How to Integrate Applications


How to add an appointment to the Garoon calendar based on the content of an email received in Outlook by linking Outlook and Garoon


In order to work efficiently, task management and schedule management are essential. Especially for schedules involving teams or clients, it's important to manage them well to avoid inconveniencing others.
Therefore, this time, we will introduce the automation of schedule creation by integrating Outlook and Garoon. This may reduce the risk of overlooking scheduled appointments sent via Outlook.
Additionally, it is highly likely that you can shorten the time spent on schedule registration.
Since it can be easily integrated without programming knowledge, you can try it with confidence.

Recommended for

  • Companies using Outlook as their main communication tool
  • Companies managing schedules and tasks with Garoon
  • People who often forget to register appointments sent to Outlook into their schedule
  • People who want to simplify and efficiently manage their schedules

Benefits and Examples of Integrating Outlook and Garoon

Benefit 1: Simplified Schedule Registration

By implementing this integration, when you receive an email in Outlook containing specific strings, the content of the email can be extracted by AI and automatically create a schedule in Garoon based on that information. This should simplify schedule creation and reduce the workload.
For example, previously, you needed to check the email sent to Outlook and then access Garoon. Furthermore, you had to create a schedule while looking at the content in Outlook.
With this integration, this series of flows is automated, potentially reducing the time spent on schedule registration and simplifying the registration process.

Benefit 2: Avoidance of Human Error

Since the content sent to Outlook is extracted and registered directly into Garoon's schedule, the possibility of avoiding input errors due to human error increases.
For example, if you mistakenly register the content of an email sent to Outlook, discrepancies in the content or start time of the appointment may occur, leading to improper schedule management.
However, since the content of the email can be automatically added to the schedule, such errors due to human error can be minimized.

Benefit 3: Process Efficiency

By automating the flow of registering content sent to Outlook into Garoon's schedule, the routine work process can become more efficient.
For example, even if an email arrives in Outlook, do you have to prioritize other tasks, causing schedule registration to be postponed? Also, since only emails containing specific strings can be registered in Garoon's schedule, changes to regularly held schedules such as weekly meetings or report meetings can be completed smartly.
If schedule creation is automated, it might be possible to create an environment where you can focus more easily on other tasks.

Now, let's explain how to add appointments to the Garoon calendar based on the content of emails received in Outlook using the no-code tool Yoom.

[What is Yoom]

How to Add Appointments to the Garoon Calendar Based on Emails Received in Outlook

First, when an email is sent to Outlook, if the specified string is included in the subject, the email data is retrieved using Outlook's API.
Then, using Garoon's API, you can receive the email data and create a schedule.
Generally, programming knowledge is required to achieve such integration, but with the no-code tool Yoom, it can be easily achieved without programming knowledge.

The integration flow this time is broadly divided into the following processes.

・Integrate Outlook and Garoon with My Apps
・Set up to launch Outlook
・Set up to register in Garoon's schedule
・Turn on the trigger button and check the integration operation between Outlook and Garoon

First, let's register with Yoom.
Yoom offers a 2-week trial, allowing you to check the usability through actual operation.

Step 1: Link Outlook and Garoon with My Apps

After completing the registration with Yoom, please select "My Apps" from the menu on the left.

Next, click the new connection button at the top right.

Link Outlook with Yoom

1. Log in
Log in to Microsoft365. By logging into Microsoft365, the My Apps connection will be completed quickly.

*Please note that if you are not subscribed to the general corporate plan (Microsoft365 Business) for Microsoft365 (formerly Office365), authentication may fail.

2. Search

Click the Outlook icon.

3. Connection Complete

The screen will switch immediately. If the above display appears, the connection is complete.

Link Garoon with Yoom

1. Search

Click the Garoon icon.

2. Enter Required Fields

Enter the required fields using Base64 encoding as shown in the red frame.
For more details, please check About Base64 Encoding.
The account name can be anything you like. It is recommended to use something easy to understand, such as the company name or the name of the person in charge.

3. Add
Once the required fields are entered, click Add at the bottom right.

If the above display appears, the connection is complete.

Step 2: Copy the Template

Next, please copy the template to be used this time.

1. Click "View Details" on the top banner
2. Click "Try this template" at the bottom of the transitioned screen
3. If you haven't registered with Yoom yet, please register

* If you have already completed registration, the login screen will be displayed, so please log in.

When the Flowbot template is copied to "My Projects", the above display will appear.

You will transition to a page like the image, so let's proceed with detailed settings.

Step 3: Set the Outlook Trigger

1. Open My Projects

Open "My Projects" from the menu on the left side of the screen.

2. Open the copied template
Click "Add schedule to Garoon calendar based on email received in Outlook".

3. App Trigger

Select "When a specific subject email is received" from the Outlook icon.
Proceed to the next step.

4. Specify the Trigger

Set the trigger interval.

You can set the trigger interval from the dropdown as shown in the image.

The trigger interval can be selected from 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or 60 minutes.
Please note that the shortest trigger interval varies depending on the plan.

5. Specify the Folder

Specify the folder ID.

By clicking the box, the folders will be listed, so select and set them.

6. Set Keywords

Let's also set the keywords.

The specified keywords will be identified here, and the schedule will be registered in Garoon.

7. Execute the Test

Press the test button, and if "Test Successful" is displayed in blue, press save.

Please create a test email in advance and send it to Outlook.
Also, when registering in Garoon's schedule, the start date and time are required.

Insert it into the email body in the format shown in the image.

Continue to set up data extraction from text.

1. Extract Data from Text

* "Extract Data from Text" is an action available only in the paid plan.
* The paid plan can be tried for a limited period of 2 weeks.

Select "Extract Data from Text".
Click Next.

2. Set Details

First, set which part of the email to extract data from.
Click inside the "Target Text" box.

Click "When a specific subject email is received".

Select and insert the data from the "Body".

Continue to set the "Items to Extract".
This setting determines what content to extract from the body and register in Garoon's schedule.

This time, it was set as shown in the image.

3. Execute the Test

Once the settings are complete, click the test button.
If the test is successful, move on to the next setting.

Step 4: Set Registration in Garoon's Schedule

1. Integrate with the App

Click Garoon's icon "【Schedule】Register Schedule".
Press Next.

2. Enter the Subdomain

Check the supplement at the bottom of the box and enter it.

3. Decide the Schedule Type

It can be changed from the dropdown.

4. Set the Title and Notes

Insert the email data into the title and notes.

Click the box and select the Outlook icon.

The test-sent Outlook email data will be listed.
If there is data you want to add to the notes, click to insert it.
This time, the entire email body is inserted as is.

This time, it was set as shown in the image.
Set the subject in the same way.

5. Start Date and Time, etc.

Insert the extracted data for the start and end dates and times.
This allows automatic registration in Garoon's calendar.

6. Execute the Test

Once the settings are complete, press the test button.
If the test is successful, save it.

7. Turn ON the Trigger

When the Flowbot creation is complete, the above display will appear. The trigger is initially set to OFF, so turn it ON.

Flowbot template used this time
Add schedule to Garoon calendar based on email received in Outlook

Other Automation Examples Using Outlook and Garoon

There are other examples of automation using Outlook and Garoon on Yoom, so here are a few introductions.

1. Send an Email via Outlook to Participants When an Event is Registered in the Garoon Calendar

It is possible to automate sending emails to participants registered in the Garoon calendar. It is recommended to use this in conjunction with the current template.

2. Notify via Outlook when a workflow is approved in Garoon

You can also set up notifications for when a workflow is approved. Quickly being aware of approvals might help in smoothly advancing subsequent processes.

3. When a meeting is scheduled in Garoon, also register it in the Outlook calendar

It is possible to register a schedule from the Garoon calendar into Outlook. Why not ensure reliable schedule management with both tools?


By implementing this integration, the schedule registration that was previously done manually will be automated. In particular, if there are recurring meetings or appointments received in Outlook, routine tasks can be simplified, potentially improving work efficiency.
Additionally, errors such as transcription mistakes during schedule creation are less likely to occur, allowing for more accurate schedule management.
If such detailed registration tasks can be automated, it may become easier to focus on core tasks.
Why not take this opportunity to utilize Yoom, which allows app integration without the need for programming, and challenge yourself to automate your work?

The person who wrote this article
After working as a general store manager, I started working from home as an SEO writer. Later, an outsourcing agreement was signed with a marketing startup for about 5 years. Surrounded by students at the University of Tokyo, I held a computer and spent my days studying various business terms and how to use SaaS tools. When I was a general store manager, time was taken over and over again by office work such as sales and inventory management, human resource management, and ordering, etc., and I was unable to serve customers and often missed sales times. Even when outsourcing, there are many detailed tasks such as input, etc., and “can't such monotonous tasks be automated?” I thought so, and I really sympathize with Yoom's vision!
What is Yoom hyperautomation?
Conventional RPA can only automate simple repetitive tasks, and the setup process was very complicated.
With “hyperautomation,” which combines various technologies such as AI, API, RPA, and OCR, it is possible to automate many tasks that could not be realized until now more easily than before.
Don't Just Connect Apps—Automate Everything
Most tools simply connect one app to another, leaving the complex tasks to you. Yoom goes much further: From document creation and browser automation to OCR and generative AI, Yoom handles it all seamlessly in one platform.

Why settle for basic integrations? Streamline your entire workflow with Yoom’s powerful hyperautomation.
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