How to Integrate Applications


How to integrate Google Analytics with Telegram to automatically send daily reports


Many companies use Google Analytics to collect and analyze data daily, but manually downloading reports and sharing them with the entire team takes a lot of time and effort. Due to the manual work involved, smooth decision-making can become challenging.

With Yoom's Flowbot, you can automatically obtain the latest Google Analytics data daily and notify your team via Telegram. This reduces manual work and ensures that everyone on the team is up-to-date with the latest data, facilitating smooth information sharing and improving operational efficiency. No programming knowledge is required, and we will introduce an easy way to implement it, so please read to the end.

Two Benefits of Automating Daily Google Analytics Report Retrieval and Telegram Notifications

From the perspective of data analysts and IT operations personnel, we considered the benefits of integrating Google Analytics with Telegram.

Benefit 1: Enhanced Security in Data Sharing

Google Analytics allows for detailed data analysis, and Telegram offers end-to-end encryption. Through integration, important data can be shared securely. For data analysts handling highly confidential reports, being able to share data with peace of mind while minimizing the risk of information leaks is attractive. For example, even when the marketing team exchanges confidential competitive data, it can be done safely.

Benefit 2: Flexible Operation and Customizability

Google Analytics allows for the creation of custom reports and integration with other tools. By using Telegram bots, the latest web performance data can be automatically notified at a set time every day, significantly reducing manual data checking and sharing tasks. For IT operations personnel, the ability to streamline daily operational tasks and integrate different tools for centralized data management is a significant advantage. For instance, metrics such as the number of users, sessions, and conversion rates are automatically reported daily, allowing for smooth operations while always being aware of the latest status.

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Here, we will explain how to implement the automation of "retrieving the latest reports from Google Analytics daily and notifying them on Telegram" using Yoom's templates without coding.

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Next, we will introduce how to create a flowbot that retrieves the latest reports from Google Analytics daily and notifies them on Telegram.

How to Create an Integration Flow to Get the Latest Reports from Google Analytics Daily and Notify via Telegram

Things to Prepare in Advance

Here is a list of items needed for the integration process.

Google Analytics

  • Login Information
    • Prepare your email address and password to link with your Google account
  • Property ID
  1. Log in to Google Analytics and select the account with the property.
  2. Click the "Admin" button (gear icon) at the bottom left.
  3. Select the relevant property from the property column.
  4. Click "Property Settings" to display the "Property ID".


  • Notification Group (you need to add a bot)
    • How to create a new bot is here
    • Access Token

Step 1: Setting Up My App Integration

Here, you will set up the app to be integrated into Yoom. Log in to the Yoom workspace and click on new connection from the My Apps section!

A list of apps that can be connected with Yoom will be displayed. Search for the app to be connected from the search box at the top and proceed with My App registration.

Google Analytics

Search and select Google Analytics. When the screen below is displayed, click the sign-in button to proceed with the integration.

Enter the email address and password for integration on the next screen.

Once logged in, proceed with granting permissions.


This completes the integration with Google Analytics.


Select Telegram from the search results. Once selected, the screen below will be displayed, and you will be asked for the account name and access token.

  • Enter any name for the account name. The access token is issued when you create a new bot on Telegram.

>Official: BotFather

After entering the access token, click the add button to complete My App registration.

Step 2: Copy Yoom's Template to My Project

Click this banner. The template will be copied to "My Project" in the Yoom workspace.

The template will be copied to my project. Click on the title within the red frame to navigate to the settings screen.

Step 3: Schedule Trigger "When the specified schedule is reached"

Click on the first process of the template. It is pre-configured, but let's check the content.

(1/1) Specify Execution Time

The following items are pre-configured.

  • Schedule Trigger Title
  • Schedule Settings

The pre-configuration is set to start every day at 10 AM. The timing can be changed as desired. If detailed settings are needed, you can use Cron for configuration.

>More details: How to set up Cron

→ Click Save

Step 4: Integrate with Apps [GA4] Retrieve User Reports

Click on the second process of the template! Here, proceed with the settings to retrieve information extracted from Google Analytics.

(1/2) Select Linked Account and Action

The items displayed here are pre-configured.

  • App Trigger Title
  • App
  • Account Information Linked with Google Analytics
  • Trigger Action

→ Click Next

(2/2) Select Linked Account and Action

  • Property ID
    • Log in to Google Analytics and select the account with the property.
    • Click the "Admin" button (gear icon) at the bottom left.
    • Select the relevant property from the property column.
    • Click "Property Settings" to display the "Property ID".
  • Start of Period
    • Set the start of the measurement period. The format is "YYYY-MM-DD".
    • Click the edit field to open a dropdown. Embed the date reference code from the date tab. For this setup, we extracted data from yesterday to today to check daily reports.
  • End of Period
    • In this setup, the last day is set to today. Like the start of the period, select the date from the dropdown and embed today's reference code.

→ Click Test → Success. The output extracted yesterday's data.

→ Click Save

Step 5: Integrate with Apps "Send Message"

Click on the third template! In this process, set up the content to be automatically sent to Telegram.

(1/2) Select Linked Account and Action

These items are pre-configured.

  • App Trigger Title
  • App
  • Account Information Linked with Telegram
  • Trigger Action

→ Click Next.

(2/2) API Connection Settings

  • Chat ID
    • The Telegram group ID is not directly displayed in the usual UI, but can be obtained using a Bot. Use the string of the access token (API key) obtained earlier to get the ID of the group the Bot belongs to.
    •<access token string>/getUpdates
    • Accessing this API endpoint will display the information of the groups the bot is participating in, including the group ID. Example: chat":{"id":-123456789,...} where the value of id is the group ID.
  • Message Content
    • Click the edit field to open a dropdown, and the output extracted in the previous process will be picked up.
    • When you select the content to be sent to Telegram, the embedded code will be quoted.

→ Click Test. → Success

→ Click Save The setup for this flow is now complete.

Step 6: Turn the App Trigger [ON]

Once all processes are configured, a complete screen will pop up.

Turn the Trigger [ON] and start the flow bot.

<span class="mark-yellow">Automation was easily implemented without using programming.</span> You can confirm the report notification on Telegram.


Here is the template used this time.

Make the Most of It! 3 Automations Using Google Analytics and Telegram

Telegram and Google Analytics are developing many other templates.

1. Automatically Record Google Analytics Data to Google Sheets Daily

Automatically obtain the latest Google Analytics data every day and record it in Google Sheets. This eliminates the need for manual data entry and facilitates smooth sharing. It saves time and allows you to focus on analysis and improvement, thereby enhancing work efficiency.

2. Receive the Latest Google Analytics Report on Chatwork Daily

Automatically obtain the latest reports from Google Analytics and notify them on Chatwork. This eliminates the need for manual checks and ensures that information is regularly delivered to the entire team, allowing for immediate understanding of website performance and smooth progress of operations.

3. Automatically Notify Telegram of kintone Comment Updates

This setting automatically sends notifications to Telegram when a comment is posted on kintone. This allows you to stay informed of important updates without constantly checking kintone. It improves work efficiency and makes it easier to manage the progress of the entire team.


In this article, we introduced how to automatically notify Google Analytics reports to Telegram daily and the benefits for IT operations personnel. This automation eliminates the need for manual report retrieval and sharing, significantly streamlining daily operations. With integration between tools and centralized data management, you can always stay updated with the latest web performance data and respond quickly. With Yoom, you can easily automate without programming knowledge. Please make use of it to improve your work efficiency.

Start integrating with Yoom for free

See you again!

The person who wrote this article
10 years as a web planner and director. When I worked for a web production company, my main focus was on proposing modifications and operation plans to clients and proceeding with production. I'm currently a parallel worker. We produce blogs in Yoom's content division, and receive external public relations projects for companies in our individual business. Since we are starting a private lodging, we aim to thoroughly improve the efficiency of routine work!
Google Analytics
App integration
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Conventional RPA can only automate simple repetitive tasks, and the setup process was very complicated.
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