How to Integrate Applications


How to integrate YouTube with Slack to receive notifications in Slack when a video is published on YouTube





  • YouTubeとSlackでの業務効率化を考えている方。
  • YouTubeで動画が公開されたことをSlackに自動で通知したい方。
  • YouTubeとSlackを連携して、投稿時の通知漏れを防ぎたい方。



Let's Automate Notifications by Integrating YouTube and Slack!

Are you manually notifying Slack whenever a new video is published on YouTube? Automating this task can reduce administrative work and undoubtedly improve efficiency and productivity! In this article, we will introduce a workflow to automatically send notifications by integrating YouTube and Slack using Yoom, which requires no programming. We will explain in detail the benefits of integration and the actual integration process.

Benefits of Integrating YouTube and Slack & Drawbacks of Not Doing So

We will introduce two benefits of integrating YouTube and Slack, along with the drawbacks of not integrating them.
After reading this, you'll surely think, "I want to integrate them soon" or "How can I integrate them?"
Let's improve administrative efficiency together!

Benefit 1: Instant Notification of Video Releases

When the latest video is uploaded on YouTube, you can automatically send a notification to Slack. As notifications are sent immediately after uploading, the entire team can access new information and communicate about the video on Slack. This allows marketing and video production teams to respond more quickly, provide feedback easily, and increase productivity.

Benefit 2: Enhanced Viewer Engagement

By integrating YouTube and Slack, you can quickly provide information to viewers. For example, when a comment is made on a video uploaded to YouTube, a notification is immediately sent to Slack, allowing for prompt response. Rapid interaction with viewers improves relationships, leading to increased video views and comments. For official company channels or content creation, active communication can also increase channel subscriptions.

Drawback: Increased Risk of Manual Notification Errors

If you manually notify Slack when a video is uploaded to YouTube, there is a risk of notification errors or omissions, and the administrative workload increases, making it difficult to improve efficiency. Especially when multiple videos are published simultaneously or frequently, manual notification is inefficient and reduces work efficiency. Also, checking comments requires opening YouTube, adding to the workload. Automating this process allows for constant updates to Slack and reduces manual tasks, enabling focus on core responsibilities.

What is Yoom?

Yoom is a service that allows you to easily create workflow bots by integrating apps without programming or complex knowledge.
Many people find integration challenging due to perceived difficulty, lack of knowledge, or inability to program.
Yoom can quickly resolve these issues. With Yoom, you can implement it easily without coding!
Yoom also offers many templates that can be used as is!
Even those unsure about creating workflow bots can proceed with confidence.
Give it a try!

With Yoom, You Can Easily Create Workflow Bots Without Coding!

Integrating apps can streamline administrative tasks.
This time, we will introduce how to create "Notify Slack when a new video is published on YouTube"!
Start with the free plan. You can issue a Yoom account easily in 30 seconds and start for free from here.

How to Create a YouTube and Slack Integration Flow

Step 1: Register My App

First, let's link your app with Yoom. Once your Yoom account is created, log in.

1. Connect YouTube

・Once logged into the Yoom workspace, click on My Apps → New Connection on the left side of the screen.
・Select YouTube.
・On the account selection screen, choose the account you want to link.
・Log in to Yoom and click "Next" at the bottom to proceed.
・On the screen where Yoom requests additional access to your Google account, select "Continue".

This completes the connection between Yoom and YouTube.

2. Connect Slack

・Similarly, click on My Apps → New Connection on the left side of the screen.
・Select Slack.
・On the access restriction screen, scroll down to find the "Where would you like to post?" section, select the channel you want to post to, and click Allow.

This completes the connection between Yoom and Slack.
Once the preparations are complete, click the banner below to copy the template!

The template has been copied to my project.
Click the edit button and set up in order from the items above.


Step 2: Set Up YouTube App Trigger

1. Select Linked Account and Action

・The title of the app trigger can be anything, but it is recommended to describe it so that the flow is clear.
・Select "When a new video is published on a YouTube channel" as the trigger action.


2. Set Up API Connection for App Trigger

・Set the trigger interval. Here, it is set to "5 minutes," but please check as the interval may vary depending on the plan.
・Enter the channel ID.
・The channel ID is included in the YouTube channel URL. For example, if the URL is "●●●●", "●●●●" is the channel ID.
・Test and save.

Step 3: Set Up Slack Action

1. Select Linked Account and Action

・As with the previous title input, please describe the title so that the flow is clear.
・Select "Send a message to a channel" as the action.


2. API Connection Settings

・Select the channel ID to post to.
・Enter the message content you want to notify.
・Test and if it is notified to Slack, save.


This completes the setup of the flow bot!


How was it? By using Yoom to integrate YouTube and Slack, we were able to automate the task of notifying when a video is published, thereby reducing administrative work! Additionally, integrating YouTube and Slack enhances communication within the team, allowing for the fastest possible feedback and comments on videos. This also speeds up interactions with viewers, leading to increased engagement.
By utilizing Yoom, which can be created with no code, we were able to easily connect apps and create flow bots tailored to our tasks. This time, we created a flow bot using a template, but it's also possible to create one from scratch! The ability to easily create flow bots that fit each workflow is perhaps Yoom's greatest appeal. Why not take this opportunity to use Yoom to integrate YouTube and Slack, reduce the hassle of administrative tasks, and improve efficiency?







Google Driveなどにファイルが保存されたら、Slackに自動で通知します。







メリット1: 動画公開を自動通知できる


メリット2: 視聴者エンゲージメント強化


デメリット: 手作業での通知の手間とミスが起きるリスクが高まる




The person who wrote this article
After being in charge of sales and CA at a human resources company for about 5 years, I have been involved in jobs such as creating job advertisements and scouting sentences at companies that hire engineers. I'm fascinated by Yoom's revolutionary service of “automating office work.” I would like to write so that I can send out information that can be useful to everyone, even a little bit.
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What is Yoom hyperautomation?
Conventional RPA can only automate simple repetitive tasks, and the setup process was very complicated.
With “hyperautomation,” which combines various technologies such as AI, API, RPA, and OCR, it is possible to automate many tasks that could not be realized until now more easily than before.
Don't Just Connect Apps—Automate Everything
Most tools simply connect one app to another, leaving the complex tasks to you. Yoom goes much further: From document creation and browser automation to OCR and generative AI, Yoom handles it all seamlessly in one platform.

Why settle for basic integrations? Streamline your entire workflow with Yoom’s powerful hyperautomation.
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