Automate your Workflow
 's API!
Yoom allows you to integrate with Dropbox's API without any code, enabling you to automate various tasks. You can store files received via email into Dropbox or automatically generate folders in Dropbox.


Store the file attached to the email in Dropbox.
Automatically retrieve files attached to emails and store them in Dropbox. The types of files to be stored can be flexibly customized. It is also possible to automatically set the file naming convention based on the content of the email body.‍
Store documents signed with CloudSign in Dropbox.
Automatically retrieve documents signed with CloudSign and store them in Dropbox. You can freely customize the type of documents to be retrieved, the destination folder, file names, and more.
Create a folder in Dropbox when a client is registered in Airtable.
This is a flow where a folder is created in Dropbox when a client is registered in Airtable. By automating the folder creation, it prevents human errors such as incorrect folder names or omissions, ensuring smooth file management.
When an invoice file is uploaded to Dropbox, notify Microsoft Teams.
When invoice information is entered into the input form, the invoice file is uploaded to Dropbox and a notification is sent to Microsoft Teams. This flow eliminates the manual tasks of creating, saving, and notifying about invoice files, significantly improving operational efficiency.
When an invoice file is stored in Dropbox, notify LINE WORKS.
When invoice information is entered into the input form, the invoice file is stored in Dropbox and a notification is sent to LINE WORKS. This flow eliminates the manual tasks of creating, saving, and notifying invoice files, significantly improving operational efficiency.
Create a folder in Dropbox with information from the Yoom database.
Based on the information registered in the Yoom database, a folder will be automatically created in Dropbox.‍
Automate the Operation via  
Yoom allows you to integrate with Dropbox's API without any code, enabling you to automate various tasks. You can store files received via email into Dropbox or automatically generate folders in Dropbox.
API actions
—no coding required!
Automation Actions
    Automation Triggers
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      How to request materials and apply for a demo
      Flowbot Template
      Store the invoice file in Dropbox.
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      When the status is changed in Salesforce, save the file to Dropbox.
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      When a client is registered in SPIRAL, create a folder in Dropbox.
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      When a client is registered in @pocket, create a folder in Dropbox.
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      Once the document signing is completed with GMO Sign, store the file in Dropbox.
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      Post the text to LINE WORKS, create a folder in Dropbox using the posted text, and return the URL of the created folder to LINE WORKS.
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      Once the execution of the bot is completed in the cloud BOT, retrieve the file and upload it to Dropbox.
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      When a Google Spreadsheet is created in Google Drive, upload the file to Dropbox in PDF format.
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      Send an email via Gmail when a file is created or updated in a Dropbox folder.
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      When you receive an email with an attachment, upload the file to Dropbox and link it to HubSpot, leaving a note on the contact.
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      Connect with More Apps
      to Boost your Productivity!
      With Yoom,
      can be linked to various apps.
      Below are some popular integrations for
      . Explore and enhance your workflow!
      GMO Sign
      GMO Sign
      Work Smarter 
      with Yoom
      Get started in
      30 sec!
      Try for free now!
      Try for free now!
      How to request materials and apply for a demo