoft Teams


In operating an online shop with BASE, managing sold-out products and sharing information are essential elements. Meanwhile, with the need for rapid information transmission within the team, Microsoft Teams is a powerful tool that supports this communication. In this article, we introduce a method to link BASE with Microsoft Teams to automatically notify Teams when a product sells out. This integration enables real-time sharing of inventory information and speeds up restocking responses. It's an automation that can be implemented without code, so please read to the end.

Recommended for

  • Those using BASE and feeling challenged by the efficiency of inventory management
  • Those who want to quickly share inventory status with the entire team using Microsoft Teams
  • Those looking to improve restocking speed and shorten out-of-stock periods
  • Those considering optimizing procurement and sales strategies by analyzing sold-out data
  • Those who want to link BASE with Microsoft Teams to reduce workload through business automation

Now, let's explain how to use the no-code tool Yoom to notify Microsoft Teams when a product sells out on BASE.

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How to Notify Microsoft Teams of Sold-Out Products on BASE

It is possible to receive records registered in BASE's database using BASE's API and notify the specified channel in Microsoft Teams with the registered record data using Microsoft Teams' API. Generally, programming knowledge is required to achieve this, but with the no-code tool Yoom, it can be easily accomplished without programming knowledge.

This flow is divided into four main steps.
・Register BASE and Microsoft Teams as My Apps
・Copy the template
・Set the trigger in BASE that initiates the flow and configure the subsequent operations in Microsoft Teams
・Turn on the trigger button and verify the integration operation between BASE and Microsoft Teams

If you are not using Yoom, please register for free from here.
If you are already using Yoom, please log in.

115985 Step 1: Connect BASE and Microsoft Teams to My Apps

First, register My Apps in Outlook.
Click "My Apps" and select "New Connection" on the right side of the screen.

Enter BASE in the search bar and click on the displayed suggestion.

A screen like the one in the image below will be displayed, so log in with your BASE account.

If BASE is displayed in My Apps, the registration is complete.

Next, register My Apps for Microsoft Teams.
Click "New Connection" on the right side of the Yoom screen.

Enter Microsoft Teams in the search window and click on the displayed suggestion.

*Regarding Microsoft365 (formerly Office365), if you are not subscribed to the general corporate plan (Microsoft365 Business), authentication may fail.

The Microsoft365 account selection screen will be displayed, so click on the account you want to link this time.

Once sign-in is complete, you will return to the My Apps screen, and Microsoft Teams will be displayed.

This completes the My Apps connection for the necessary apps.

Step 2: Copy the Template

To set up automation, click "Try it" on the banner below.

Read the following screen display and click "OK".
If changes are needed, you can click on the relevant section to make modifications.

Step 3: Setting the BASE schedule trigger as the starting point of the flow and the subsequent Microsoft Teams operation settings

We will operate the flow bot.

Click on the section within the red frame below.

This template is set to retrieve product information from BASE at 9 AM every day.
If you need to change the days you do not want to receive notifications, make the changes and click "Save".
* Notifications will be sent on the days and times set here, not in real-time.

Click on the section below.

A screen like the one in the image below will be displayed,

Click on the search keyword section to display the output obtained from the linked app.

By using the output, you can easily input the necessary information.
Once you have entered the information, click "Test" → "Save".

The operation between the "Repeat the same process" operations below is a feature available only in the Team Plan and Success Plan.
・Paid plans such as Mini Plan, Team Plan, and Success Plan offer a 2-week free trial. During the free trial, you can use restricted apps and features (operations).

Next, click on the section within the red frame on the screen below.

Click on the search keyword section to display the output obtained from the linked app.

By using the output, you can easily input the necessary information.
Once you have entered the information, click "Test" → "Save".

Next, click on the section within the red frame on the screen below.

A screen like the one in the image below will be displayed.
Since "Loop variable of item ID list" is already entered in the "Product ID" section, click "Test" → "Save" as it is.

Finally, let's set up to receive notifications in Microsoft Teams.

The following screen will be displayed.
Enter the team ID, channel ID, and message for the post destination.

Use the output in this section as well to input as shown below.
When the schedule trigger is activated and the specified time arrives,
it is set to receive notifications that the stock quantity has reached zero and the product information.

Once the input is complete, click "Test" → "Save".

Step 4: Turn on the trigger and confirm the automation of the integration

Finally, the following screen will be displayed, so turn on the trigger. The flow bot will start automatically.

This completes the automation setup. The template used this time is as follows.

Other Automation Examples Using BASE and Microsoft Teams

① Add to Microsoft Excel When an Order Occurs in BASE

By using this flow, data is automatically added to Microsoft Excel when an order occurs in BASE. This not only eliminates manual work but also prevents human errors and maintains information transparency. Additionally, information can be shared without waiting for manual input, leading to faster business progress.

② Retrieve your schedule for the day from Google Calendar and notify Microsoft Teams daily

By using this flow, you can streamline the process of checking your schedule by integrating Microsoft Teams with Google Calendar. Your schedule is automatically notified daily, making it easy to see your plans for the day at a glance. This helps prevent missing important meetings or tasks and allows you to act in a planned manner.

③ Notify Microsoft Teams when employee information is updated in freee HR

By using this flow, you can integrate freee HR with Microsoft Teams to receive instant notifications when employee information is updated. This allows you to respond quickly to changes in employee information, thereby improving operational efficiency. For example, important information such as address changes or position changes can be shared immediately, enabling appropriate responses.

Benefits and Examples of Integrating BASE with Microsoft Teams

Benefit 1: Real-time Inventory Sharing

By notifying Microsoft Teams when a product sells out on BASE, inventory status is shared in real-time across the team. This system prevents information from being concentrated with specific individuals, allowing anyone to respond quickly. For example, sales staff can promptly address customer inquiries about inventory, leading to improved customer satisfaction. The notifications include product names and sell-out times, facilitating smooth inventory management across the store.

Benefit 2: Speeding Up the Restocking Process

Utilizing Microsoft Teams' notification feature allows for a swift start to the restocking process for sold-out products. For instance, inventory or procurement staff can be automatically tagged based on the notification, ensuring necessary actions are taken without omission. Customizing the notification content, such as "Product A is sold out. Please restock," can reduce the time required for response. This shortens the out-of-stock period and reduces the risk of lost sales opportunities.

Benefit 3: Analyzing and Utilizing Sell-out Data

Recording notification content and analyzing data on sold-out products allows for a more accurate understanding of sales trends and demand forecasts. By identifying when sell-outs occur and which products are particularly popular, procurement plans and sales strategies can be optimized. This not only leads to efficient inventory management but also enables appropriate decision-making aligned with market demand.


Integrating BASE with Microsoft Teams enables real-time inventory information sharing and streamlines the restocking process. By utilizing the methods introduced in this article, you can easily set up the integration without any coding. Aim to reduce workload through automation and enhance the productivity of the entire team. Take this opportunity to try integrating BASE with Microsoft Teams. At Yoom, we aim to automate various tasks, so please check out our other templates.

The person who wrote this article
I worked for a web marketing company as customer support for about 3 years. I spent time managing customer information and internal data, and when I was worried, I came across Yoom. I have a strong feeling every day that I wish I could come across Yoom sooner, which is easy to use even without programming knowledge... I hope it will help those who have similar problems with improving work efficiency!
Microsoft Teams
App integration
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What is Yoom hyperautomation?
Conventional RPA can only automate simple repetitive tasks, and the setup process was very complicated.
With “hyperautomation,” which combines various technologies such as AI, API, RPA, and OCR, it is possible to automate many tasks that could not be realized until now more easily than before.
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Most tools simply connect one app to another, leaving the complex tasks to you. Yoom goes much further: From document creation and browser automation to OCR and generative AI, Yoom handles it all seamlessly in one platform.

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