How to Create a Chat Plus and GitHub Integration Flow
From here, we will explain the steps for app integration.
The general flow is as follows:
・Integrate Chat Plus and GitHub into My Apps
・Copy the template
・Set triggers in Chat Plus and actions in GitHub
・Set the trigger to ON and complete the preparation for flow operation
If you are already registered with Yoom, log in. If not, please register for free and then proceed with the setup.
Step 1: Integrate Chat Plus and GitHub into My Apps

First, integrate Chat Plus and GitHub into My Apps.
After logging into Yoom, click "My Apps" on the left side of the screen and proceed with the setup from "+New Connection".
Search for Chat Plus and click on it.

Set the account name and access token.
Enter any name for the "Account Name". (Example: Management Account)
For the "Access Token", enter the API token issued on this page.

※The image shows the screen after issuing the API token.
To issue an API token, first access here and log in with your account.
Then, on the API token issuance screen, set the "Password" and click "Issue API Token".
After that, the API token will be displayed in red, so copy and enter it.
After entering the account name and access token, click "Add" to complete the Chat Plus My Apps integration.
Next, search for GitHub and click on it.

The sign-in page will be displayed, so sign in with your account.

An authentication code will be sent to your registered email address.
Enter the authentication code and click "Verify" or "Confirm".
This completes the Chat Plus and GitHub My Apps integration.
Next, proceed with the setup using the flow bot template.
Log in to Yoom and click "Try it" on the banner below.