How to Integrate Applications


How to Integrate Google Ads with Telegram for Daily Automatic Ad Report Notifications


Google Ads is widely used to reach customers through online advertising and efficiently manage campaigns. However, manually obtaining and sharing reports daily takes a lot of time. Especially when managing multiple campaigns simultaneously, this task can be continuous, limiting the time available for other strategic tasks. Therefore, we have created a flow bot to automate this process. We believe this will streamline the sharing of advertising reports and improve work efficiency. We will introduce a method that can be easily implemented without programming. Please read to the end.

Two Benefits of Automating the Retrieval of the Latest Google Ads Reports and Notifying Telegram

From the perspective of advertising operators (PPC specialists) and project managers, we considered how this automation could help improve work efficiency.

Benefit 1: Reducing Workload and Optimizing Resources

By automating the retrieval of Google Ads reports, the latest advertising data is automatically notified to Telegram at a set time every day. This eliminates the need to manually obtain reports, saving time for advertising operators. This time can be used to focus on more creative and strategic tasks, such as analyzing advertising campaigns and planning new strategies. Especially with the regular provision of the latest information automatically, the overall work progresses smoothly, achieving efficient operation.

Benefit 2: Achieving Efficient Team Communication

With Google Ads reports being notified to Telegram at a set time every day with accurate data, the entire team can reliably receive the latest information daily. Project managers can immediately give instructions to the team based on this information. Especially in cases of sudden changes in advertising performance, they can promptly issue instructions for countermeasures, making it easier to prevent delays in project progress. Additionally, since Telegram is equipped with advanced security features, important advertising data can be exchanged with peace of mind. This enables smooth information sharing while maintaining confidentiality.

[About Yoom]

Here, we will explain how to implement the automation of "retrieving the latest Google Ads reports and notifying Telegram" using Yoom's templates without code.


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How to Create an Integration Flow to Retrieve the Latest Google Ads Reports and Notify Telegram

Things to Prepare in Advance

We have listed the items needed for the integration work.

Google Ads

  • Login Information
    • Please prepare your email address and password to link with your Google account
  • Property ID
  1. Log in to Google Ads and select the account with the property.
  2. Click the "Admin" button (gear icon) at the bottom left.
  3. Select the relevant property from the property column.
  4. Click "Property Settings" to display the "Property ID".


  • Group to Notify (a bot needs to be added)
    • How to create a new bot is here
    • Access Token

Step 1: Setting Up My App Integration

Here, we will set up the apps to be integrated into Yoom. Log in to Yoom's workspace and click on new connection from the My Apps section!

A list of apps that can be connected to Yoom will be displayed. Search for the app to be connected from the search window at the top and proceed with My App registration.

Google Ads

Search for "Google Ads" and click on the app name. When this screen is displayed, proceed with the integration from the sign-in button to the Google account.


Enter the email address and password for integration on the next screen.

Once logged in, proceed to grant permissions.


This completes the integration with Google Ads.


Select Telegram from the search results. When selected, the screen below will be displayed, and you will be asked for the account name and access token.

  • Enter any name for the account name. The access token will be issued when a new bot is created on Telegram.

>Official: BotFather

After entering the access token, click the add button to complete the My App registration.

Step 2: Copy Yoom's Template to My Project

Click this banner. The template will be copied to "My Project" in the Yoom workspace.


ステップ3 スケジュールトリガー「毎日10時」




  • スケジュールトリガーのタイトル
  • スケジュール設定



→保存する をクリック

ステップ4 アプリと連携する「アカウントレポートの取得」

テンプレートの2つ目のプロセスをクリック!ここではGoogle Adsから取得する情報の設定を行います。



  • アプリトリガーのタイトル
  • アプリ
  • Google Adsと連携するアカウント情報
  • トリガーアクション



  • 広告アカウントID
    • Google Adsの管理画面の右上に表示されています。
  • 期間の開始
    • 計測期間の始めを設定します。形式は「YYYY-MM-DD」です。
    • 編集欄をクリックで、プルダウンが開きます。日付タブから日付の引用コードを埋め込みます。今回は昨日から今日までのデータを抽出するように設定しました。
  • 期間の終わり
    • 今回の設定では、最終日は本日に設定しました。期間の開始と同様にプルダウンから日付を指定し、本日の引用コードを埋め込みました。

→テストをクリック →成功 アウトプットには昨日のデータが抽出されました。

→保存する をクリックします

ステップ5 計算処理をする「費用を通常の通貨単位に変換」



Google Adsのレポートでは、通常「マイクロ通貨単位」で費用が記録されます。例えば、日本円(JPY)での広告費用が「マイクロ単位」で表示される場合、実際の費用は「1,000,000」で割ることで円に換算されます。このプロセスは「円」に換算して通知するために行います。計算式は設定済みのため、そのままテストに進みます。

→テストする 成功 アウトプットには円に換算された結果が抽出されました。


ステップ6  アプリと連携する「メッセージを送る」




  • アプリトリガーのタイトル
  • アプリ
  • Telegramと連携するアカウント情報
  • トリガーアクション



  • チャットID
    • TelegramのグループIDは、通常のUIでは直接表示されませんが、Botを使用すると取得できます。先ほど取得したアクセストークンの文字列(APIキー)を使って、Botが所属するグループのIDを取得します。
    • このAPIエンドポイントにアクセスすると、ボットが参加しているグループの情報が表示され、グループIDも含まれています。例: chat":{"id":-123456789,...} のように id の値がグループIDになります。
  • メッセージ内容
    • 編集欄をクリックするとプルダウンが開き、先ほどのプロセスで抽出したアウトプットが表示されます。
    • アカウントレポートのアウトプットと、「円」に変換した数値を選択できます。項目をクリックすると自動で引用コードが埋め込まれます。

→テストをクリックします。 →成功


ステップ7 アプリトリガーを【ON】にする



<span class="mark-yellow">プログラミングを使わず、簡単に自動化を実装できました。</span>Telegramのチャンネルで、指定したレポートが確認できました。


Make the Most of It! 3 Automations Using Google Ads and Telegram

Google Ads and Telegram offer many other convenient templates.

1.  Automatically Add Google Ads Campaign Reports to HubSpot

Retrieve Google Ads campaign reports at a specified time and add a note to HubSpot contacts. This allows for quick sharing of ad performance across teams, aiding in the improvement of marketing strategies and sales activities. Managing ad performance and customer data in one place streamlines operations.

2. Automatically Input Daily Google Ads Reports into Google Sheets

At a set time each day, retrieve the previous day's report from Google Ads and automatically store it in Google Sheets. This eliminates the need for manual data entry, allowing for accurate data management and enabling you to focus on analysis and report creation. Save time and prevent errors.

3. Automatically Notify Google Analytics Reports to Telegram

Retrieve the latest Google Analytics reports daily and automatically notify them to Telegram at a specified time. This allows you to instantly check website performance data and efficiently share information among team members. By eliminating the need for manual operations, quick responses are possible.


Through this automation, we found that tasks previously done manually can be streamlined. In particular, there are significant benefits for advertising managers and project managers, such as reducing workload and improving communication. The overall speed and accuracy of operations improve, creating an environment conducive to achieving results.

<span class="mark-yellow">With Yoom, you can easily automate tasks without programming knowledge. Please utilize it to enhance your work efficiency.</span>

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See you next time!

The person who wrote this article
10 years as a web planner and director. When I worked for a web production company, my main focus was on proposing modifications and operation plans to clients and proceeding with production. I'm currently a parallel worker. We produce blogs in Yoom's content division, and receive external public relations projects for companies in our individual business. Since we are starting a private lodging, we aim to thoroughly improve the efficiency of routine work!
Google Ads
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