Automate your Workflow
 's API!
Yoom allows you to integrate with GitLab's API without any code, enabling you to automate GitLab operations via the API. For example, you can notify chat tools like Slack or Teams when a new issue is created on GitLab, or conversely, automatically create an issue in GitLab.


When a row is updated in Google Sheets, update the issue in GitLab as well.
When a row is updated in Google Sheets, the corresponding issue in GitLab is also updated. This flow ensures that updates are reflected promptly, preventing information updates from hindering operations. By eliminating manual work, it creates an environment where focus can be placed on resolving tasks, thereby streamlining business processes.
When a row is added in Google Sheets, create a new project in GitLab.
This is a flow where a new project is created in GitLab when a row is added in Google Sheets. By using the information cited during registration, it leads to the sharing of highly accurate information. Additionally, it allows manual work time to be allocated to problem-solving, leading to efficient project progress.
When a row is added in Google Sheets, create an issue in GitLab.
When a row is added in Google Sheets, a GitLab issue creation flow is triggered. This flow automates the registration of information, saving time spent on manual tasks and allowing you to focus on solving tasks.
Automate the Operation via  
Yoom allows you to integrate with GitLab's API without any code, enabling you to automate GitLab operations via the API. For example, you can notify chat tools like Slack or Teams when a new issue is created on GitLab, or conversely, automatically create an issue in GitLab.
API actions
—no coding required!
Automation Actions
    Automation Triggers
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      How to request materials and apply for a demo
      Flowbot Template
      When a row is updated in Google Sheets, update the issue in GitLab as well.
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      When a row is added in Google Sheets, create a new project in GitLab.
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      When a row is added in Google Sheets, create an issue in GitLab.
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