Automate your Workflow
Jira Software
 's API!
Yoom allows you to utilize the Jira Software API without any code. For example, you can automatically register tasks and bugs via the API. By integrating with Github, you can easily synchronize Github issues with Jira.
Jira Software
Jira Software


When a task is created in Jira Software, register an issue in GitHub and send a notification to Google Chat.
When an issue is created in Jira Software, it registers an Issue in GitHub and sends a notification to Google Chat. Please use this flow when synchronizing issue information between Jira Software and GitHub.
When a task is added in Backlog, add the task to Jira Software.
This is a flow bot that automatically adds tasks to Jira Software when they are added to Backlog. Please use it when synchronizing information between Backlog and Jira.‍
When a ToDo object is registered in Salesforce, add it to Jira Software.
This is a flow that adds a ToDo object registered in Salesforce to Jira Software. It eliminates the need for manual data entry, allowing you to focus on more important tasks such as processing ToDos and customer support.
When a project action is registered in Mazrica, add it to Jira Software as well.
When a project action is registered in Mazrica, it is also added to Jira Software. This flow allows for smooth information sharing between different teams, enabling seamless customer support.
When a task is completed in Jira Software, update the ticket status in Zendesk.
This is a flow to update the status of Zendesk tickets when a task is completed in Jira Software. It automatically reflects task completion in Zendesk, enabling speedy information sharing. Additionally, it helps prevent manual errors and omissions, leading to improved productivity.
Register task information recorded in Jira Software into the Garoon calendar.
This is a flow for registering task information recorded in Jira Software into the Garoon calendar. Task information is automatically registered in Garoon, eliminating the need for manual input. This allows the entire team to focus on solving tasks, leading to increased productivity.
Automate the Operation via  
Jira Software
Yoom allows you to utilize the Jira Software API without any code. For example, you can automatically register tasks and bugs via the API. By integrating with Github, you can easily synchronize Github issues with Jira.
API actions
—no coding required!
Automation Actions
    Automation Triggers
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      How to request materials and apply for a demo
      Jira Software
      Flowbot Template
      When a task is created in Jira Software, register an issue in GitHub and send a notification to Google Chat.
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      When a task is added in Backlog, add the task to Jira Software.
      Try it
      When a ToDo object is registered in Salesforce, add it to Jira Software.
      Try it
      When a project action is registered in Mazrica, add it to Jira Software as well.
      Try it
      When a task is completed in Jira Software, update the ticket status in Zendesk.
      Try it
      Register task information recorded in Jira Software into the Garoon calendar.
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      When an issue is created in Jira Software, add it to Zendesk.
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      When an issue is created in Jira Software, add it to Microsoft Excel.
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      When an issue is created in Jira Software, add it to Trello.
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      When a ticket is created in Zendesk, add it to Jira Software.
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      Connect with More Apps
      to Boost your Productivity!
      With Yoom,
      Jira Software
      can be linked to various apps.
      Below are some popular integrations for
      Jira Software
      . Explore and enhance your workflow!
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      with Yoom
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      30 sec!
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      How to request materials and apply for a demo