How to Integrate Applications


How to integrate Trello and Backlog so that when a task is added in Backlog, it is also added in Trello


This time, we have summarized how integrating the software development tools Backlog and Trello can streamline your work!
Trello is easy to use even for individuals, and the fact that it can also be operated on a smartphone is very appealing! You can manage tasks smoothly, like using sticky notes, making it easy to incorporate into your daily work.
If development teams using Backlog find it easier to manage tasks individually, speeding up work is not just a dream...!

Benefits of Integrating Trello and Backlog

1. Connecting Personal and Team Tasks
Trello is an attractive tool for its ease of use, even for individuals.
By integrating it with Backlog, which is used by software development teams, it becomes possible to connect and manage team tasks and personal tasks.

2. Task Integration
Even if Backlog is used by software development teams and Trello by non-technical teams for task management, task integration becomes easy.

3. Transparency of Project Progress
Even if different teams use Backlog and Trello separately, integrating the apps makes the progress of each team's projects clear at a glance!
This will likely make it easier to give instructions and requests.

What Becomes Possible by Integrating Trello and Backlog

1. Automatic Notifications
Real-time notifications become possible every time something is added or updated in Trello or Backlog!
When a task is registered in one app, it will also be reflected in the other, preventing double work.
There is also the advantage of reducing discrepancies due to input errors.

2. Progress Updates
You will be able to grasp the progress of tasks in real-time!
This will make it easier for team leaders or project leaders to give instructions and for members to make task requests to each other.
Communication is expected to become smoother as well.

3. Inviting Members
You can invite members to Trello for issues added in Backlog!
By adding tasks you want to request from another team, automatic team formation becomes possible, saving communication effort and making efficiency improvements not just a dream.
Since teams can be divided finely by task, it becomes easier to provide careful responses to each issue.

How to Create a Trello and Backlog Integration Flow

Now, let's create a flowbot that "integrates with Trello when an issue is added in Backlog."
Using the domestic no-code tool Yoom, even those without programming knowledge can easily automate flows!

Register for Yoom here. You can sign up in just 30 seconds!

Official documentation about Yoom is here. Please take a look!

This time, instead of creating a flowbot from scratch, we will use a template with a pre-built flow.
Yoom offers various templates, so you can create your desired flowbot with no code immediately!

Once you've completed the Yoom registration, please click on the banner below to proceed.

Next, let's integrate Yoom with each app.
This is called "My App Integration". My App Integration is very easy!

My App Settings for Backlog and Outlook

Click the template banner, and you'll find a "Try this template" button at the bottom of the screen, so press it.
Then you'll be taken to a page called "My Projects", where you can select "My Apps" from the menu on the left side of the screen!

Click "Create New" at the top right! Enter "Backlog" in the search window, and the Backlog icon will appear, so click it.
A page to enter the domain will be displayed, so enter it and press add...

You'll transition to a screen like the one above, so press "Allow".

Once you return to the Yoom screen, the registration of the Backlog My App is complete.
Next is the integration of the Trello app, but there is an easy-to-understand help page, so please take a look!

How to Register Trello My App

Yoom provides such help pages, so you can use it with confidence!
Once the two apps are integrated with Yoom, let's move on to the main topic of creating a Flowbot.
If you haven't copied it yet, please copy the Flowbot template from below.

1. Hover over the banner and click "View Details"
2. Click "Try This Template" on the page you are redirected to
3. Register for Yoom
* If you have already registered, the login screen will be displayed, so please log in.

Backlog Trigger Settings

First, since you will be testing while assembling the flowbot, create a project and add tasks in advance!
Don't forget to set the deadline, as it will be needed later.

Click "[Copy] Connect to Trello when a task is added in Backlog" from My Projects on the left side of the screen! Press Edit in the upper right corner.


Press the "When a new task is added" icon in Backlog.
Since the necessary items are pre-entered by using the template, click Next as it is!

This is the charm of the template.


Enter the domain and project ID.
Once you enter the domain, you will be able to select the project ID, so start by entering the domain.
The part in the red frame in the image is the domain, so copy and paste is OK!


The project ID will be displayed in a list when you click inside the box, so you just need to select it.
Because it is linked with My Apps, it can be set up so easily. Isn't it amazing!

Once entered, press the test button just below. If the blue "Success" is displayed, please press Save.

Convert Task Deadline

The next setting will be done in no time!

Press the arrow icon "Convert task deadline to 'YYYY-MM-DD' format".
There is no need to enter anything, so just click the test at the bottom of the screen!

This setting converts the date from Backlog to the "YYYY-MM-DD" format displayed in Trello.
Since Backlog and Trello have different date display formats, this setting is necessary, but remembering this conversion process will make it easier to link any apps, so it's a technique you definitely want to remember...!

Once you confirm that the deadline of the task added in Backlog has been converted and is in Trello format on the test screen, press Save and proceed to the next step!

Trello Settings

Finally, let's set up Trello!
Click the Trello icon "Create a new card" and proceed to the next step as before.

The key, token, and board ID are as shown in the red frame in the image, so copy and paste is OK!

The list ID will be displayed in a list, so just click it.
If there is any other content you want to add to Trello, set it as you like. However, since the template has been used, the input is already done, so you can finish the setup as it is without any problem.

Once you have finished entering everything, press the test at the bottom of the screen. If the test success is displayed, save it and it's OK.
And with this, the creation of the flowbot is complete.
It went smoothly, didn't it? How convenient templates are...!!

Advanced Integration Flow between Trello and Backlog

This time, we demonstrated the integration from Backlog to Trello, but integrating from Trello to Backlog is also possible!

Not only is it one-way, but the two apps can be fully integrated and synchronized, making task management truly easier... Doesn't that make your heart skip a beat?

How about notifying the team on Slack when a Trello card is created?

Of course, notifications can be sent when a task is added to the Backlog!

When you look for them, there should be many small flows that can be automated and flows that clearly seem to lead to time savings.
While thinking about whether there are any flows in the tasks you face daily that can be automated, please take a look at our template gallery!

Click here for the template gallery


Organizing issues in software development is important. That's why if you can integrate with Trello and manage detailed tasks, it will be easier to steer the project.
Not only the task management of the entire project, but also the task management of each team and even individuals will become easier.

Moreover, to handle work at a good pace, it is essential to review task management and business flows.
Once you have introduced Backlog or Trello and visualized tasks, the next step is to create flow bots with Yoom and aim to automate flows for increased efficiency!




















The person who wrote this article
After working as a general store manager, I started working from home as an SEO writer. Later, an outsourcing agreement was signed with a marketing startup for about 5 years. Surrounded by students at the University of Tokyo, I held a computer and spent my days studying various business terms and how to use SaaS tools. When I was a general store manager, time was taken over and over again by office work such as sales and inventory management, human resource management, and ordering, etc., and I was unable to serve customers and often missed sales times. Even when outsourcing, there are many detailed tasks such as input, etc., and “can't such monotonous tasks be automated?” I thought so, and I really sympathize with Yoom's vision!
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Conventional RPA can only automate simple repetitive tasks, and the setup process was very complicated.
With “hyperautomation,” which combines various technologies such as AI, API, RPA, and OCR, it is possible to automate many tasks that could not be realized until now more easily than before.
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Why settle for basic integrations? Streamline your entire workflow with Yoom’s powerful hyperautomation.
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