Automate your Workflow
Google Calendar
 's API!
Yoom allows you to integrate with Google Calendar's API without any code, enabling the automation of various tasks. For example, you can automatically register events in Google Calendar triggered by the registration of deals in SFA tools like Hubspot or Salesforce.
Google Calendar
Google Calendar


When a schedule is added to Google Sheets, register it in Google Calendar as well.
When an event is added to Google Sheets, this flow retrieves that information and registers the event in Google Calendar as well. By adding information to Google Calendar along with the registration in Google Sheets, it reduces manual operations and prevents missing information additions.
When there is a response to the Google Form, add an event to Google Calendar.
When there is a response to the schedule information in Google Forms, it is a flow that adds the schedule to Google Calendar. Without having to manually check the response information from Google Forms, the schedule is automatically added to Google Calendar, which helps eliminate any omissions or oversights in schedule creation and improves work efficiency.
Register tasks recorded in Notion to Google Calendar.
Automatically register task information from the Notion task management database as all-day events in Google Calendar. Only new tasks will be registered, and updated tasks will be excluded from this flow.
Issue a Zoom meeting URL from the Yoom database and add it to Google Calendar.
Issue a Zoom meeting URL from the Yoom database and automatically add it to the specified Google Calendar. The Zoom meetings to be issued and the information to be added to Google Calendar can be created based on the information registered in the Yoom database.‍
When information is registered in kintone, register it in Google Calendar.
This is a flow for adding reservation details entered in kintone to Google Calendar. You can input events into Google Calendar simply by registering records in kintone, without the need for complex settings such as Google App Script.‍
When a comment is written on a kintone record, create an event in the linked Google Calendar.
When a comment is written on a kintone record, this flow creates a new event in the linked Google Calendar. The entire process is completed automatically, preventing any oversights in operations. It eliminates the hassle of manual confirmation or data entry, thereby improving work efficiency.
Automate the Operation via  
Google Calendar
Yoom allows you to integrate with Google Calendar's API without any code, enabling the automation of various tasks. For example, you can automatically register events in Google Calendar triggered by the registration of deals in SFA tools like Hubspot or Salesforce.
API actions
—no coding required!
Automation Actions
    Automation Triggers
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      Google Calendar
      Flowbot Template
      Extract specific strings from the meeting reservation details mentioned in the email, add them to a Google Spreadsheet, then add them to Google Calendar and reply with the entry URL.
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      When you add a time-limited task in Hot Profile, it will be registered in Google Calendar.
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      When an employee is registered in freee HR, schedule coordination is requested, and then the event is added to Google Calendar with a notification.
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      When a new company is created in HubSpot, add it to the linked Google Calendar and change the sharing settings.
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      When there is a new post on Slack, create an event in the linked Google Calendar.
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      When you receive an email, generate a Zoom meeting URL and create an event in Google Calendar.
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      Sync Outlook Calendar events with Google Calendar
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      Update Google Calendar and Garoon Calendar based on responses submitted to Google Forms.
      Try it
      Add information from Google Forms to Google Calendar and create a Zoom meeting.
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      Add responses from the reservation form to Google Sheets, then add them to Google Calendar.
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      Connect with More Apps
      to Boost your Productivity!
      With Yoom,
      Google Calendar
      can be linked to various apps.
      Below are some popular integrations for
      Google Calendar
      . Explore and enhance your workflow!
      Google Calendar
      Google Calendar
      Google Sheets
      Google Calendar
      Google Sheets
      Google Calendar
      Microsoft Outlook
      Google Calendar
      Microsoft Outlook
      Google Calendar
      Google Calendar
      Google Calendar
      Google Calendar
      Google Calendar
      Google Calendar
      Google Calendar
      Google Forms
      Google Calendar
      Google Forms
      Google Calendar
      Google Calendar
      Google Calendar
      Google Calendar
      Google Calendar
      Work Smarter 
      with Yoom
      Get started in
      30 sec!
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      Try for free now!
      How to request materials and apply for a demo