Automate your Workflow
Microsoft Outlook
 's API!
Yoom allows you to integrate with Outlook's API without any code, enabling the automation of email sending from Outlook. For example, you can automatically send contracts and invoices created in Outlook, or automatically reply to inquiries from input forms using Outlook.
Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Outlook


Send an email from the Yoom database using Outlook
Automatically send emails in Outlook using information from the Yoom database. You can freely customize the recipient address, sender name, body, and subject.
Receive emails in Outlook and get notifications in LINE WORKS.
When an email is received in Outlook, the content is extracted and summarized by AI, and then a notification is sent to LINE WORKS. By utilizing AI for data extraction, complex regular expression settings are no longer necessary, allowing the flow bot to be streamlined.
Analyze the content of the application email using AI, create a quotation in Microsoft Excel, and send it via Outlook.
When a response is submitted to the application form, data is extracted using AI to create a quotation from a Microsoft Excel template, which is then sent via Outlook email. This flow significantly reduces the time spent manually creating and sending quotations, thereby improving operational efficiency.
Forward emails received in Outlook to Chatwork
This is a flow bot that forwards emails received in Outlook to Chatwork. By forwarding emails from Outlook to the email address created with Yoom, you can link the content of the email to Chatwork. Feel free to change the talk room and notification content as you like.‍
Receive Outlook emails and notify on LINE WORKS
When a new email is received in Outlook, the content is extracted and summarized using AI, and a notification is sent to LINE WORKS. By having AI automatically summarize important emails and notify LINE WORKS, you can prevent missing any important messages.
Extract the content received in Outlook mail using AI and automatically notify LINE WORKS.
This is a flow that extracts new content received in Outlook mail using AI and automatically notifies LINE WORKS. It can be used by forwarding emails from Outlook, Gmail, etc., or by sending emails directly to Yoom's email address.
Automate the Operation via  
Microsoft Outlook
Yoom allows you to integrate with Outlook's API without any code, enabling the automation of email sending from Outlook. For example, you can automatically send contracts and invoices created in Outlook, or automatically reply to inquiries from input forms using Outlook.
API actions
—no coding required!
Automation Actions
    Automation Triggers
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      How to request materials and apply for a demo
      Microsoft Outlook
      Flowbot Template
      Send an email from the Yoom database using Outlook
      Try it
      Receive emails in Outlook and get notifications in LINE WORKS.
      Try it
      Analyze the content of the application email using AI, create a quotation in Microsoft Excel, and send it via Outlook.
      Try it
      Forward emails received in Outlook to Chatwork
      Try it
      Receive Outlook emails and notify on LINE WORKS
      Try it
      Extract the content received in Outlook mail using AI and automatically notify LINE WORKS.
      Try it
      When a response to the estimate is submitted in the form, issue an estimate in Microsoft Excel and send it using Outlook Mail.
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      Automatically activate on a specified day each month, extract the companies to be billed from YoomDB, and use an Excel invoice template to automatically send invoices.
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      When a record is created in the Yoom database, send an email in Outlook.
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      When a file is posted on Slack, send it via the integrated Outlook.
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      Connect with More Apps
      to Boost your Productivity!
      With Yoom,
      Microsoft Outlook
      can be linked to various apps.
      Below are some popular integrations for
      Microsoft Outlook
      . Explore and enhance your workflow!
      No items found.
      Work Smarter 
      with Yoom
      Get started in
      30 sec!
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      Try for free now!
      How to request materials and apply for a demo