・Based on the information entered in the input form, contracts will be sent using freee Sign.
・The content of the form is customizable, and you can flexibly set contract templates and recipients.
■How to Set Up
① Select the form trigger from the trigger and set it as follows, then save.
・Each question item: Set question items to obtain information such as your company's signature to be entered on the freee Sign side.
・Obtained values: Please enter values on the next page as a demo.
※ For basic form settings, please refer here https://intercom.help/yoom/ja/articles/8009267
② Select the operation to integrate with the app from the + mark, select freee Sign, and perform the following settings, then test and save.
・Action: Create a contract from a template (input items are set to signer 1)
・Contract title: Please enter the title of any contract.
・Template ID to use: Enter the template ID to be used on the freee Sign side.
・User ID who will be the creator of the contract: Enter the target user ID.
・ID of the folder where the created contract will be saved: Enter the ID of the specified folder where the contract will be saved.
・Input item ID: Select the ID of the item to be entered in advance on your company's side.
・Input item value: Embed the content entered in ① like {{〇〇}}.
・My seal ID: If the input item ID is My seal, enter the My seal ID.
※ If there are multiple input items, press Add Data at the bottom to increase the input items.
※ User ID can be confirmed from the response result by testing with the "Get User List" operation of freee Sign.
※ Here is how to embed the output obtained in the previous step into subsequent operations. https://intercom.help/yoom/ja/articles/8223528
③ Select the operation to integrate with the app from the + mark, select freee Sign, and perform the following settings, then test and save.
・Action: Select Send Contract.
・Contract ID: Embed the contract ID obtained in ② like {{〇〇}}.
・User ID who will be the sender of the contract: Enter the target user ID.
・Recipient information: Embed the content entered in ① like {{〇〇}} in the address, and select other items as desired.
・Signature method: Select any signature method.
・Integration between freee Sign account and Yoom is required.
※ For integration (My App registration), please refer here. https://intercom.help/yoom/ja/collections/3041779
・Please change the settings of the input form, contract template, recipient email address, etc., as appropriate.
・Please register the template in advance with freee Sign.