This is a flow for granting Garoon or Cybozu Office accounts to employees registered in JUST.DB.
■Recommended for
1. Those managing multiple applications using cybozu.com common management
・Companies using Cybozu's cloud services
・Those in the central department assigning applications according to departments
2. Companies managing employees with a JUST.DB database
・Those managing employee information by department or assignment
■Benefits of using this template
Cybozu.com common management is an effective tool for smoothly issuing accounts for applications used in business.
However, if employee information is registered in the JUST.DB database, manually entering employees into cybozu.com common management and updating applications each time can increase mental burden.
This flow is suitable for those looking to streamline tasks related to employee onboarding.
By using this template, once an employee is registered in JUST.DB, it automatically completes account registration in cybozu.com common management and updates the selected applications.
By eliminating manual entry, the time spent on these tasks can be allocated to other duties, facilitating smooth business operations.
Additionally, by automating a series of tasks related to onboarding, it not only reduces effort but also prevents human errors such as task omissions or input mistakes, thereby reducing the burden on the person in charge.
・Please integrate each of JUST.DB and cybozu.com common management with Yoom.