Jira SoftwareとGitHubの連携イメージ
How to Integrate Applications


To integrate Jira Software with GitHub and automatically add a task to GitHub issues when it is added to Jira Software


Benefits of Integrating Jira Software with GitHub

By integrating Jira Software with GitHub, project information is centralized, making it easier for the entire team to share and confirm knowledge!

① Easily understand the progress of tasks and work

② Prevent misunderstandings as everyone shares the same information

③ Access the latest information in real-time

④ Increased efficiency!

The benefits are immeasurable.

Integrating Jira Software, essential for software development, with GitHub reduces workload and minimizes mistakes in communication, making integration a must!

At Yoom, automation of tasks is easily achieved through flow bots like the ones below.

Templates are already prepared, so you just need to register the app and make a few settings.

We provide a clear explanation with images on how to create flow bots, so please take a look and try integrating Jira Software with GitHub!

How to Integrate Jira Software with GitHub

This time, let's create a flow bot that "adds a task to GitHub's issue when a task is added to Jira Software."

As I mentioned earlier, it's easy because you just need to change the settings of the provided template!

Before You Start

First, if you don't have a Yoom account, please create one from the Yoom account creation page. You can start in 30 seconds!

Step 1: Integrate Jira Software and GitHub with My Apps

First, you need to integrate Yoom with Jira and Yoom with GitHub, so let's do "My Apps Integration."

[Jira My Apps Integration]

Once you have created your Yoom account, go to the "My Projects" screen and click "My Apps" from the menu on the left.


Click on "Create New" at the top right and enter "Jira," then the Jira icon will appear. Click it!


Then, "Create New" will appear again at the top right, so click it!

Enter the account name and access token.

For more details about the access token, refer to the link in the red frame in the image.


Once you have successfully converted the access token, click Add. Next is the GitHub My Apps integration, which is very simple!

[GitHub My Apps Integration]

Authorize with the same Google account registered with GitHub

That's it!! Google is amazing!!


This completes the integration of the apps used this time.

Once you have confirmed as shown in the image above, click My Projects on the left screen of Yoom.

Next is the actual flow bot creation!

Step 2: Set a trigger to activate when an issue is created in Jira Software

First, let's configure Jira.

Click the Jira icon "【Copy】Register an issue in GitHub when an issue is created in Jira"


Click "When an issue is created"


Change the trigger action to "When an issue is created or updated"

By doing this, issues will be added to GitHub not only when created but also every time they are updated. Convenient!

I also made the app trigger title the same as the trigger action.

You might want to keep the title similar to the image as it will be needed later.


Press Next and enter the subdomain.

You can copy and paste the subdomain from the Jira URL.


Enter the Jira project key.

The project key is different for each project created, so create the project you want to reflect in GitHub!

Checking the Jira project key is easy!


Press the project at the top of the Jira page and click Show all projects


Copy the key next to the project name

If there are other projects you want to reflect in GitHub, it will be easier if you keep track of the keys!


Once you have entered the subdomain and project key, press the test button just below.

It will be displayed in blue as "Test successful", so save it!

In my case, the test did not succeed here, so I reconverted the token...

Step 3: Set an action to create an issue in GitHub

Next is the GitHub configuration.

Click the GitHub icon "Create Issue" from Yoom's My Projects


Set the title as you like, and this time I chose "Create Issue" as the action! Press Next


Enter the owner name and repository name.

There are details in the red frame, so you can copy and paste that part!



I think it's fine to leave the title as it is.

The comment might initially contain "Issue details", which means the content of the issue created in Jira will be fully added to GitHub.

When you click on the comment input field, something called "Output" will be displayed, so click "When an issue is created or updated"

The name here depends on the title of the Jira flow bot created initially, so if you have changed it, it will differ from this display, so please be careful.


In addition to details, I also wanted to display "Issue Type", "Creation Date", "Priority", etc., in GitHub, so I added them as shown in the image.

By doing this, details of the Jira project will also be fully reflected in GitHub. Wonderful!


Once the selection is complete, press the test button.

                               【Project created in Jira】


                                【Checking if it is reflected...!】


                                 【Oh...!! It's done!!!】


That's all! Good job!

Advanced Integration Flow of Jira Software and GitHub

The flow bot introduced this time was


, but of course,


flow bot creation is also possible! Perfectly integrating the two might be incredibly convenient...!!

Additionally, it is possible to create a flow bot that notifies Google Chat about the changes made.

For more details, please see the template below.

At Yoom, you can easily modify and arrange flow bots to suit various business needs like this.

Moreover, no difficult or specialized knowledge is required. Anyone can easily automate their tasks!


Even for someone like me who is not familiar with words like tokens, encoding, and flowbots, creating a flowbot was easy. If automating tasks as envisioned can be achieved this easily, there's no doubt that work efficiency will significantly improve!

If there are aspects of your tasks where you think "I wish it were like this...", be sure to check out Yoom's flowbot templates.

If what you have in mind isn't available, you can, of course, build it from scratch! The possibilities for customization are endless, so you can even create your own original flowbot. It's convenient, isn't it?

Let's keep improving work efficiency by using Yoom's services and create more time for ourselves!

The person who wrote this article
After working as a general store manager, I started working from home as an SEO writer. Later, an outsourcing agreement was signed with a marketing startup for about 5 years. Surrounded by students at the University of Tokyo, I held a computer and spent my days studying various business terms and how to use SaaS tools. When I was a general store manager, time was taken over and over again by office work such as sales and inventory management, human resource management, and ordering, etc., and I was unable to serve customers and often missed sales times. Even when outsourcing, there are many detailed tasks such as input, etc., and “can't such monotonous tasks be automated?” I thought so, and I really sympathize with Yoom's vision!
Jira Software
App integration
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What is Yoom hyperautomation?
Conventional RPA can only automate simple repetitive tasks, and the setup process was very complicated.
With “hyperautomation,” which combines various technologies such as AI, API, RPA, and OCR, it is possible to automate many tasks that could not be realized until now more easily than before.
Don't Just Connect Apps—Automate Everything
Most tools simply connect one app to another, leaving the complex tasks to you. Yoom goes much further: From document creation and browser automation to OCR and generative AI, Yoom handles it all seamlessly in one platform.

Why settle for basic integrations? Streamline your entire workflow with Yoom’s powerful hyperautomation.
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