How to Integrate Applications


How to integrate Smaregi with JUST.DB to automatically add transactions from Smaregi to JUST.DB when they occur


By using Smaregi, you can manage transaction information in the cloud, which helps support store operations.
However, when managing data by linking Smaregi with JUST.DB, manually transferring transaction information can be very cumbersome.
This article introduces how to add transactions to JUST.DB whenever they occur in Smaregi by linking the two.
We will clearly explain the benefits of app integration and how to create a business automation flow that can be done without coding, so please give it a try!

Benefits of Linking Smaregi and JUST.DB

Benefit 1. Improved Operational Efficiency

By linking Smaregi and JUST.DB, there is no need to manually transfer transaction information, which can lead to improved operational efficiency.
Normally, manual transfer tasks require checking transaction details and quantities, correcting input errors, and can be labor-intensive, increasing the risk of human error.
However, by automating the transfer tasks, you can reduce the workload involved in inputting data and decrease input errors, contributing to improved work accuracy and overall productivity.

Benefit 2. Real-Time Data Updates

By linking Smaregi and JUST.DB, you can immediately reflect transaction information registered in Smaregi to JUST.DB, allowing you to manage sales information in its most current state.
This enables on-site staff to make quick decisions based on the latest data, allowing for rapid restocking according to inventory status and timely adjustments to sales strategies.
Especially in inventory management, it becomes possible to restock products at the right time and plan promotions, which can lead to increased sales.

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How to Create a Flow for Linking Smaregi and JUST.DB Using Yoom

From here, we will introduce the method to actually realize the above benefits!
We will clearly explain the steps to create a flow that "adds to JUST.DB when a transaction occurs in Smaregi" by linking Smaregi and JUST.DB.

The creation steps are broadly divided into the following four steps.

  1. Register Smaregi and JUST.DB as My Apps
  2. Set up a trigger that activates when transaction information is registered in Smaregi
  3. Retrieve details of Smaregi transaction information
  4. Insert a record into JUST.DB

Please click on the "Try it" in the banner below and register for Yoom.

Once your registration with Yoom is complete, the flow will be editable.
Let's start editing the flow right away!

Step 1: Register Smaregi and JUST.DB as My Apps

First, please register Smaregi and JUST.DB in Yoom's My Apps.

1. How to register Smaregi

Click "My Apps" on the left column and search for Smaregi from "New Connection".

Enter the account name and contract ID.
Reference: Please check How to Register Smaregi as My App.

Once the input is complete, click "Add".

2. How to register JUST.DB
Next, search for JUST.DB from "New Connection".

Follow the instructions to obtain and set the API key from the JUST.DB page.
Once the input is complete, click "Add".

This completes the registration of Smaregi and JUST.DB as My Apps.

Next, copy the template to My Project and create a Flow Bot.
If you haven't copied it yet, please copy the Flow Bot template from below.

1. Hover over the banner and click "View Details"
2. Click "Try this template" on the redirected page
3. Register for Yoom
* If you have already registered, the login screen will be displayed, so please log in.

Step 2: Setting the trigger to activate when transaction information is registered in Smaregi

Let's set the app trigger "When transaction information is registered (Webhook activation)".

Since this page is already set, confirm that the trigger action is "When transaction information is registered (Webhook activation)" and click "Next".


* For details on how to set up Webhook, please check How to set up Smaregi's Webhook trigger.
Once the Webhook setup is complete, please register sample transaction information in Smaregi. (Since it's a sample, any value is fine.)
When you click Test, the values of the sample transaction information you just registered will be obtained as output, so once you confirm that the output is correctly obtained, click "Save".

Step 3: Retrieve detailed transaction information from Smaregi

Next, let's set "Retrieve transaction details".

Since this page is already set, confirm that the action is "Retrieve transaction details" and click "Next".

Enter the contractor ID with reference to the annotation.

By setting the transaction ID as shown above, you can automatically retrieve the "list of transaction IDs" when new transaction information is registered in Smaregi.
* How to set) Click inside the frame and select "List of transaction IDs" under "When transaction information is registered", then {{List of transaction IDs}} will be entered in the value field.

Coupon information can be set optionally.

Once the setup is complete, perform a test and click "Save".

Step 4: Insert a record into JUST.DB

Next, let's set "Insert record".

Since this page is already set, confirm that the action is "Insert record" and click "Next".

Enter the domain and table identifier name according to the supplementary information outside the frame.

The target field can be freely set to the information you want to obtain.
This time, I set it to obtain the "store name" and "total amount" registered in Smaregi.

* How to set) Click inside the frame and select "Store name" under "Retrieve transaction details", then {{Store name}} will be entered in the value field.

Click "+ Add target field".

* How to set) Click inside the frame and select "Total" under "Retrieve transaction details", then {{Total}} will be entered in the value field.

Once the setup is complete, click Test and then click "Save".

Once all settings are complete, the above screen will be displayed, so turn "Trigger ON" to activate the flow bot!
This completes the setup of the flow bot "Add to JUST.DB when a transaction occurs in Smaregi".

Flow bot template used this time
Add to JUST.DB when a transaction occurs in Smaregi

Introduction of Other Automation Examples Using Smaregi

We introduce three automation examples using Smaregi from Yoom's Flowbot Template List!
Please make use of these as well.

1. This flow automatically updates Smaregi when kintone's inventory information is updated.
By utilizing this flow, you can eliminate the need to manually update Smaregi and keep track of updates in kintone.
This helps maintain consistency of inventory information between tools, which is expected to streamline management tasks.

2. This is a flow for automatically registering member information in Smaregi when a row is added in Google Sheets.
By utilizing this flow, it is possible to quickly reflect customer information entered in the spreadsheet into Smaregi.
It can eliminate the hassle of manual data entry and is expected to significantly improve operational efficiency.

3. This is a flow where Smaregi retrieves a list of transactions for order management according to a specified schedule and automatically requests confirmation from the person in charge.
By utilizing this flow, you can automate monthly routine tasks, reducing the effort of manual input and preventing management oversights.


In this article, we introduced a method to add transactions to JUST.DB whenever a transaction occurs in Smaregi by integrating Smaregi with JUST.DB.
This flow allows for the automation of data entry tasks, improving operational efficiency and enabling rapid data sharing.
With the no-code tool Yoom, you can integrate applications without any special skills.
Click here
to register for Yoom for free and start automating your operations!

The person who wrote this article
Until now, I have experienced sales and sales office work in the human resources industry. Based on my experience in my previous job, I feel that the problems faced by various companies can be reduced by “automating operations.” Through Yoom, we will continue to send out information on a daily basis so that we can solve your problems even a little bit!
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