Automate your Workflow
 's API!
Yoom allows you to integrate with Confluence's API without any code, enabling you to automate Confluence operations via the API. For example, you can notify chat tools like Slack or Teams when a page is created in Confluence, or synchronize Confluence content information with document tools like Notion or Google Docs.


When a page is created in Confluence, add it to Microsoft Excel.
This is a flow that adds a page to Microsoft Excel when it is created in Confluence. You can check the status of page creation in a list, which helps in checking for duplicates, missing creations, and understanding usage status. Automatic synchronization reduces omissions and input errors.
Once a page is created in Confluence, add it to the Google Spreadsheet.
This is a flow for adding a page created in Confluence to a Google Spreadsheet. You can check the status of page creation in a list, which helps in checking for duplicates, missing creations, and understanding usage. Automatic synchronization reduces omissions and input errors.
Notify directly when a page is created in Confluence.
This is a flow that notifies Direct when a page is created in Confluence. By automatically notifying Direct, you can improve work efficiency by eliminating the need to access Confluence to confirm that a page has been created.
Notify Google Chat when a page is created in Confluence.
This is a flow where a notification is sent to Google Chat when a page is created in Confluence. By automatically notifying Google Chat, collaboration among team members becomes smoother, thereby improving the efficiency of joint work.
Notify Slack when a page is created in Confluence.
This is a flow that sends a notification to Slack when a page is created in Confluence. By eliminating the need to access Confluence to confirm that a page has been created, work efficiency can be improved.
Notify LINE WORKS when a page is created in Confluence
This is a flow where a notification is sent to LINE WORKS when a page is created in Confluence. It allows for quick confirmation of page creation, which is expected to enhance information sharing within the team and promote the success of the project.
Automate the Operation via  
Yoom allows you to integrate with Confluence's API without any code, enabling you to automate Confluence operations via the API. For example, you can notify chat tools like Slack or Teams when a page is created in Confluence, or synchronize Confluence content information with document tools like Notion or Google Docs.
API actions
—no coding required!
Automation Actions
    Automation Triggers
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      How to request materials and apply for a demo
      Flowbot Template
      When a page is created in Confluence, add it to Microsoft Excel.
      Try it
      Once a page is created in Confluence, add it to the Google Spreadsheet.
      Try it
      Notify directly when a page is created in Confluence.
      Try it
      Notify Google Chat when a page is created in Confluence.
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      Notify Slack when a page is created in Confluence.
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      Notify LINE WORKS when a page is created in Confluence
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      Notify Microsoft Teams when a page is created in Confluence.
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      Notify in Chatwork when a page is created in Confluence.
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      When a page is created in Confluence, notify via Telegram.
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      Notify on Discord when a page is created in Confluence.
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      to Boost your Productivity!
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      can be linked to various apps.
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      . Explore and enhance your workflow!
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      30 sec!
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      How to request materials and apply for a demo