How to Integrate Applications


How to link freee Accounting with Slack to receive notifications in Slack when an application is approved in freee Accounting





  • freee会計とSlackでの業務効率化を考えている方。
  • freee会計で申請を承認した後にSlackで通知している方。
  • freee会計とSlackを連携して、申請の承認にあわせて通知を自動化したい方。



Many companies set deadlines at specific times, such as monthly or weekly. However, despite having deadlines, there are always people who submit documents at the last minute or boldly apply after the deadline has passed...
On the other hand, have you ever found it difficult to know whether your expense application has been approved? It's quite a hassle to check on it yourself.

To make things a little easier for everyone who is struggling with these issues, we introduce "task automation" using Slack!
This time, let's create a flow bot by integrating freee, which is easy to use even for those with little accounting experience, with Slack, which is widely adopted by many companies!

Benefits of Integrating freee and Slack

1. Notifications come in real-time!

When additions or updates are made in freee, you will receive real-time notifications. You no longer need to actively seek out information; just access freee when you receive a notification!
As long as there are no notifications, you can focus on other tasks, significantly reducing the time spent on task processing.

2. Faster response!

With instant notifications for every addition or update, you can respond quickly. Quick responses are essential for tasks with deadlines.
Especially since most tasks managed in freee involve money, if you can experience these benefits, there's no reason not to integrate!

3. Simple tasks become automated!

For tasks that need to be done at set times, such as weekly or monthly, let's automate the simple ones. Repetitive tasks are suitable for automation, so once you create a flow bot, it becomes much easier afterward! You can also greatly reduce the chance of forgetting something by mistake.

What You Can Do by Integrating freee Accounting and Slack

1. Check applications for expenses and payment requests

Expense applications, approvals, and payment requests are usually done at each person's timing. Since everyone does it separately, you need to check freee regularly at set times. For these tasks, set up notifications in Slack for every application or request!
This way, you can focus on other tasks when there are no notifications and respond in real-time when notifications come in.

2. Retrieve unsettled transactions

Deadlines are inevitable for settlements. If you miss a deadline, it can cause significant inconvenience to the other party and damage trust... To prevent this, retrieve only unsettled transactions and notify them in Slack.
If the entire accounting team can check, you won't miss any deadlines.

3. Update client information

Have you ever experienced administrative errors due to changes in bank account details or contact information? The cause might be not being informed of the changes or not updating the information.
Client information is very important. If there are changes, update and notify immediately to prevent simple mistakes!

How to Integrate freee Accounting and Slack Without Code

This time, let's integrate freee and Slack using the domestic no-code tool Yoom. You can start immediately without entering any code.

Register for Yoom here. You can register easily in 30 seconds!

Official documentation about Yoom is here. Please take a look!

What we are going to create now is a template that "notifies Slack when various applications in freee are approved." Yoom offers various templates, so you can create your desired flow bot without code immediately!
Once you finish registering for Yoom, click the banner below to proceed!

Next, let's integrate Yoom with each app.
This is called "My App Integration". My App Integration is very simple!

[My App Settings for freee Accounting and Slack]

Select "My Apps" from the menu on the left side of the screen.


Click on "Create New" at the top right!


Let's start with Slack.

Enter "Slack" in the search box, and when the Slack icon appears, click on it!


A screen like the above will be displayed, so select the desired channel and click "Allow"! If Slack is displayed on the My Apps screen, you're done!

Next, let's proceed to the My App Integration for freee!
Enter "freee" in the search box, and the freee icon will appear. This time, we will integrate with freee Accounting!


Click and enter the ID of the freee you want to integrate with, and you will be taken to a page with various information as shown above. Press "Allow" at the very bottom of the screen. Then, you will return to the Yoom screen where My Apps is registered.
This completes the My App registration. It's surprisingly easy! Next, let's proceed to create a Flow Bot!

【freee Accounting Settings】

Once you have registered your app, click on "My Projects" on the left side of the screen.


Enter the screen with the freee Accounting icon labeled "[Copy] Notify Slack when various applications in freee are approved" and click on Edit in the top right corner!


Click on the freee Accounting icon labeled "When various applications are approved." This will take you to the screen Select Linked Account and Action. Since the settings are completed using a template, simply click Next! Convenient, isn't it?



Next is the Webhook settings. There is a detailed explanation in the link within the red frame of the image, so let's set it up while checking that page! Once the setup is complete, click Save.


Next, enter the page "Retrieve Application Details". As with the previous step, the settings are already done, so click Next. Using templates really makes it easy!


After entering the business ID, click the "Test" button! If successful, enter the "Output". The output registered here will be the content posted on Slack, so pick up the content you want to notify on Slack.
You can add more by clicking the + mark!


Once you have finished adding, click the red frame in the image below and...

The added output is displayed at the bottom!

After changing the item name to something of your choice, click Save!

【Slack Settings】

Next is the Slack settings. This is the last setting! And it will be done quickly.
Click on the Slack icon labeled "Notify Slack." You can proceed to the next step as is!


You will move to a screen like the one above, so select the channel ID to post to. Then decide on the content of the message.
It is pre-entered, but this time we want to insert the obtained output, so click inside the message box and pick up the output you added earlier from the freee icon labeled "Retrieve Application Details"!

Then press Test and...


The notification is automatically sent to Slack! This is amazing... It's really helpful to automatically know when something is approved.
This concludes the creation of the flow bot. Thank you for your hard work!

There are other flow bots that integrate freee and Slack!

The flow bot this time was "Notify Slack when various applications in freee accounting are approved", but besides freee accounting, Yoom offers many flow bot templates that can be created with the freee app and no code!
For example, how about "Notify Slack when the status of a document in freee Sign is completed"?

Even though it's a simple task, once the time-consuming signing is completed, you'll automatically receive a notification on Slack. It's like a dream come true...!
Another example is "when an employee is registered in freee HR, a notification is sent to Slack."

This flowbot is highly recommended for companies with many employees! By reviewing and automating tasks, you can focus the extra time on other tasks...!

Integrating frequently used freee and Slack offers numerous benefits!

Slack has become an indispensable communication tool for companies. Additionally, the intuitive operation of freee makes it very easy to use, especially for tasks like expense reimbursement. In other words, these two are frequently used applications. Therefore, not integrating them would be a waste!
Let's automate frequently used apps and the tasks that tend to accumulate with a no-code flowbot!







Google MeetやZoomでWeb会議が終了したら、内容を文字起こしして要約し、Slackに自動で通知します。

















The person who wrote this article
After working as a general store manager, I started working from home as an SEO writer. Later, an outsourcing agreement was signed with a marketing startup for about 5 years. Surrounded by students at the University of Tokyo, I held a computer and spent my days studying various business terms and how to use SaaS tools. When I was a general store manager, time was taken over and over again by office work such as sales and inventory management, human resource management, and ordering, etc., and I was unable to serve customers and often missed sales times. Even when outsourcing, there are many detailed tasks such as input, etc., and “can't such monotonous tasks be automated?” I thought so, and I really sympathize with Yoom's vision!
freee Accounting
What is Yoom hyperautomation?
Conventional RPA can only automate simple repetitive tasks, and the setup process was very complicated.
With “hyperautomation,” which combines various technologies such as AI, API, RPA, and OCR, it is possible to automate many tasks that could not be realized until now more easily than before.
Don't Just Connect Apps—Automate Everything
Most tools simply connect one app to another, leaving the complex tasks to you. Yoom goes much further: From document creation and browser automation to OCR and generative AI, Yoom handles it all seamlessly in one platform.

Why settle for basic integrations? Streamline your entire workflow with Yoom’s powerful hyperautomation.
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