Automate your Workflow
 's API!
Yoom allows you to integrate with Airtable's API without code, enabling the automation of various tasks. For example, you can automatically add data to Airtable or retrieve information from Airtable to integrate with various SaaS platforms.


When the specified schedule arrives, search for records in Airtable and send an email via Gmail.
When the specified schedule arrives, this flow searches for records with specified content in Airtable and sends an email about the searched content via Gmail. By automatically managing tasks at regular intervals, it helps prevent task omissions and improves work efficiency.
Create a folder in Dropbox when a client is registered in Airtable.
This is a flow where a folder is created in Dropbox when a client is registered in Airtable. By automating the folder creation, it prevents human errors such as incorrect folder names or omissions, ensuring smooth file management.
When company information is registered in GENIEE SFA/CRM, add it to Airtable.
This is a flow for adding company information to Airtable once it is registered in GENIEE SFA/CRM. When the information is added, data is also added to Airtable based on that information, reducing the need for manual input and saving time on manual tasks. This allows you to allocate time to other tasks.‍
Register product information recorded in Airtable to Squarespace.
You can create and register product information recorded in Airtable to Squarespace. By automating the creation and registration of product information, you will no longer need to log in to Squarespace each time to perform the registration tasks.
Send contracts from Airtable using GMO Sign
This is a flow for sending contracts via GMO Sign from Airtable. By automating the creation and sending of documents solely through operations in Airtable, manual tasks using GMO Sign are eliminated, thereby streamlining the workflow.
Send contracts from Airtable using DocuSign
This is a flow for sending contracts from Airtable using DocuSign. It eliminates the need to manually issue contracts from DocuSign, thereby streamlining the contract sending process. Additionally, the list of senders can be quickly checked from Airtable.
Automate the Operation via  
Yoom allows you to integrate with Airtable's API without code, enabling the automation of various tasks. For example, you can automatically add data to Airtable or retrieve information from Airtable to integrate with various SaaS platforms.
API actions
—no coding required!
Automation Actions
    Automation Triggers
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      How to request materials and apply for a demo
      Flowbot Template
      When a collection item is created in Webflow, add it to Airtable.
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      Provide Garoon or Cybozu Office accounts to employees registered in Airtable.
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      When an order is placed on Webflow, add it to Airtable.
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      Once the invoice issuance is completed with Money Forward Kakebarai, add it to Airtable.
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      Add to Airtable once the credit limit review is completed with Money Forward Kakebarai.
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      When product information is registered in Airtable, add it to WooCommerce as well.
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      When an order is placed on BASE, add it to Airtable.
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      When a report is issued in RakuRaku Meisai, add the report information to Airtable.
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      When a client is registered in Airtable, create a folder in OneDrive.
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      When a client is registered in Airtable, create a folder in Google Drive.
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      Connect with More Apps
      to Boost your Productivity!
      With Yoom,
      can be linked to various apps.
      Below are some popular integrations for
      . Explore and enhance your workflow!
      freee Sign
      freee Sign
      NP Atobarai
      NP Atobarai
      Microsoft OneDrive
      Microsoft OneDrive
      Work Smarter 
      with Yoom
      Get started in
      30 sec!
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      Try for free now!
      How to request materials and apply for a demo