By the way, it is also possible to add Yoom's form to the above template.
ということは、Jira Softwareを導入している企業の中でSlackをコミュニケーションツールにしている割合は高いのでは…?
今回、SlackとJira Softwareが連携ができたら便利になる内容を考えてみました。
ここでは、ノーコードツールを使ってSlackとJira Softwareを連携し、課題が作成さらたら自動で通知する方法を紹介します。
There are many companies that have implemented Slack, aren't there? It's an indispensable app for remote work. And when it comes to remote work, software development is a prime example, isn't it?
That means the percentage of companies using Slack as a communication tool among those that have implemented Jira Software might be high, right?
This time, I've thought about how it would be convenient if Slack and Jira Software could be integrated.
If you frequently check both apps, integrating them would allow for task automation, enabling you to focus on the core parts of the project!
At Yoom, you can create flowbots without any code, so you can automate right away. Take this opportunity to create a flowbot and aim for increased efficiency!
1. Task management becomes easier!
By integrating with Slack, you no longer need to frequently check for tasks added or updated in Jira Software. This way, everyone on the team can immediately know about changes, reducing misunderstandings within the team and making task management easier.
If you can respond immediately to additions or updates, you'll reduce wasted time!
2. Receive notifications instantly on Slack!
If tasks added to Jira Software are automatically notified to Slack, you won't need to frequently switch between the two apps. In other words, you only need to pay attention to Slack, which will greatly increase efficiency!
Moreover, since notifications are in real-time, you can always stay informed with fresh information.
3. Team communication becomes smoother!
If you want to manage projects with Jira Software and use Slack as the main communication tool, integrating Jira Software with Slack is highly recommended! This is because the content of Jira Software is automatically notified to Slack, making it easier to communicate directly on Slack.
When communication becomes easier, the team will operate more smoothly.
1. Notify Slack when a task is created
When a new task is created in Jira Software, it will automatically notify Slack.
You won't need to check Jira Software in detail, so you can expect improved work efficiency!
2. Notify when a task status changes
You can immediately respond to status changes of tasks in Jira Software.
Since notifications are in real-time, you can instantly detect changes, significantly reducing the chance of unnecessary work!
3. Notify when a comment is posted
When a comment is posted on a task in Jira Software, notify Slack as well!
If you can respond to comments on tasks via Slack, you won't need to switch between tabs, allowing for smart communication.
From here, let's actually create a flowbot using Yoom, which allows you to automate tasks without any programming knowledge!
Register for Yoom here. You can start right away!
Official documentation about Yoom is here. Please have a look!
This time, let's challenge creating a flowbot that "notifies Slack when an issue is added in Jira Software".
Once registration is complete, click the banner below to proceed!
By the way, it is also possible to add Yoom's form to the above template.
Adding an answer form will further enhance its practicality...!
Press "Use this template" at the bottom of the screen of the above banner, and you will be taken to a screen called "My Projects". From the menu on the left, click "My Apps".
Press "Create New" at the top right and enter "Jira Software", then the Jira Software icon will appear. Click!
Then "Create New" will appear at the top right, so click!
Enter the account name and access token.
There is a page that explains this in detail, so let's refer to it!
How to Register My Apps in Jira Software
Once the access token is successfully converted, click Add. Next is the Slack integration.
Enter "Slack" in the search window, and the Slack icon will appear, so click!
A screen like the above will be displayed, so select the channel you want to send notifications to from Jira Software.
Once the selection is complete, click "Allow"! If Slack is displayed on the My Apps screen, you're done!
Now that the two apps are linked with Yoom, let's proceed to create a Flowbot next!
First, you need to send a test while creating the flowbot. Therefore, create a suitable issue in Jira Software.
Let's start by setting up Jira Software!
Once you return to My Projects on the left side of the screen, enter the page titled "Notify Slack when an issue is added in Jira Software [Copy]" and click Edit in the top right corner.
Click "When an issue is created"!
Trigger Action should be changed to "When an issue is created or updated".
This way, notifications will be automatically sent to Slack not only when an issue is created but also whenever it is updated.
App Trigger Title was also made the same as the Trigger Action.
It's easier to understand if they match, so it's highly recommended to make it look like the image!
Click Next and enter the subdomain.
The subdomain is in the Jira Software URL, so you can just copy and paste it!
Enter the project key for Jira Software.
The project key is different for each project you create, so enter the key for the project you want to notify Slack about!
Checking the project key in Jira Software is easy.
Click Projects at the top of the Jira Software page and then click Show all projects!
Remember that the key is next to the project name.
If there are other projects you want to notify Slack about, it's recommended to keep track of the keys.
Once you enter the subdomain, the project keys will be automatically listed, so click on the project you want to notify Slack about!
Then, click Test just below. Once you see the blue "Test Successful" message, save it.
Next, let's move on to the Slack settings. This is the last step in the setup. It's quick, right? It's not difficult, so it will be over soon.
Click the Slack icon for "Send a message to the channel". You can click Next as it is!
You'll transition to a screen like the above, so choose the channel ID to post to. Then decide on the content of the message.
If there's anything you want to add, click inside the message box!
It will look like the above.
By clicking on the content you want to add to Slack, it will be reflected in the actual message, so feel free to select as you like.
Once you've completed the input up to the test, click Test just below!
Notifications are automatically coming to Slack! This is wonderful... Having such notifications come automatically is very helpful.
This concludes the creation of the flowbot. Thank you for your hard work!
This time, we created a flowbot that "notifies Slack when an issue is added in Jira Software", but Yoom has a wealth of other flowbots available!
If you want to apply flowbots, we also recommend "adding a record to Google Sheets and notifying Slack when an issue is created in Jira Software"!
With this, you can accumulate task logs and receive notifications on Slack. It enables you to manage projects in more detail, so it's worth trying.
There are many other examples of automation using Jira Software on Yoom, so I'll introduce a few.
This flow creates an issue in Jira Software using form responses.
This is a flow for quoting the content of a task and adding a record to Notion.
By eliminating the hassle of manually entering the same content multiple times, human errors can be prevented.
Integration with chat tools other than Slack is also possible.
By integrating Slack and Jira Software, we found that notifications can be automated, making communication easier! When communication becomes smoother, the team's efficiency should significantly increase.
There will be no more worries about overlooking changes in tasks, and projects will be able to soar to new heights!
Be sure to make your daily tasks more comfortable with the no-code flow bot.
Slackと連携することによりJira Softwareに追加や更新されるタスクを頻繁に見に行く必要がなくなります。そうすると、チームの全員で変更点をすぐ知ることができるため、チーム内での認識のズレが減りタスク管理が簡単になるはずです。
Jira Softwareに加えられたタスクをSlackに自動通知すれば、2つのアプリを頻繁に行き来する必要はなくなりますよね。つまり、Slackだけを気にしていればいいので一気に効率が上がるでしょう!
あくまでもプロジェクトの管理はJira Softwareで行い、Slackをメインのコミュニケーションツールとして使用したい場合には、Jira SoftwareをSlackと連携するのはとてもおすすめです!なぜなら、Jira Softwareの内容がSlackに自動通知されることによりそのままSlack上での連絡がしやすくなるからです。
本記事での紹介したように、Jira Softwareに新たなタスクは作成されるとSlackに自動で通知が行くようになります。
Jira Softwareを細かくチェックしに行かなくても良くなるので、作業効率アップが期待できますね!
Jira Softwareのタスクのステータス変更したらSlackに通知する連携も可能です。
Jira Softwareのタスクにコメントが投下されたら、Slackに通知されます!
今回SlackとJira Softwareを連携することにより、通知を自動化できて、コミュニケーションがとりやすくなることがわかりました!コミュニケーションが円滑にとれるようになるとチームの効率がグンとあがるはずです。