Next, let's integrate Yoom with each app. We call this "My App Integration".
My App Integration
Click on the template banner, and you'll find a "Try this template" button at the bottom of the screen. Click it.
This will take you to a page called "My Projects", where you should select "My Apps" from the menu on the left side of the screen!
Let's start with Jooto's My App Integration!
Click on "Create New" at the top right. Enter "Jooto" in the search box, and when the Jooto icon appears, click it!

Set up the API key. There is a page with instructions on how to issue an API key in the red frame, so please refer to it. It will be done quickly, so don't worry!
Copy and paste the issued API key directly into the access token field.
The account name can be anything you like, but something easy to understand, like your company name or your own name, is recommended.
Once you've entered the information, click Add. This completes the integration of Jooto and Yoom!
Next, let's integrate Discord with Yoom.
Enter "Discord" in the search box, and when the Discord icon appears, click it.

This will take you to a screen like the one above, so click the red-framed approval.
This completes the Discord My App Integration. It finishes very quickly, doesn't it?
Now that you have integrated two apps, Jooto and Discord, with Yoom, let's proceed to set up the contents of the flowbot.
Jooto Trigger Settings
From My Projects on the left side of the screen, click "[Copy] Notify Discord when a task is created in Jooto"! Click Edit at the top right.
Click on the Jooto icon's "When a task is created".
Since the necessary fields are pre-filled by using the template, check if the account information linked with Jooto is correct, and then click Next!

Enter the project ID.
Click inside the box to display a list of Jooto projects, and choose the project you want to notify Discord when a task is added.
Once you've completed the input, click Test at the bottom of the screen, and if you see "Test Successful" in blue, click Save.
That's it for Jooto's settings! Didn't it finish faster than you thought?
The next Discord settings are also easy, so let's continue!
Discord Settings
Click on the Discord icon's "Notify Discord".
As with the previous step, since the necessary fields are pre-filled by using the template, check if the account information linked with Discord is correct, and then click Next.

Obtain the Webhook URL. You can get it from the Webhook URL acquisition method in the red frame.
Even if it's a word you're hearing for the first time, don't worry. It only takes about two actions in Discord to complete, so it will be done quickly!
Once you have obtained the Webhook URL, copy and paste it into the part shown in the image above.

This is the final setting! Let's decide the content to be notified to Discord in detail.
Click inside the message box, and the content of the task you test-sent in Jooto will be displayed in a list, so just choose the content you want.
Inserting item names and symbols like in the image is a tip. This makes the message sent to Discord much easier to read!
Once you've decided on the message content, click Test at the bottom of the screen, and if you see "Test Successful" in blue, you're good to go.
A notification was also sent to Discord at the same time as the test, right? Once you've done this, click Save.
This completes the integration of Jooto and Discord. Well done!
Yoom offers a wide variety of templates that allow you to create flowbots quickly, so be sure to check them out!